Immunization Policy

Students matriculating at Berea College are required to have the following immunizations: DPT series with current Td or Tdap booster (within 10 years); polio series; meningococcal; and two measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) injections after the first birthday. Immunization for hepatitis A & B and chicken pox, while not required, are highly recommended. Also recommended are TB screening and the human papilloma virus vaccine.

Exceptions to this policy may be made for a documented allergy to substances in one or more of these vaccines or on the basis of a sincere and genuine religious belief prohibiting a particular immunization. Such a medical or religious waiver must have been applied for on the appropriate College form (submitted to and granted by the Immunization Exception Committee.

Immunizations for Education Abroad:

Students participating in international study/travel opportunities are required to have received all of their childhood vaccinations and be up-to-date on other vaccinations that the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends, such as ones to protect against COVID-19.

Additionally, students are required to receive all immunizations that the CDC requires to travel to a particular country or region; and Berea College's Center for International Education may require immunizations that the CDC merely recommends for that country or region.

For example, students hoping to study in Ghana, are required to:

A. Have all their routine (childhood) vaccinations and boosters.

B. Have their COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters.

C. Get vaccinated against Yellow Fever (something that is recommended by the CDC, yet required by the Center for International Education) prior to traveling to Ghana.


Revision Date: November 1, 2023

Submitted by: Student Life Adm. Office