Environmental Science Minor

Divisional Home: Division I

Minor Advisor(s): Suzanne Birner  

The Environmental Science (ENV) minor is an interdisciplinary minor that integrates physical and biological sciences to prepare students for the study of environmental systems. Core courses in geology, chemistry, and biology provide a broad basis for understanding the interconnectivity of Earth systems, while three distribution courses allow a student to gain a deeper knowledge of science related to environmental change. The minor is ideal for students in agriculture or natural science who wish to gain an understanding of the Earth environment in pursuit of a career in environmental stewardship or graduate study in environmental science.

Degree Requirements

A minor in Environmental Science consists of six (6) course credits. No more than three (3) course credits can count both toward the ENV minor and a student’s major OR another minor

Required Core Courses

GEO 101Intro Geology: Way Earth Works

1 Course Credit

BIO 110Modern Biology

1 Course Credit


CHM 131Accelerated General Chemistry

1 Course Credit

BIO 310Ecology (SENS)

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

Three (3) additional courses chosen from the following list
ANR 130Plant Science

1 Course Credit

ANR 240Soil Science

1 Course Credit

ANR 342Soil & Water Conservation

1 Course Credit

BIO 222Microbiology

1 Course Credit

BIO 344Dendrology & Forest Ecology

1 Course Credit

CHM 221Organic Chemistry I

1 Course Credit

CHM 311Analytical Chemistry

1 Course Credit

GEO 200Mineralogy

1 Course Credit

GEO 240/SENS 240Appal Geo Resources (SENS)

1 Course Credit

GEO 320Intro-Geographic Info Sys SENS

1 Course Credit

Other GEO courses as offered

Admission to the Minor – Completion of GEO 101 with a C or better.

Course Sequencing Considerations – It is recommended that students take GEO 101 and either BIO 110 or CHM 131 by the end of their sophomore year in order to complete the requirements of the minor within four years.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Minor – Students must complete the minor with a C average or better for the six courses in the minor.

Other Considerations or Recommendation – Alternative courses in ANR, BIO, CHM, GEO and PHY may be applied towards the Distribution requirement with permission of the Environmental Science Advisors.