
Division I Chair: M. R. Garrett

Department Chair: S. Blank

Faculty: C. Adams, D. Anderson, L. Ballou, S. Blank, N. Douglas,  M. Hoffman, and R. Scudder-Davis


Courses: BIO Courses

Course Sequencing Table: Biology

Entrance to the Major Information: Progression for BIO

Major/Minor Requirements: Biology B.A.; Biology B.A. with Teacher CertificationBiology Minor

The Biology Department curriculum is designed to enable students to understand the process of scientific inquiry and to introduce them to the major areas of biological sciences. Biology graduates pursue careers in laboratory and field research, medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, education, conservation, and many other areas.

Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Biology complete a core curriculum of six courses plus a selection of four additional courses. The core courses provide breadth across the study of plants, animals, and microbes, while also grounding students in the foundational fields of genetics and evolution. The majority of Biology courses have a field or laboratory component, so students gain experience in a wide array of techniques and research questions. In several courses, small teams of students design and carry out their own research projects.

Biology majors are encouraged to participate in study abroad, summer research, and internship opportunities. Biology students have pursued research and field experiences at major institutions around the country and abroad. In addition, Biology professors offer on-campus research opportunities to teams of students each summer, and student researchers present their work on campus and at the Kentucky Academy of Sciences, among other local and national professional conferences.

The Biology Department participates in the College Labor Program, and qualified students serve as laboratory and teaching assistants (TAs). These Biology TAs are an integral part of the teaching and learning that occurs in our classrooms and labs.

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Biology Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:  

Biology Student Learning Goals & Outcomes

Learning Goal 1: Understand Fundamental Concepts in Biology

 Student Learning Outcome 1: Fundamental concepts

Students will be able to describe, apply, and integrate the fundamental concepts of biology at molecular, cellular, and organismal levels.

Learning Goal 2: Understand and Apply Scientific Methodologies


Student Learning Outcome 2.1: Experimental design

Students will be able to identify research questions, develop appropriate hypotheses and experimental designs, conduct individual and team research, and collect and interpret experimental data using qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies.


Student Learning Outcome 2.2: Scientific Information

Students will be able to obtain, evaluate, and interpret scientific information from primary sources, review articles, popular scientific literature, and other appropriate sources and also to critically evaluate scientific presentations.


Student Learning Outcome 2.3 Scientific Equipment

Students will be able to proficiently apply and utilize methodologies, techniques, and equipment in the laboratory and field.

Learning Goal 3: Communicate Scientific Knowledge & Skills

 Student Learning Outcome 3.1: Scientific Communication

Students will be able to communicate experimental results and conclusions in oral, written, and poster formats.   


Student Learning Outcome 3.2: Scientific Conversation

Students will be able to articulate arguments relating to ethical and controversial issues using scientific data and information to support their positions.