Academic Information

Course Sequencing Tables

 African and African American Studies
 Agriculture and Natural Resources  Mathematics
 Appalachian Studies  Music
 Art and Art History (ART & ARH)
 Asian Studies  Peace and Social Justice Studies
 Biology  Philosophy
 Chemistry  Physics
 Child and Family Studies  Political Science
 Communication  Psychology
 Computer and Information Science  Religion
 Economics and Business (ECO & BUS)
 Education Studies  Sustainability and Env. Studies
 Engineering Technologies and Applied Design  Theatre
 English  Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
 Foreign Languages (CHI & CLS & FRN & GER & GRK & JPN & LAT & SPN)  
 Health and Human Performance  

Major Progression Information

Each academic program has specific entry to the major requirements and suggested progressions of courses for first and second-year students. Much of this information is also incorporated into the exploratory templates included with the Planner in DegreeWorks. For information about entrance to the major requirements and suggested course progressions, follow the links below.
African and African American Studies  English
Agriculture and Natural Resources Foreign Languages-French BA
Art-Art History Foreign Languages-German BA
Art-Studio Foreign Languages-Spanish BA
Asian Studies Health and Human Performance BA
Biology Health and Human Performance Education BA with P-12 Certification
Chemistry-Biochemistry Concentration Health and Human Performance-Health Studies BA
Chemistry-General Concentration History
Chemistry-Professional Concentration Mathematics
Child and Family Studies-Child Development BA Music BA
Child and Family Studies-Family Studies BA Music-Education Vocal or Instrumental Emphasis with P-12 Teaching Certification BA
Child and Family Studies-Nutrition and Food Studies BA Nursing
Communication Peace and Social Justice Studies
Computer and Information Science BA Philosophy
Computer and Information Science BA with Computational Mathematics Optional Concentration Physics
Computer and Information Science BA with Computer Science Optional Concentration Political Science
Computer and Information Science BA with Information Systems Optional Concentration Psychology
Business BS-Business Administration Sociology
Economics BA-International Politics and Policy Concentration Studies of Religions and Spirituality 
Economics BA-Methods and Models Concentration Theatre
Education Studies BA Women's and Gender Studies
Education Studies BA with Middle Grades Mathematics Concentration 5-9  
Education Studies BA with Middle Grades Science Certification 5-9  
Education Studies with Elementary Certification P-5 BA  

Education Studies-Teaching Certification Requirements

Engineering Technologies and Applied Design-All Degrees  
Environmental Studies B.A.


Berea College is renowned for the excellence of its academic program, which is grounded in the traditional liberal arts and is complemented by strong labor, residential, and service programs. At Berea, most classes are small, all faculty are accessible, and faculty, staff, and students themselves see to it that learning takes place not only in the classrooms, but also at Labor Program work sites, in the residence halls, and all across the residential campus.

Berea offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in 35 fields, including the arts and sciences, interdisciplinary programs, and select professions, as well as a dual degree in engineering in cooperation with the University of Kentucky. By availing themselves of internship, field study, education abroad, and faculty-assisted research opportunities, Berea students can add to and personalize their Berea experience. Many Berea alumni find employment in business, government, agriculture, ministry, and teaching, while nearly half of Berea's graduates pursue advanced degrees in law, medicine, theology, education, or the arts and sciences. Berea graduates include recipients of the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke, Fulbright, Truman, and Watson fellowships.

Responsibility for the overall curriculum rests with the College Faculty under the leadership of the President, the Provost and the Dean of Faculty. The offerings and requirements of the Academic Program are described in this publication, the Schedule of Classes (in print, on the myBerea Web portal, or on the Registrar's Home Page), course syllabi, and other documents issued periodically.

Each student is expected to be thoroughly familiar with the academic requirements of the College, as stated in these and other College publications. The responsibility for knowing and meeting all requirements for graduation rests entirely upon the student. Faculty, Academic Advisors, Program Chairs, and the professional staff in the Office of Student Success & Transition and the Office of the Registrar can provide assistance, but the basic responsibility remains with the student.

Academic Terms & Calendar

Berea College operates on an academic calendar consisting of two fifteen-week terms, one Fall term and one Spring term. (Because the College is on a term system, the school does not refer to these sessions as semesters.) To maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, students normally enroll in four course credits in the Fall Term and four in the Spring Term. There are also optional Summer opportunities to engage in study. Students may take between one quarter (.25) and three and one quarter (3.25) credits in Summer.  In order to earn 32 credits in 8 regular terms a student must average at least 8 credits per academic year.

A Fall or Spring term is considered completed on the last day of regular classes. Summer terms are considered completed one day prior to the last day of classes in each respective term. Students who withdraw after the last day to withdraw without final grades being recorded, as defined here and indicated on the Academic Calendar published by the Office of the Registrar, will be considered enrolled for the entire term. Final grades will be entered for students who withdraw after that date.

Course Credit and Equivalent

Berea College is on the course credit system.  In general, 32 credits are required to earn a degree.  One Berea course credit equals 4 semester hours or 6 quarter hours. A transfer course must be equal to a minimum of 3 semester hours or 4.5 quarter hours to receive equivalent credit for a Berea course or to meet a General Education requirement (except for Lifetime Health and Fitness courses).

Below is a credit conversion chart to help determine transfer credit equivalencies:

Quarter Hours: Semester Hours:
6 quarter hours = 1 credit 4 semester hours = 1 credit
5 quarter hours = .83 credit 3 semester hours = .75 credit
4 quarter hours = .6 credit 2 semester hours = .5 credit
3 quarter hours = .5. credit 1 semester hour = .25 credit
2 quarter hours = .3 credit
1 quarter hour = .16 credit

Also see “Transfer Credit” in the Admissions section of this publication.

The amount of credit awarded for each class at Berea is determined by the amount of time students are required to spend both inside the classroom and outside of the classroom in preparation.  For each 1.0 course credit in the 15 week fall and spring terms, the minimum standard is that an average student be expected to devote, in class time, preparation, laboratory, studio, fieldwork, and conferences, at least 12 hours per week.  A one-credit course meets in class between four and six hours each week. Courses awarding less than one credit often meet correspondingly less (for example, half-credit courses meet a minimum of two hours per week and quarter-credit courses meet a minimum of one hour per week).


Courses and Course Numbering

Courses are numbered 010 to 499. Courses numbered from 010 to 099 do not count toward the total earned credits needed to graduate. In general, those numbered from 100-199 are open to all students and are primarily introductory in nature; prerequisites and conditions may still be required. Courses numbered 200-299 are primarily intermediate in nature and may carry prerequisites from the program and/or the General Education Program. Courses numbered 300-399 are advanced courses in a program and may carry prerequisites from the program curricula and/or the General Education Program. Courses numbered 400-499 are intended as senior level.  The above system need not apply to those programs (e.g., Foreign Language) that conform to accepted national numbering standards rather than the Berea numbering system.

Cross-listed courses, e.g., PSC 204/PHI 204, are listed under both programs, along with any special attributes (including course fees, associated laboratory sessions, whether courses meet Perspective Area or other General Education requirements, and any restrictions for receiving credit for the course). Capstone courses, required in most majors, are intended to be taken in the final term(s) of a student's major field of study at Berea. Capstone courses and experiences tie together the key learning objectives faculty expect the student to have learned during the major.  GSTR courses are those General Education courses required of all students (with specific exceptions as described in the General Education Program of this publication for students meeting alternate criteria); GST courses typically are optional interdisciplinary courses.

The College reserves the right to cancel any course for inadequate enrollment, budget limitations, an instructor's sabbatical leave, or other good reasons as defined by the Dean of Faculty.

To determine which courses will be offered in a given term, see the Schedule of Classes, published by the Office of the Registrar. A link is available under the "Academics" tab in the student portal and the "Teaching and Advising" tab in the faculty portal.

Final Examinations

The final examination time for each course is listed in the course syllabus, in the print version of the Schedule of Classes and on the Office of the Registrar's web page.  Faculty may not reschedule a student’s final examination without the approval of the Registrar.

Graduate School Grant Program

Limited funds are available to assist qualified students with the cost of graduate school exam preparation materials and testing fees; graduate school applications; and travel to graduate schools for official campus visits or interviews. Additional requirement information and applications can be found online on the Office of Internship and Career Development website,

Honors and Honor Societies

The following honor societies, which recognize excellence in academic accomplishment, service, and leadership, have been chartered on the campus.

Alpha Psi Omega: A national honor society promoting excellence in Dramatics.

Delta Phi Alpha: A national honor society promoting the study of German.

Delta Tau Alpha: A national honor society recognizing excellence in Agricultural Science.

Epsilon Alpha Sigma: An honor society for academic achievement in East Asian studies.

Fleur de Lis: An honor society for freshmen who have exhibited high standards of living and academic excellence.

Kappa Omicron Nu: A national honor society recognizing excellence in the study of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Lambda Pi Eta: Omicron Sigma Chapter of the official honor society of the National Communication Association.

Mortar Board: An honor society for seniors selected on the basis of leadership, service, and scholarship.

Omicron Delta Epsilon: An international honor society promoting excellence in the study of Economics.

Omicron Sigma: A national honor society recognizing outstanding achievement in Communication.

Phi Alpha Theta: An international honor society promoting excellence in the study of History.

Phi Epsilon Kappa: National honor society for persons engaged in or pursuing careers in health, physical education, recreation, or safety.

Phi Kappa Phi: A national honor society emphasizing academic excellence of both students and faculty in all areas of study.

Pi Mu Epsilon: A national honor society promoting excellence in the study of Mathematics.

Psi Chi: A national honor society recognizing excellence in the study of Psychology.

Sigma Delta Pi: A national honor society promoting the study of Spanish.

Sigma Pi Sigma: A national honor society promoting excellence in the study of Physics.

Sigma Tau Delta: A national honor society promoting excellence in the study of English language and Literature.

Vincit Qui Patitur: A Berea honor society for juniors who have exhibited academic excellence.

Many Scholarships, Awards and Prizes are available to Berea College students through these programs.

Official Transcripts

The Office of the Registrar maintains academic records for those who have attended Berea College, including earlier junior high and secondary schools held here until 1968. The College is also the repository for records from the Hazel Green Academy in Wolfe County.

Requests for transcripts are to be made in writing (with student’s signature) using the form on the Registrar's Academic Transcript Request web page.  The signed form should be mailed to the Registrar's Office, Attn: Transcripts, CPO 2168, Berea, KY 40404 (E-mail requests can be accepted only if the form has been scanned with the student's original signature.). The request should include dates of attendance, student identification number (in recent years, a number starting with B00; previously, a Social Security number), and the student’s full name at the time of enrollment (and any subsequent name changes).   The date by which the transcript is needed is helpful.

Transcripts can be sent directly to the student or to a business, school, or person of the student’s choice, as indicated on the Request for Official Transcript form.   

There is no charge for hardcopy transcripts ordered from the Registrar's Office.

Students may also request an academic transcript online.  This is done through the Parchment transcript service.  This service charges fees for processing transcripts.  It currently charges a non-refundable processing fee of $3.00 for each transcript ordered.  It also charges fees for mailing a printed copy (versus delivering the transcript electronically) and for other non-standard delivery methods.  To request an academic transcript online, please refer to the Registrar's Academic Transcript Request web page.

Disability Services

The Director of Disability and Accessibility Services (DAS) is available to assist students with disabilities in navigating barriers they are facing or anticipating that are impeding their full participation in the academic, labor, and social programs of Berea College. The Director acts as a liaison with other College departments and offices in arranging responses appropriate to the student’s particular situation. Some of the services available to qualifying students with disabilities include: communication with faculty, advisor, or labor supervisor regarding student needs; accessible classroom and housing; determination of appropriate accommodations; academic accommodations or auxiliary aids; extended testing time; assistance with obtaining textbooks in alternate format; and information and referral for additional services. A student must contact the DAS Director and provide appropriate documentation in order to receive services. For an appointment call ext. 3237.

The DAS Director works closely with the Section 504/ADA Coordinator to assure compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1992. Also, the Section 504/ADA Coordinator receives complaints related to possible discrimination based on physical access needs. The Title IX Officer serves as the Section 504/ADA Coordinator.

Disability and Accessibility Services (DAS) Grievance Policy and Procedures

Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS) is committed to promoting equal access to all programs, services, and activities at Berea College. Students who are concerned that they have been denied equal access as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) are encouraged to follow the procedures outlined below. Please see the U.S. Department of Education website for more information about Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities.

Students have two ways to express their concerns: an informal resolution procedure available through the DAS Director and a more formal grievance procedure through the ADA Compliance Officer. Although students are encouraged to solve disputes at the lowest possible level and to use internal procedures to the fullest extent, a student may choose to initiate a formal grievance at any time.

The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR), encourages individuals first to use internal grievance procedures, and when such procedures meet OCR's investigative standards, OCR will generally defer to the results reached if the process provided for fair consideration of the grievance (

Informal Resolution Procedure

Clear communication between students, faculty/staff, and DAS is vital to utilizing DAS services effectively. Where possible, students are encouraged to first address concerns and problems with the individuals most directly involved in the situation: the DAS Director regarding eligibility for accommodations and specific accommodations; the individual faculty or staff member in the cases of implementation or lack of approved accommodations.

Students are encouraged to express any concerns with the Senior Specialist, Disability & Accessibility Services, Holly Hatfield (859-985-4739, 111 Lincoln Hall, If for a specific reason the grievance cannot be discussed with the Senior Specialist, or if the complaint is about the Senior Specialist, contact DAS supervisor, Dwayne Mack (859-985-3369, 301 Lincoln Hall,

Students who are experiencing difficulty in receiving authorized accommodations by a faculty or staff member, department, or program should first address their concerns with the faculty or staff member charged with providing the accommodation.

DAS is available to offer assistance by discussing and exploring options with the student and/or faculty or staff member, contacting the concerned party in an effort to clarify issues, facilitating a meeting with the concerned parties, and/or advocating for the student’s right to receive appropriate and effective accommodations to the extent required under either the Rehabilitation Act or the ADA.

The Kentucky Department of Education State ADA Coordinator is available for consultation in regard to any questions or concern a student may have about one’s accommodations (1-877-423-2933 or

A student who is not satisfied with the resolution on this level may choose to file a formal complaint.

Formal Grievance procedure

The student may submit a formal written grievance to the Berea College Section 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator, Joslyn Glover (859-985-3606, 006 Lincoln Hall, When making a formal complaint, a student should include specific information about the concern or problem (describe the issue(s), incident(s) and the action(s) taken; state the name of the individual(s) or office(s) involved; and show documented efforts to resolve the complaint). The Section 504/ADA Coordinator will meet with the student to discuss the complaint and will conduct any necessary investigation.

The Section 504/ADA Coordinator will issue a written decision including findings and remedial actions, if any, to be taken by Berea College and/or the student. This decision shall be issued to the student and any others deemed appropriate within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Section 504/ADA Coordinator’s receipt of the complaint. Files and records on all formal grievances shall be maintained by the Section 504/ADA Coordinator.

Appeal procedure

If a student is not satisfied with the formal grievance procedure, the student may appeal to the President for de novo review of the Section 504/ADA Coordinator’s decision.  The appeal must be made in writing within five (5) calendar days of the decision. The determination of the President on any such appeal is final. 

If the grievance is not resolved internally at the College, the student may choose to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education (100 Penn Square East, Suite 515, Philadelphia, PA 19107; Tel: (215) 656-8541; Fax: (215) 656-8605; How to file a complaint of discrimination with OCR.

Approved by the Administrative Committee, February 2015.

Service Animals

Berea College is committed to assuring equal access to all persons, as required by law. It is the College’s policy to permit service animals on campus in all areas where persons are normally allowed to go with some exceptions. Service animals are, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Under Kentucky State Law, service animals include service dogs in training.

Berea College reserves the right to restrict service animals in certain locations due to health, environmental, or safety hazards. Access to restricted areas may be considered on a case-by-case basis by contacting Disabilities & Accessibility Services (DAS).

Service animals shall be appropriately attended, restrained, and controlled by the handler. Under certain circumstances, a service animal may be excluded. Please see Service Animals Procedures for more information.

A College employee may ask two questions to determine whether an animal qualifies as a service animal, if it is not obvious what service the animal provides: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Staff cannot ask about the handler’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.  Service animals shall, however, be acclimatized and properly oriented to the campus environment to avoid health or safety issues. When staying in Student Housing, the handler must submit verification of the animal’s health and vaccination to appropriate staff in Student Housing. The handler is responsible for any damage the service animal may cause to property or other individuals.

For more information about service animals, please see Service Animals Procedures on the DAS website. This policy is overseen by Disability and Accessibility Services.

Opportunities Common to Many Fields of Study

Several course numbers are common to multiple departments. Courses numbered 186/286/386/486 are Special Topics courses; the content may vary from term to term or year to year. In addition, two (2) independent experiences can be proposed by students in most disciplines: Independent Study, numbered 390/490 (A or B) and Team Initiated Study, numbered 397/497 (A or B). With the support of a faculty sponsor and the approval of the Director of Internships, students who find internship opportunities may be registered for the experience, numbered 395/495. Students also may enter into a Directed Study (398/498) working with a department faculty member, upon approval of the Department Chair. Additional information about these opportunities follows.

Special Topics

Special topics courses are designed to meet the particular interests of students and faculty and numbered 186, 286, 386, or 486. Topics vary from year to year and seldom are repeated as Special Topics. Descriptions of Special Topics courses are provided in the corresponding term’s Schedule of Classes which may be found on the Registrar's Home Page. Generally, Special Topics courses can be designated as 1/2 course credit or 1 course credit.

Independent Study and Team Initiated Study

The purpose of Independent Study and Team Initiated Study courses is to provide students with the opportunity to study topics not ordinarily covered in regular College course offerings, to follow up on previous research, or to undertake projects not otherwise available through regular courses. These studies also may be concerned with more narrowly defined or more advanced material than that offered in regular courses. They must increase knowledge beyond that already gained, enhance analytical ability, and/or lead to higher skills acquisition. An Independent Study or Team Initiated Study need not be in the student’s major field of study, but requires sufficient background knowledge for analysis or description within a conceptual framework, i.e., aesthetic, ethical, historical, literary, scientific, sociological, etc.

Students should consult with a Faculty Sponsor during the thinking and planning stages of the study to help develop a course syllabus that is rigorous, has clear and measurable goals, and that includes clear assessment guidelines upon completion of the work. Together, the Faculty Sponsor and student(s) will develop a course syllabus for the study, which will be submitted to the Program Chair for review. The Faculty Sponsor must be from the Program in which the study is to be conducted. Faculty members are limited to involvement with a maximum of two (2) Independent Studies or Team Initiated Studies in any one (1) term.

Each academic program is responsible for providing guidelines and/or forms to students and faculty for the process required within the academic unit to review and approve Independent and Team Initiated Studies.

In addition, the Academic Program Council and College Faculty Assembly have set the following restrictions. Independent Studies and Team Initiated Studies:

  • may be proposed only by Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who are not on any type of probation (academic, social, or labor).
  • cannot duplicate regular College course offerings.
  • cannot be used to meet the Practical Reasoning (PR/PRQ) or any Perspective Area in the General Education Program.
  • may carry one (1) earned course credit; studies carrying earned credit have the following minimum GPA requirements at the time the study is approved: Sophomores, 3.00; Juniors or Seniors, 2.50.
  • may be approved as not-for-earned-credit (available only in Summer terms) provided the Sophomore, Junior, or Senior has a minimum 2.00 overall GPA at the time the study is approved.
  • may meet the Active Learning Experience (ALE) requirement (see below).

Students who wish to propose an Independent or Team Initiated Study to meet the Active Learning Experience (ALE) requirement in the General Education Program must complete the ALE Criteria and Proposal form (which is attached to the Independent Study and Team Initiated Study guidelines) along with their proposed syllabus to the ALE Coordinator, who will be looking for these components:

  1. How well does the study explore the connections between theory and practice?
  2. Does the study include an ongoing reflection component (e.g., journal, blog, photo journal, or extensive interaction with onsite resource)?
  3. Does the study include a synthesizing project (performance, play, presentation, composition, or exhibition, including interaction with the on-site adviser or other on-site audiences).

Independent Studies are carried out by one student; Team Initiated Studies are carried out by two or more students. For-credit studies are designated as GST or (discipline pre-fix i.e., ART/CFS, etc.) 390/490 for Independent Study and 397/497 for Team Initiated Study, followed by an “A” for an ALE credit and B a non-ALE credit course. Independent and Team Initiated Studies also may be proposed as non-credit for Summer terms (which can carry only ALE credit, but do not count in the minimum total earned credits needed to graduate). Some types of non-credit studies are also eligible for ALE credit. Non-credit Independent Studies are designated as GST or (discipline pre-fix) 090 (A with ALE; B without ALE credit) and GST or (discipline pre-fix) 097 (A with ALE; B without ALE) for Team Initiated Studies.

Proposals under the General Studies rubric (GST) must demonstrate clearly the interdisciplinary nature of the project or be for disciplines not offered at Berea (provided there is a qualified Berea faculty member available to sponsor the study and it is approved by the Associate Provost). Otherwise, the student(s) should determine which academic program best fits the goals and scope of the study.

Studies involving international travel require consultation with and the signature of the Education Abroad Advisor and of the college's Student Health provider. Students on F-1 visas also must have the signature of the International Student Adviser for any off-campus study. Studies involving a budget for expenses must be reviewed and approved by a counselor in Student Financial Aid Services. No institutional funding will be provided for Independent Studies or Team Initiated Studies in international settings. (See “Education Abroad Policies” under Student Rights and Responsibilities for more information.)

With the approval of the Department Chair, the course syllabus will be submitted for registration to the Registrar. (See above eligibility requirements concerning probation and minimum GPA that must be met before the study can be registered.)


Berea College supports experiential education opportunities for students in the form of internships, and defines an internship as a supervised, credit-bearing, career-related learning experience in the workplace that allows students to apply knowledge acquired through their classes and studies to practical situations and problems. Such experiences promote engaged learning by helping students find connections between theory and practice, between learning in the classroom and learning outside the classroom, and between their academic interests and potential career possibilities.

Process and Learning: Berea's internship experiences are intentionally designed to include reflection and assessment to optimize learning.  A student participating in an internship will meet with their faculty sponsor prior to the experience and develop an Internship Proposal. Throughout the internship the student will submit reflective journal entries to the faculty sponsor.  At the end of the internship the student will be evaluated by the internship site supervisor, complete a summative evaluation of the experience, submit a final paper, give an oral presentation, and receive a final grade. 

Academic Course Credit: Upon successful completion of an internship, students typically earn one course credit and meet the Active Learning Experience requirement. Up to three of a student’s total course credits may be earned through internships. However, an internship may not be used to meet the Practical Reasoning (PR/PRQ) or any Perspective Area in the General Education Program. Internships are registered using a department rubric and are numbered 395 or 495 (i.e., ENG 395, CSC 495 with 495 being reserved for more advanced experiences or capstones). To be considered for course credit, internships must:

  • enable exploration related to the student's educational and/or career interest
  • provide the opportunity to gain skills and experience relevant to a possible career choice
  • be approved by the student’s Faculty Sponsor(s), Academic Advisor, Department Chair, Study Abroad or International Advisor (if applicable), and the Internship Director.

Eligibility/Hours/Timeline: Rising sophomores, juniors and seniors, who are not on probation, are eligible to participate in internships. Internship experiences are typically full-time in the summer and part-time in the fall or spring based on the following parameters:

  • Summer: 35-40 hours per week for 8-10 weeks, with a minimum of 300 total work hours
  • Fall/Spring: 12 hours per week for 15 weeks, with a minimum of 180 total work hours

Students should begin researching and identifying potential summer internships in the fall term, so they will be aware of early employer application deadlines (some are as early as September or October, although most are in January and February). To be prepared to apply for internships, it is recommended that students utilize the varied resources provided by the college for resume and interview preparation (online tools, workshops, and individual appointments).

Prerequisites and Additional Information: Students who wish to participate in an internship should complete the Internship Agreement and the self-paced online Internship Prep Course by early February deadlines. The modules of the Prep Course walk through options for identifying and applying for internships, as well as the proposal process for receiving credit and funding. The deadline for submission of Internship Proposals is in mid-April.

Pay/Funding: Internship employers are encouraged to provide some form of compensation to student interns, such as an hourly wage, a stipend, housing, meal cards, or transportation passes.  However, if the employer is unable to offer compensation, or can only offer partial compensation, the College will help cover related student expenses for up to two summer internship experiences, subject to availability of funds and in accordance with policies. No funding is available from the Office of Internships during fall or spring terms.  In order to obtain funding from any campus program, the internship must bear academic credit and be approved by the Office of Internships.

Prerequisites and Additional Information: Students who wish to participate in an internship should attend each of the prerequisite information sessions, Finding or Creating Your Ideal Internship, Applying for Internships and How to Receive Credit and Funding for Your Internship.   Visit to see the schedule of sessions and learn more about connecting with internship sites,  policies regarding international internships, and the deadline for submitting internship proposals. 

Directed Study

A Directed Study is a full-credit course organized and directed by Faculty and approved by the Program Coordinator to meet the particular interests and/or needs of specific students. This should not be confused with an Independent Study or Team Initiated Study, which is much more independent in nature (see above). The course is numbered 398 or 498 and is available as student interest and faculty availability allow.

Service-Learning Courses

In courses designated as Service-Learning, students apply academic knowledge to address community issues while developing their academic skills; sense of civic responsibility; critical, reflective thinking skills; and commitment to the community. Service-learning courses are taught each term in a variety of Programs at Berea College. Designated service-learning courses are listed for each term in the Schedule of Classes for registration. These designated service-learning courses meet the Active Learning Experience (ALE) requirement in the General Education Program. More information, including faculty guidelines and a proposal form for service-learning course designation, can be found on the Web page of the Center for Excellence in Learning Through Service (CELTS) on the CELTS web page. For more information, see “Service-Learning Opportunities” in the Campus Community section of this publication.

Undergraduate Research Credit (UGR 010 and UGR 020)

Students participating in a full-time (minimum of 8-10 weeks, 40 hours per week) Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Program (URCPP) or other program-approved summer undergraduate research project may request to be registered for the non-credit course, UGR 010 (for URCPP-funded projects) or UGR 020 (for other program-approved projects), which will result in earning a grade of “S” or “U” and will appear on the student’s college transcript as “Undergraduate Research.” (Requests to be registered for UGR courses should be made to the Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Program Committee in care of the Academic Dean’s Office)

Note: During the Summer Term, students participating in a URCPP-funded project are not permitted to enroll simultaneously in any other course either at Berea or elsewhere.

In other words, students are not permitted to take any course other than UGR 010 AND participate in the URCPP-funded project during the same Summer Term. While no academic credit can be earned for this research experience, students who earn a grade of “S” in UGR 010 or UGR 020 can meet the Active Learning Experience (ALE) requirement.

Berea College Advanced Standing Examination

Students may receive credit for most courses at Berea by obtaining an Advanced Standing Examination application form from the Office of the Registrar (Lincoln Hall, first floor) and arranging for the examination with the Department Chair. Upon the student’s request and the Department Chair’s approval, an instructor would write an examination. Course credit may be granted by Advanced Standing Examinations administered by the department. If awarded, the credit will be recorded on the student’s transcript under “Advanced Standing Examination,” with the course name. Students wishing to receive Advanced Standing credit for Art courses may submit a portfolio to help show evidence of skills and accomplishments. A student may not receive credit by Advanced Standing Examination in language courses numbered below the fourth level if the course is in the student’s first language. In addition, Advanced Standing Examinations are not given for any GSTR courses.

Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes

Scholarships and Awards for Academic Excellence and Achievement

Henry W. and Edna Austin Awards

State Senator Henry W. and (Mrs.) Edna Austin of Oak Park, Illinois, provided funds for these awards honoring fine academic performances by Berea College students. To receive an Austin scholarship or to be selected as an Austin Scholar is a significant recognition of academic and personal excellence. Austin Scholarships recipients are chosen from the sophomore class and are eligible to become Austin Scholars. Austin Scholars are members of the junior and senior classes. A student may be selected only once as an Austin Scholar.

Lyle and Dorothy Ferer Cary Award for Excellence in Writing

The Lyle and Dorothy Ferer Cary Award is to be presented to Berea College juniors and/or seniors who have achieved excellence in writing. The form of writing may be scholarly or creative, and may be in response to a class assignment or independently conceived.

Helen Dingman Book Awards

Helen Dingman awards recognize students (or groups of up to five students) whose achievements or accomplishments reflect the effective synthesis of any two of these three components of a Berea College education: learning, labor, and service. The awards are made possible through the generosity of a college patron wishing to honor Helen Dingman, a professor of sociology (then called Social Work) at the College. Among her many accomplishments, Professor Dingman established the College’s Opportunity School Program, based on the Danish Folk School pattern, with traveling seminars in the region as well as on campus.

Jerome W. Hughes Humanities Enrichment Award

The Jerome W. Hughes Humanities Enrichment Award was established by family, friends, and former students of Dr. Jerome W. Hughes, professor emeritus of English at Berea College. The purpose of the award is to support a variety of experiences in the arts to enrich students’ appreciation of the humanities.

Father Henry L. Parker Scholarship

This scholarship is given to students of African descent who demonstrate high academic achievement and ethnic pride, as did Father Parker. The students apply their faith to everyday living, especially in promoting interracial and multi-cultural understanding.

Phi Kappa Phi Scholar

The purposes of this national honor society are to recognize high scholarship and character of students in all departments and areas, to foster the significant purposes for which institutions of higher learning have been founded, and to stimulate academic achievement. The Berea Chapter was chartered in 1953.

Doris and Harold Rosenbaum Scholarship

The Rosenbaum Scholarship was established in 1994 to assist students who have been accepted by or are eligible candidates for enrollment in the nation’s leading graduate and professional programs.

Olive Ruth Russell Fellowship

This award was established in honor of Ms. Olive Ruth Russell by Mrs. Ruth L. Roettinger. The fellowship is presented to women with outstanding academic records who present a defined plan to pursue graduate study in any academic discipline.

Seabury Award

Seabury Awards are given to one male and one female graduating senior who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship, as well as community leadership, on the Berea campus. The awards are to provide aid for graduate study or travel.

Frances Finnell Vandivier Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1988 to honor Frances Finnell Vandivier. A graduate of Berea College, Mrs. Vandivier was a compassionate advocate for children in her teaching, writing, and community service throughout her life. This scholarship is given to assist Berea College graduating seniors with continuing their education in the field of child development, childcare, and/or advocacy for children, youth and families.

Wood Achievement Award

The Wood Awards are awarded annually at commencement to one graduating senior woman and one man who have demonstrated excellence in contributions to the life and work of Berea College.

Awards for Excellence in Disciplinary Studies

Contact Program Chairperson for information on these and other awards.

Agriculture and Natural Resources:

Kathleen S. and Frederick C. Crawford Award for Excellence

Endowed award established by Kathleen Crawford Estate for excellence in scholarship, preferably in the filed of natural history, forestry, conservation or preservation of wildlife.

Delta Tau Alpha Awards

Certificates are awarded to the graduating Agriculture and Natural Resources major who has achieved the highest cumulative overall scholastic standing and the sophomore Agriculture and Natural Resources student for outstanding performance in the freshman year.

Edd C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends in recognition of Dr. Hogg’s many years of service to Berea College. The scholarship is given annually to students demonstrating Christian faith, economic need, and academic achievement. Recipients are chosen from among second-term juniors majoring in Agricultural and Natural Resources or Nursing at Berea College. The award is presented to two students, one in each major.

David F. Kinder Award

Awarded annually to a senior Agriculture and Natural Resources student who has shown exceptional productivity, initiative, and leadership in their labor program. The student should also demonstrate a successful academic program.

Joe Van Pelt Agricultural Leadership Award

Awarded to a junior student majoring in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Selection is on the basis of active interest in scholarship and sincere concern for social problems beyond the Department and whose efforts are above and beyond performance in the Labor Program.

Martin Aaron Wilson Award

Awarded annually to one or more students who show excellence in labor, service and academic skills combined with a strong interest in a career related to dairy production.


Art Major Award: A Design for a Summer

Awarded annually to art majors for the purpose of continuing study, museum visits, travel, books, and materials to be used during the summer.

James R. Bobbitt Art Scholarship

Awarded to assist an outstanding graduating senior or recent graduate in continuing study in fine or applied arts, including the visual arts, within the framework of the Appalachian Studies Program.

Child and Family Studies:

Helen and Jean Barkley Memorial Scholarship in Child and Family Studies.

This prize was established by the family and friends of Key Lee Barkley, a 1926 Berea College graduate, and his wife, Helen Roberts Barkley, Class of 1927, and their daughter, Jean Eloise Barkley. Recipients are Child and Family Studies majors “who show promise that they will become worthy citizens of their communities after their graduation from Berea College.”

Jacqueline Hensley Combs Memorial Award

Given to a junior or senior Child and Family Studies major who has shown a high degree of character, scholarship, and professional maturity. It is given in memory of Jacqueline Hensley Combs, a member of the Class of 1965, who was killed in an automobile accident a few days before graduation.

Ann Grant Memorial Award

Awarded annually to an outstanding major in Child and Family Studies, based on scholarship, character, and need.

Opal Stamm Huskey Scholarship

The Opal Stamm Huskey Scholarship Fund was established to foster excellence in students majoring in Child and Family Studies with Teacher Certification. The scholarship honors Miss Eunice True, former Professor of Home Economics at Berea College.

Frances Finnell Vandivier Scholarship

Awarded to assist Berea College graduates, women and men, to continue their education in the field of child development, childcare and/or advocacy for children, youth and families. This award was established in 1988 to honor Frances Finnell Vandivier, a graduate of Berea College and a compassionate advocate for children in her teaching, writing and community service throughout her life.

Virginia Palmer Widener Memorial Child and Family Studies Award

This award is given to an outstanding Child and Family Studies major commemorating the life of Mrs. Widener, Berea College, Class of 1966. The award honors Mrs. Widener’s contribution to the field of home economics and her interest in her students. Preference is given to students from the counties of Lee (Kentucky) and Washington (Virginia); or the city of Bristol, Virginia.

Classical, Creative, and Liberal Arts:

Florence Prize for Essays

The Florence Prize for Essays was endowed in 1919 by a gift from Edmund C. Westervelt of Corpus Christi, Texas. Prizes are offered for the best essays by students on a subject of public interest. A committee of the faculty, consisting of the chairpersons of the English and social science departments, administers the essay contest. The committee will designate the number and amount of the prizes to be offered.

Francis S. Hutchins Awards

These awards for creative work in the humanities honor President Emeritus Francis S. Hutchins; the awards go to juniors and seniors who have meritorious, creative, or critical works and are awarded on the basis of merit by a panel of judges.

Paul Vernon Kreider Jr. Award

Presented to the junior or senior student who has developed a personal library of good quality and writes the best essay on this library.

Mary Macauley Smith Memorial Scholarship in the Humanities

Awarded annually to a graduating senior from the humanities. The student must demonstrate a commitment to her or his chosen field of study and the liberal arts through academic excellence in major courses and in general education.


Hugh O. Porter Memorial Forensics Award

Awarded to an upperclass student demonstrating excellence in speech and debate.

Economics and Business Administration:

Chin-Wang Prize

Established by Dr. and Mrs. Rockwood Chin in the name of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Sheu Chin and Dr. and Mrs. C.C. Wang, this prize is to be awarded annually to seniors of character who have excelled in Economics and Business Administration.

Joel Dean Scholarship in Economics

Awarded annually to the graduating senior economics major for academic performance in the field. The recipient will be known as the Joel Dean Scholar.

Education Studies:

Beldon Graduate School Fellowship

Awarded annually to Berea College outstanding graduating seniors who have met the requirements for teacher certification or recent (last five years) outstanding graduates, who have taught at the pre-college level with skill and devotion, and plan to enroll in graduate school for further professional development. The students selected must have a superior academic record. This award is supported by a gift from the Harriet Poynter Beldon Memorial Fund.

George and Elgetha Bell Scholarship in Education

The Bell family and Alma Powell established a scholarship in honor of their predecessors, George and Elgetha Bell. The scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior student preparing for the teaching profession.

Mildred A. Bolt Award

Awarded annually to the student judged by the Education Studies Department to be outstanding in scholarship and in teaching potential.

Lucille Bush Duncan Award in Education

The Lucille Bush Duncan Award in Education was established by William A. Cook, a former professional associate, in recognition of Lucille Duncan’s contributions as a teacher, humanitarian, and benefactor of educational causes. The award is given annually to the junior members of Kappa Delta Pi judged by the Education Studies faculty to be outstanding in scholarship and potential service to society.

May Harrison Lambert Memorial Award in Elementary Education

Awarded to an outstanding graduating senior who shows great promise as an elementary teacher. Her son, Dr. Dean Warren Lambert, and her friends established this award.

Dr. Lee E. Wickline Scholarship

Given in honor of Dr. Lee E. Wickline, class of ’49. The recipient must be a full-time enrolled junior or senior with a major or minor in education who shows evidence of being well-rounded, demonstrates an enthusiastic interest in school and community activities, and has an awareness of universal human values.


Dr. William Taylor Center Memorial Award

Awarded to the student writing the composition that, in the opinion of the judges, best illustrates or analyzes the idea of service to others. The Award is in the memory of Dr. Center, an alumnus of Berea College.

Emily Ann Smith Scholarship

The Emily Ann Smith Scholarship was established by friends and students of Miss Smith to honor excellence in the study of the English language. It is given annually to junior or senior English majors.

May B. Smith English Composition Award

Awarded to a student enrolled in an English course who demonstrates unusual skill in writing non-fiction prose.

Health and Human Performance:

Health and Human Performance Award

Awarded annually to the senior Health and Human Performance major who has the highest overall grade point average in his or her career at Berea.


Blanton Prize in History and Political Science

This prize was established by Dr. Jack Blanton (Knapp Hall, ‘49, Foundation ‘53, College ‘57) to honor the Blanton family, including his grandfather, his parents, and his sister, all with Berea ties. This is to be given to a senior History and/or Political Science major. This student should be the most outstanding senior majoring in one or both of these subjects with strong writing skills. The selection of recipient would be upon the recommendation/agreement of the chairs of the History and Political Science Programs.

E. Taylor Parks Award

The E. Taylor Parks Award is given for excellence in History or Political Science. Mr. E.R. Brann established the award in memory of Dr. E. Taylor Parks, former Chairman of the Department of History and Political Science.

Robert B. Street Prize in American History

Robert B. Street, a graduate of 1910, established an endowment fund to provide prizes for oratorical and essay contests of American history and American democracy.

Law and Pre-Law:

Walter Morris Gay Memorial Award

This award is given to a senior pre-law student chosen on the basis of high academic achievement, excellence of character, and patriotism. The endowment, which sustains this award, has been donated in memory of Walter Morris Gay ’65 by his parents; by friends in Avon Park, Florida; by students and faculty of Berea College; and by interested citizens of Berea, McKee, and the surrounding area.

Library Science:

Elizabeth D. Gilbert Fellowship in Library Science

This fellowship is awarded to aid seniors or recent graduates of Berea College for graduate studies in Library Science. Friends and admirers of Miss Gilbert, Berea College Head Librarian for many years, established this fellowship in 1973.


Ballard-McConnell-Willis Mathematics Scholarships

Given annually to students who demonstrate excellence in mathematics, upright moral character, potential for accomplishment, and an ability to instill in others an appreciation for mathematics.

Pugsley Freshman Scholarship

This award, established in memory of Donald W. Pugsley, who was a Professor of Mathematics at Berea College, is given to freshmen for excellence in mathematics.

Steve Boyce Senior Mathematics Award

Awarded annually to a senior mathematics major demonstrating the greatest degree of excellence and maturity in his or her mathematics study.


Elsie Drukker Memorial Music Scholarship

Provides scholarships and financial aid to outstanding Music majors.

Marjory J. Flint Scholarship

The Marjory J. Flint Scholarship Fund was established through the bequest of her sister, Louie Key, in 1984. Income from the fund provides annual scholarships to piano or woodwind students for study of music at Berea or in graduate school. Recipients are selected on the basis of excellence of achievement and potential.

Irene Ziegler Hill Memorial Scholarship

The recipient of the Irene Ziegler Hill Memorial Scholarship is chosen on the basis of academic excellence and musicianship, with special preference given to those candidates who show outstanding potential as future music educators. The endowed fund was donated in memory of Irene Ziegler Hill, a former member of the Music faculty and one of the moving forces behind the establishment of a major in Music Education at Berea College.

Rolf E. Hovey Memorial Scholarship

The Rolf E. Hovey Memorial Scholarship was established in 1995 by the Hovey family and by former students in loving memory of Dr. Hovey, founder and director of the Berea College Chapel Choir and longtime Chairman of the Music Department.  This annual scholarship prize(s) is awarded to seniors or highly qualified undergraduate students who are majoring in music and intend to teach and perform.

Sherwood-Hill Award

This award honors the memory of several members of the Sherwood and Hill families. It is granted to Music majors that have demonstrated academic excellence and high potential in the field of music.

Underwood-Alger Music Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Music and who have exhibited excellence in scholarship, as well as financial need.

Natural and Physical Sciences:

John S. Bangson Biological Science Awards

Established by Mrs. John Bangson to honor Dr. John S. Bangson, former Chairman of the Department of Biology at Berea College. These awards are given annually to two students: a sophomore with the highest grades in biology and a graduating senior Biology major chosen on the basis of grades and leadership potential.

Guenther O. R. Brann Memorial Scholarship in Biology

Established by Mr. E. R. Brann, Class of 1942, in honor of Guenther O. R. Brann, this scholarship is awarded annually to a Biology major for outstanding scholarship, superior character, and financial need.

Lilli Brann Scholarship in Physical Sciences

The Lilli Brann Scholarship in Physical Sciences was given by Mr. E. R. Brann, Class of 1942, of Madison, Wisconsin, in honor of his mother. Awarded annually to the students who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship in their chosen field, superior character in their everyday life, and have financial need.

Kathleen S. and Frederick C. Crawford Award for Excellence

Endowed award established by Kathleen Crawford Estate for excellence in scholarship, preferably in the filed of natural history, forestry, conservation or preservation of wildlife.

J. Stanton King Science Award

Awarded annually to a junior or senior majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics. The student must have exhibited excellence in both academic and personal life. The American Association of Clinical Chemistry established the award in honor of Dr. J. Stanton King, a Berea alumnus.

Waldemar Noll Prize in Physics

Presented annually to the senior Physics major with the highest scholastic standing in the major field, the prize is established in memory of Dr. Waldemar Noll, former Professor of Physics at Berea College.

Underwood-Alger Biology Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Biology and who have exhibited excellence in scholarship, as well as financial need.

Nursing and Pre-Medical:

W. H. and Mabel Simmons Dean Scholarship

Awarded annually to a sophomore student in nursing, pred-medical, or pre-dentistry fields who has at least a B average and demonstrates financial need and Christian leadership. The scholarship was made possible by a grant from the Dean family.

Edd C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship

The Edd C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship was established by family and friends in recognition of Dr. Hogg’s many years of service to Berea College. The scholarship is given annually to students demonstrating Christian faith, economic need, and academic achievement. Recipients are chosen from among second-term juniors majoring in Agriculture and Natural Resources or Nursing at Berea College. The award is presented to two students, one in each major.

Julia Braden Thompson Award

This award was established by Audine T. Adams in memory of her mother to provide an award to the pre-medical or Nursing student at Berea College who has achieved an outstanding academic record, who manifests professional promise, and who exemplifies excellent moral character.

Norman C. and Rose B. Wheeler Scholarship

The award was established by family and friends as a memorial in honor of Dr. Norman C. Wheeler ’36 and his wife, Rose B. Wheeler ’38. Dr. Wheeler practiced medicine in Berea for a number of years and then devoted 15 years to medical research. The scholarship is given annually to a Berea pre-medical student with financial need and high scholastic achievement.

Martha E. Wylie Award

The Wylie Award is awarded annually to a junior Nursing student to recognize superior achievement in nursing. Martha E. Wylie was an Associate Professor of Nursing at Berea College.


Millicent Bate Miller Scholarship

Provides financial support for a Philosophy or Religion major who shows exceptional academic ability, character, and leadership.

Fred Oscanyan Scholarship in Philosophy

The award for academic excellence is given to a junior or senior Philosophy major or minor chosen by the Philosophy faculty.

Political Science:

Blanton Prize in History and Political Science

This prize was established by Dr. Jack Blanton (Knapp Hall, ‘49, Foundation ‘53, College ‘57) to honor the Blanton family, including his grandfather, his parents, and his sister, all with Berea ties. This is to be given to a senior History and/or Political Science major. This student should be the most outstanding senior majoring in one or both of these subjects with strong writing skills. The selection of recipient would be upon the recommendation/agreement of the chairs of the History and Political Science Programs.

E. Taylor Parks Award

The E. Taylor Parks Award is given for excellence in History or Political Science. Mr. E.R. Brann established the award in memory of Dr. E. Taylor Parks, former Chairman of the Department of History and Political Science.

C. Louis Smith Scholarship

Awarded annually to the senior student in Political Science who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of scholarship and citizenship. Mr. E.R. Brann, Class of 1942, makes this award possible.


Millicent Bate Miller Scholarship

Provides financial support for a Philosophy or Religion major who shows exceptional academic ability, character, and leadership.

Bishop Yu Yue Tsu Scholarship

The Bishop Yu Yue Tsu Scholarship Fund was established by friends and family of the Bishop on his 96th birthday. He served as Bishop in the Episcopal Church in China for many years. Awarded annually to a junior or senior Religion major who demonstrates achievement.

Social Sciences:

Fu Liang and Louise Chang Award

Awarded annually to the senior student majoring in Sociology who shows greatest promise in the field of sociology or social work. Although excellence in scholarship is important, promise for service is also a major consideration. The children and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chang, on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, established this fund.

Dallas and Betty Johnson Sociology Scholarship

Awarded annually to an outstanding graduating senior in Sociology who plans to enroll in graduate school for further professional development. Excellence in scholarship is important along with the senior’s future study plans and identification of goals for work and service upon the completion of an advanced degree. Ms. Elizabeth Ann Sears, along with friends and family of Dallas and Betty Johnson, established this endowed fund to honor Dallas Johnson’s remarkable career with Native Americans in the Southwest United States.

Albert G. Weidler Memorial Scholarship in Social Studies

Mr. E.R. Brann established this award in memory of Dr. Albert Greer Weidler, Dean of Labor and Chairman of the Department of Economics and Business for many years. The award is given for excellence in social studies or business administration.

John F. White Memorial Scholarship in Gerontology

This fund provides assistance and incentive for qualified students to pursue graduate study leading to careers in research or service in the field of gerontology. Funds can be used by the awardee for any expenses related to the pursuit of graduate study, including tuition, room and board, books, supplies, and educationally related travel. The scholarship is named for John White, a former professor of Psychology and Chairperson of the Psychology Department at Berea.

Technology and Applied Design:

Peterson Spring Award

Awarded annually to juniors and seniors majoring in Technology and Applied Design. Students must have a major GPA of 3.25 or higher and demonstrate a high level of scholarship, character, and professional involvement. This award is made possible by the Peterson Spring Company.


Thomas M. and Janet C. Kreider Theatre Award

The Thomas and Janet Kreider Fund was established in 1987. Dr. Kreider was the Chester D. Tripp Professor of the Humanities (1952-1987) and Mrs. Kreider was Director of Public Relations (1974-1984) at Berea College. Income from the fund enables full-time Berea students seriously interested in any phase of professional theatre to go to a major theatre-drama center to see professionally produced plays and other dramatic performances.

Paul Nelson Power Scholarship Award

Established in 1998 by students, friends, and family to honor his boundless energy and enthusiasm for theatre. The award will provide funds to enable students to pursue learning opportunities and experiences in the performing arts. Student-initiated projects may include, but are not limited to travel, study, apprenticeships, and producing or attending performances.

Awards for Good Citizenship and Leadership

Eva Nell Whitaker Alley Memorial Award in Community Leadership

Awarded to a female student who has demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, and service to the on-going life of Berea College.

E. R. Brann Good Citizenship Award

Awarded annually to a student or students nominated by peers and affirmed by the Service Awards Committee whose character and life have made an outstanding contribution to the Christian character of Berea College.

Emily C. Graham Volunteer Service Award

Recognizes two Berea students who have demonstrated exceptional volunteer service during the academic year. The award is a memorial to Mrs. Emily G. Graham, who was dedicated to service through her nursing career and her volunteer activities.

Jane A. Kendrick Community Service Award

Recognizing volunteer service to the community, this award is given to the student who, through community service, has accented the value of volunteer work and, in so doing, has improved and enriched the lives of others.

Layman Memorial Award in International Relations

Awarded annually to the student deemed most likely to make a significant contribution in the field of international relations. Established by the daughters of Rev. & Mrs. Henry L. Layman, missionaries in Japan.

Navy V-12/V-5 Memorial Scholarship

This award recognizes an international student and an American student for outstanding contributions to human kinship and international understanding on campus. Chosen in their junior year, these students will be known as Navy V-12/V-5 Memorial Scholars during their senior year. Berea College was one of 131 colleges and universities selected as sites for Navy training programs during World War II. Through the Navy V-12/V-5 program, Berea became home to 789 sailors between 1943 and 1945. Navy V-12/V-5 alumni, who maintain close relationships with each other and the College, have established this award to commemorate this important time in their lives.

Homer A. Porter, Jr. Citizen-Servant Emerging Leader Awards

Awarded to four students who have not reached their junior year by the Spring Term in which selections are made. This award is for students whose participation in and contributions to service programs and/or service learning courses exemplify the selflessness characteristic of servant leaders. While no firm restrictions apply, the donors hope that the four students selected will be representative of the diversity of Berea’s students.

Service Scholarship Fund

Established by an anonymous donor, this award recognizes a student who is proactive and nonself-serving in their expressions of social concern for others, and who exhibits qualities indicative of a lifetime of service.

Student Service Learning Award

This award will go to a student or students to recognize significant contributions to our Berea and Madison County community through the service-learning program. The students will be nominated by community partners, and community partners will be involved in the selection of award recipients.

Louise Veltin Memorial Award for Good Citizenship

Awarded annually to a sophomore, junior, or senior chosen for all-around good citizenship. Established in 1936 by the Veltin Association of New York City in memory of Louise Veltin.

DeWitt Wallace Reader’s Digest Scholarship

Provides scholarships annually to prospective freshmen who have need and who demonstrate outstanding Christian leadership.

Dr. Lee E. Wickline Scholarship

Given in honor of Dr. Lee E. Wickline, class of ’49. The recipient must be a full-time enrolled junior or senior majoring in Education and give evidence of being well-rounded and have demonstrated an enthusiastic interest in school and community activities and an awareness of universal human values.

Homer E. Williams Awards for Campus Leadership in Interracial Understanding

Awarded annually to two students, one of whom must be African-American and the other Caucasian or non-Caucasian, who demonstrate leadership qualities in all aspects of campus and student life, particularly in the promotion of racial understanding.

Scholarships and Awards for Residents or Service in Appalachia

James Sterling Ayars Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Awarded annually to a student of high character and scholarship with financial need. Preference given to students from the mountains of eastern Kentucky or western North Carolina.

J. E. Bach Scholarship for Breathitt County, Kentucky

Awarded annually for up to four students graduating from the high schools of Breathitt County. May be renewed for students making satisfactory progress.

George L. Bagby Scholarship-Loan Fund

Provides scholarship-interest free loans to juniors and seniors from the Appalachian region.

Julia Drukker Stammer Fund for Volunteer (Appalachian) Service

Provides grants to students who participate actively in existing volunteer programs, or establish new action programs where there is an identified need, to improve the quality of life of individuals or communities of the Eastern Kentucky portion of the Appalachian region.

Clifford Ralph Hartsog Memorial Award

Awarded annually to a deserving student from Ashe County, North Carolina.

J. Woodford and Florence Stephens Howard Memorial Scholarships

Provides aid to Kentucky students on the basis of academic performance and financial need. Preference is given to students from the Kentucky counties of Floyd, Breathitt, Magoffin, and Morgan.

Francis S. Hutchins Robinson Mountain Fund Scholarship

Awarded annually to a rising junior or senior from one of the eastern Kentucky counties served by the E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund. The recipient must demonstrate academic excellence and have made significant contributions to the College as demonstrated by good citizenship and labor record.

Thornton A. Lemaster Scholarship Fund

Awarded to worthy Kentucky students, preferably from Jackson and Morgan counties, on the basis of need.

Ernest Edwin “Hennie Hunt” May Scholarship

Provides a scholarship for an Appalachian student on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.

J. D. McFerron Endowment for Student Assistance

Provides educational funds and assistance to worthy students from Rockcastle County, Kentucky.

Robert and Rosa Osborn Student Aid Fund

Provides grants to several worthy students each year on the basis of financial need. Preference is given to students from the Cabin Creek area of Lewis County, Kentucky.

Weatherford-Hammond Appalachian Prizes

Awarded to encourage research and writing on Appalachian subjects.

Virginia Palmer Widener Memorial Child and Family Studies Award

An annual scholarship providing financial assistance to a Child and Family Studies major. Preference given to students from the counties of Lee (Kentucky) or Washington (Virginia); or the city of Bristol, Virginia.

Scholarships and Awards for International Education

In addition to these opportunities, students should be aware that the Foreign Languages Program and the Campus Christian Center also have funds available for education abroad and international-travel opportunities, dependent upon major and/or focus.

Berea Term Abroad Scholarships

Grants awarded to enable students to spend a term studying abroad.

Bolin Blaine Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to assist a Berea College student with study outside the United States for a minimum period of one month during the junior year. The fund was established in 2004 and named for John Seelye Bolin and Sandra Anne Blaine Bolin in memory of their families and their contributions to Berea College. Both John and Sandra Bolin served as instructors and administrators of Berea College.

Carlisle Keller Macdonald Scholarship

Awarded to students with financial need traveling abroad for the first time.

New Horizons Grants

Awarded to supplement the student’s own financial resources for international study in faculty-led courses, KIIS summer programs, Independent or Team Initiated studies, or Internships.

John D. Scruggs Music International Study Scholarship

Awarded to provide funds to support international summer study of students involved in music.

Emilie Strong Smith Travel Fund

Grants awarded to provide funding for additional travel that is not part of the student’s structured international program. To be used to visit museums, significant cultural events, historical sites, and architecture.

John B. Stephenson Scholarship for Non-Western Study

This scholarship is designed to allow students the opportunity to study in Israel, China, India, Japan, or one of the countries of Africa. The program is open to rising juniors and seniors majoring in any discipline. The experience must earn graduation credit and may be in a structured study program, an Independent Study, a Team Initiated Study, or a service project, for a period of not less than four weeks in duration.

Special Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes

Ellen Bangson Award in Christian Education

Awarded to an outstanding student whose special interest is Christian education.

Beckman Prizes for Excellence in Bible Study

Provides Bibles and study aids for excellence in Bible study.

Walter Brooks Foundation Grants for Correction of Physical Handicapping Conditions

Provides funds for correction of physically handicapped students.

Class of 1942 Awards

This fund was established by members of the Class of 1942. The scholarships are awarded annually to students at Berea College with superior academic achievement who have demonstrated Christian character, financial need, and the capacity to persevere. A scholarship is given annually to one student from each of the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes.

Discovery Grants

Awarded to supplement the student’s own financial resources for domestic study in faculty-led courses, Independent or Team Initiated studies, or Internships.

Experiential Education Fund Grants

Awarded to students to help enrich their Berea College academic program through an off-campus educational Internship experience.

Red Foley Memorial Music Award

Awarded annually by the Alumni Association to the student or students who have made the greatest contribution to the social life of the campus through music.

Bascom A. and Katherine Baugh Franklin Scholarship

Provides financial aid on the basis of need to students majoring in religion, agriculture, child and family studies, or technology and industrial arts.

Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Awarded to current students or graduates who plan to enter full-time Christian service.

Lucille Christian and George McKinney Student Alumni Relations Council Award

This award is given to a junior student in good standing who will be a senior in the following year and who is an active participant in volunteer service in the College community. The award is to be used for supplies in the senior year. The student must be nominated by a recognized campus organization, including residence halls and labor departments.

Helen R. Smith Fund

Provides undergraduate or graduate scholarships on the basis of need to students of Ohio, preferably Wayne County, to enter the ministry, teaching, or medicine.

Labor Awards

Berea College Student Employee of the Year Award

Awarded for reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism, and uniqueness of contribution. Students who receive this award are also eligible for recognition on the state, regional, and national levels.

Building Care Award

Awarded by the Housekeeping Division to recognize workers in a building that exhibits a high level of cleanliness and quality of work for the enjoyment of the campus community.

Danforth Creative Effort Prizes

Provides annual prizes to honor three students whose products of imagination and effort have a lasting legacy beyond their college careers.

Raymond B. Drukker Memorial Award for Library Service

Awarded each year in honor of Dr. Raymond B. Drukker and is presented to two outstanding student workers in the College’s Hutchins Library.

The Wilson and Ellen Best Evans “Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Award.”

Awarded annually to two seniors who not only do the job very well, but also perform extra duties that make the work environment more enjoyable and productive for colleagues and customers.

Food Service Special Award

Awarded on the basis of efficiency and commitment to duty, plus concern and feeling for both fellow workers and those being served.

Clara Bell Hall Crafts Award

Awarded annually to a student who demonstrates exceptional academic and artistic talent while contributing to the Student Crafts Program.

Richard T. Hougen Hotel Management Award

Annual recognition by the Boone Tavern Hotel staff to honor outstanding student hotel employees.  Typically, four students receive this award.

Gladys Jameson Accompanist Award

Awarded annually in memory of Gladys Jameson to recognize the most valuable student accompanist.

Outstanding Labor Supervisor of the Year

Awarded by selection from campus student nominations to an outstanding supervisor in the Labor Program. The supervisor who receives this award is also elgible for recognition on the state, regional, and national levels.

Photography Contest

Awarded by the Labor Program Office to encourage students to identify a visual representation of the work done by our students.  Typically, three awards are given.

William R. Ramsay Award

This award recognizes a first-year student who enthusiastically embraces the Labor Program as an integral component of Berea’s mission and whose work demonstrates great potential for the future.

Margaret G. Rogers Nursing Award

Awarded annually to a nursing student who has demonstrated excellence in labor.

Anna Mae and Phyllis Shumaker Labor Award

Awarded to two senior students for outstanding performance of office duties.

Sarah Fuller Smith Prize Loom

Awarded to the student who is selected by the weaving department instructor as the best student weaver. The award provides a loom for the student to build upon his or her weaving skills.

Julia and Norbert Stammer Appalachian Service Award

Awarded annually to a student who has rendered outstanding service to Appalachia in a labor assignment at the Appalachian Center, Students for Appalachia, or the Appalachian Museum.

Dr. Russell I. Todd Award

Awarded annually to honor a student for the most constructive use of leisure time.

Volunteer Service Award

Awarded annually to a nominated member of the community who has made exceptional contributions of time and effort to Berea College students and the Labor Program.

EDGE Program

EDGE (Empowering a Dynamic Generation through Education) is the name given to Berea College’s program that provides a laptop computer to every student. In addition to laptop computers, the EDGE program provides access to the campus network and the Internet from many locations, including classrooms and residence hall rooms, as well as access to software, classroom multimedia technology, technical support, and training. Students who graduate from Berea College receive ownership of their laptop computers upon completion of transfer of ownership documents available at the Information Systems & Services (IS&S) Technology Resource Center (TRC).

Participation in the Berea College EDGE student laptop computer program is required of every Berea College student. Regular full-time students are charged a technology fee of $185 per term ($370 per year) for the program. Part-time students also pay a technology fee as part of their access fee. These fees cover a portion of the cost of the program. Every student must sign an EDGE Student Participation Agreement and Network/ E-mail/Web Account Application form prior to being issued a laptop computer or a permanent network / e-mail / Web account at the college.

Students having difficulty with their EDGE laptops should bring them to the IS&S Technology Resource Center in the Computer Center adjacent to the Hutchins Library to receive assistance. If a laptop requires repair, a temporary replacement computer can be checked out. Students are responsible for their EDGE laptop computers and will be charged for the value of the computer if it is lost, stolen, or destroyed. Students are encouraged to purchase homeowners or rental insurance to cover the risk. In the event of damage to the computer or loss of components, students are charged a processing fee per incident plus the cost of repair parts. Equipment failure is covered by manufacturer warranty and such repairs are done at no cost to the student.

In their use of Berea College computing resources, students are expected to comply with the Berea College Computer and Network Policy, the Berea College IS&S Network Usage Guidelines and the Berea College Social Media Policy as well as other applicable College policies and federal, state, and local laws. Those policies cover security, privacy, copyright, acceptable use of e-mail, and other topics.

Related Links

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:

1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational record within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access.

Students should submit to the registrar, dean, and head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they want to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the College official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.

Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.

If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

Generally, schools must have written permission from the eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions:

  • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
  • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
  • Accrediting organizations;
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
  • Parents of a dependent student, as defined by Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954;
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
  • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Berea College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

600 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605

Directory Information

At its discretion, Berea College may provide directory information in accordance with the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. Directory information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Designated directory information at Berea College includes the following:

  • Student name
  • Addresses and email address
  • Student B number
  • Enrollment status (full-time, part-time)
  • Classification (Fr, So, Jr, Sr)
  • Dates of attendance
  • Major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Photographic, video or electronic images of students taken and maintained by the college
  • Hometown

Additional Information

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which students’ education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records–including Social Security numbers, grades, or other private information–may be accessed without consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to student records and PII without consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution.

Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to education records and PII without consent, to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when the College objects to or does not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the third parties that they authorize to receive PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over the third parties.

In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without student consent, PII from education records, and may track student participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.

If a student believes the college has failed to comply with FERPA, the student may file a complaint using the Student Complaint and Grievance Procedure as outlined in the Student Handbook. If dissatisfied with the outcome of this procedure, a student may file a written complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5920.

Questions about the application of the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act should be directed to the Office of the Registrar or to the Office of the General Counsel.

For more information about FERPA, please see this webpage. 

Statement on Institutional Advising

Within the context of the Institutional Statement on Academic Advising, the Academic Advising Program supports the mission of the College and its holistic development of students. Moreover, the Advising Program promotes the development and effective communication of accurate information about all aspects of the College with a particular emphasis on General Education, degree programs (majors and minors), numerous learning opportunities, and campus resources supporting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

The Student's Role in Academic Advising

Seeking quality advice is an important responsibility of students in making decisions about their own academic and professional futures. Within the context of a comprehensive advising program at Berea College, students are responsible for: understanding the importance of their relationships with advisors; seeking out advisors and making contact on a regular basis; knowing the requirements of the Labor Program, General Education, and their individual degree programs when admitted; providing constructive feedback for advisors; and taking final responsibility for making their own decisions based on the best information and advice available.

The Berea College Statement on Academic Advising

Academic advising is central to the educational mission of Berea College.  Such advising is a deliberate activity grounded in teaching and learning, foundational in fostering student engagement in Berea's continuous learning environment, and provides each student with guidance for developing and achieving meaningful educational, professional, and personal goals.  Advisors engage students in learning, labor, and service; promote students' academic success; and foster students' personal, ethical, and intellectual growth.  Academic advising is a shared responsibility between students and their faculty advisors.

The Academic Advisor's Role

To achieve the goals of academic advising at Berea College, advisors, with support from the Advising Program, are responsible for: being knowledgeable of and communicating College policy and the requirements of the curriculum, General Education, and academic and labor departments; monitoring students' progress towards successful degree completion; being available to meet with students on a regular basis; assisting students in finding appropriate institutional resources to promote success and engagement; involving students in academic and career planning processes and in exploring of options and resources; and engaging in developmental activities to stay informed of issues that impact student success.

Guidelines for Advising (for Students and Advisors)

Academic advising at Berea College is designed to provide support for students as they take on increasing responsibility for their learning and development. The advising program has three primary stages.

  • In the first year, each student’s academic advisor is their instructor in GSTR 110 Writing Seminar I. In combination with the course objectives, first-year advisors focus on helping students make the transition to fully engaged college students. Advisors also introduce students to the various campus resources that are available to assist the transition and prepare students for academic, personal, and professional success.
  • In the second term, some students will be relatively certain regarding their area of academic and professional interest and will select an academic area for further exploration. For the second year, these students will be placed with advisors who have academic training in those areas. Students who remain uncertain regarding career and academic pursuits will be assigned a second-year advisor who will focus on helping students evaluate their skills, interests, and aspirations and help them identify an area of academic pursuit. The designation of area of academic interest will take place as part of the Labor Day event.
  • Once students have declared and been accepted into majors (often in the spring term of the second year), they will be assigned advisors who contribute extensively in the teaching for that major. These major advisors work to help students identify and take advantage of learning opportunities within the major and beyond and ensure that students continue to make progress towards graduation.

If a student wishes to change a second-year or major advisor, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the appropriate section of the Change of Advisor/Major/Minor/Concentration form, which requires the signatures of both the previous and the new advisors. The Change of Advisor/Major/Minor/Concentration form may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar web page or from its office on the first floor of Lincoln Hall.  Completed forms must be turned to the office in Lincoln Hall.

Responsibilities of the Student

Students in the Academic Advising program are expected to:

  1. Take responsibility for continuous evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and for academic choices. Students are responsible for knowing the requirements of their chosen academic department.
  2. In consultation with advisors, students should begin to develop a comprehensive Four-Year Plan early in their undergraduate career. This plan may be changed and refined over time, but laying the preliminary groundwork in this way will make major selection and declaration easier and will provide opportunities for taking advantage of important learning opportunities that are available (internships, undergraduate research, term abroad, etc.) and help you stay on track toward graduation.
  3. Formulate comprehensive goals (academic, social, leadership, etc.) that will help clarify career choices and allow you to take full advantage of your Berea College education.
  4. Become acquainted with resources available to you.
  5. Familiarize yourself with academic policies, procedures, and requirements published each year in this Catalog & Student Handbook (available online here).
  6. Know the graduation requirements for your degree, including the deadline to submit your Application for Degree. All degree requirements, except for regular course work, must be completed 30 days prior to the commencement at which the student will graduate.
  7. Maintain accurate and current academic records. Use the online Degree Evaluation tool on the myBerea Web portal to make sure your records and those in the Student Service Center agree with one another.
  8. Maintain regular contact and communicate with your advisor.
  9. Prepare, in advance, for every advising session with your advisor and bring with you any materials your advisor may need, including information from the Berea College Catalog & Student Handbook, Curriculum Plan(s), Curriculum Guides (the most up-to-date of which are available via this link), and tentative class and labor schedules.
  10. Follow through when there are questions regarding grades, credits (including transfer and advanced-placement), or requirements. Don’t let something slip through the cracks!
  11. Know your advisor’s office hours, campus extension, and CPO box number.

Responsibilities of the Academic Advisor

Advisors in the Academic Advising program are expected to:

  1. Become well acquainted with the advisee’s academic and educational needs.
  2. Obtain and maintain current information concerning each advisee.
  3. Provide the advisee with current information about academic procedures, policies, and requirements. (Inform advisees that it is their responsibility to be aware of these issues which are covered in this Catalog & Student Handbook, the Schedule of Classes, and other publications available to students in print and/or online.)
  4. Assist the advisee with developing course schedules and offering advice on choices of electives.
  5. Provide the advisee with accurate information concerning alternatives, limitations, and possible consequences of their choices, both academic and personal.
  6. Refer the advisee to available campus resources according to the student’s needs.
  7. Encourage the advisee to develop a Four-Year plan regarding the academic, labor, service, leadership other opportunities to take advantage of during the student’s tenure at Berea.
  8. Review advisee’s academic progress on a regular basis using the Degree Evaluation tool on the myBerea Web portal, searching for and reporting any conflicts or omissions.

    Note: An official Curriculum Plan must be filed with the Office of the Registrar located in Lincoln Hall as part of the Declaration of Primary Major process.

  9. Lead interventions with the student to help them reach goals and be successful in collaboration with Labor Supervisors, Collegium, Athletic Coaches, and others as appropriate in response to Performance Checks, Early Feedback, mid-term and final grade reports, and other indications of academic difficulty.
  10. Study, discuss, verify, and sign official forms with the student, as needed. Note that your signature constitutes your awareness, and often your approval, of the action being taken or proposed. If you express concerns or reservations about the action but elect to sign the form anyway, be sure to note your concerns in the student’s file, on the applicable form, and possibly on the proposal as well.
  11. Assist the advisee in taking control of their life. For most students, coming to College is the first experience away from home. Such an adjustment is difficult for some students. Guide them toward a life of independence and maturity, but avoid doing everything for them or making all of their decisions.
  12. Provide the advisee with your office hours, campus extension, CPO box number, and any other contact information you wish to share. Be sure to keep your posted office hours and to inform the advisee of any changes.
  13. Provide the advisee with an understanding of the importance of being thorough, prompt, and honest in completing the various evaluation tools they will receive from the Institutional Research and Assessment office concerning advising and courses/instruction, including the Instructor Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ).

Student Health Services

Medical Authorization for Minors

Students who are younger than 18 years old at the beginning of their first term at Berea College must have consent for treatment signed by a parent or legal guardian before they can register for classes.


Student Health Services (operated by White House Clinics through Berea Primary Care) is the health services provider for students.

Student Health Services of Berea Primary care is operated by White House Clinics. There are 8 offices in the region and students may be seen at any location.  Most students will find it most convenient to go to Berea Primary Care which is located in St. Joseph Berea Hospital through the main hospital entryway (not through the Emergency Room entrance).

Services provided by Student Health Services include:

  • acute care (sore throats, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.)
  • chronic care (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
  • screenings/health maintenance (pap smears, sports and other physicals, health education, and flu vaccinations,etc.)

Tetanus boosters, meningitis, hepatitis A & B, and various other immunizations necessary for travel to certain countries are provided by Student Health Services to patients at cost.

Allergy injections ordered by an allergist are administered to students during regular Student Health Services hours at no charge.  Tuberculosis (TB) screening is also provided.

Students are entitled to unlimited visits at Student Health Services for no additional charge each term after the required health fee has been paid. Student’s dependents may utilize Student Health Services for an additional health fee (also must be paid each term.)

Student Health Services of White House Clinics has a strong network for specialty care, and provides referrals for various procedures, tests, specialists and sub-specialists that are not covered by the student health fee and may be charged to the student’s insurance including:

  • x-rays,
  • medically necessary diagnostic studies (MRI, CT Scan, etc.)
  • other tests as determined
  • specialty physicians as medically warranted

Dental Coverage

Covered Dental Treatment:

Dental Services provided by White House Clinics to Berea College Students, the following dental care:

  • Emergency Dental Evaluation -dental examination for toothache, fractured teeth, pain, swelling, oral trauma, etc.
  • Comprehensive Examination -x-rays, oral examination, diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Periodic Examination -6 month and/or 12 month exams and cleanings
  • Restorative procedures -fillings completed with either amalgam (silver) or composite (tooth color) materials
  • Extractions -including simple and some surgical extraction
  • Root Canal Therapy -limited to anterior and premolar
  • Post-Operative Dental Care
  • Oral Cancer Screening
  • Dental Prophylaxis -routine cleanings
  • Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing -deep cleanings below the gum line for patients diagnosed with gum disease
  • Periodontal Maintenance -follow up exams after Scaling and Root Planing appointments
  • Sealants
  • Fluoride Varnishes
  • Patient Education and Case Management


Co-pays and co-insurances will apply. White House Clinics will bill insurance. Students will be responsible for the payment of all charges which are not covered by insurance, such as:  Crowns, Bridges, Partials, and Dentures.

Some services may be referred for specialty care at the sole discretion of the treating dentist. The cost for visits to specialty dentists or for specialty care will not be included in or covered by the Comprehensive Fee.

The following are examples, and not an exhaustive list, of circumstances that may result in a referral for specialty care:

  • Extractions;
  • 3rd molars (wisdom teeth);
  • patients with complex or compromised health histories;
  • patients requiring sedation;
  • complex extraction cases;
  • Root Canal Therapy;
  • Molar root canals;
  • complex anterior and premolar cases;
  • Sedation - Any patients requiring sedation or nitrous oxide in order for services to be performed will be referred out as White House Clinics do not provide these services.

Student Health and Dental Service Appointments

For an appointment at Student Health or Dental Services call (859) 985-1415.

Prescriptions ordered for students may be filled at the student’s expense at any of the White House Clinics pharmacies, or at a pharmacy of the student’s choice.

Prescriptions are not covered by the College health-insurance policy.

Counseling Services

Professional counseling and psychological services are provided by licensed therapists through Berea College Counseling for students who may wish to discuss academic, personal, psychological, or social problems. The services provided are confidential and free of charge to all students. Anyone seeking confidential counseling services should contact Counseling Services (ext. 3212) to arrange an initial intake interview. During the intake interview, a licensed therapist will assess the student’s needs to determine appropriate services. Individual, group, or couples counseling, further assessment, or a referral to another department or service may be recommended. Students wishing to talk with someone off-campus may contact New Vista, Richmond, Kentucky, (859-928-8000) or a private therapist of their choice. However, students will be responsible for payment of any charges incurred when using off-campus resources. (Also see Management of Behavioral Disturbances.)

Missed Counseling Appointment Charge Policy

Students who miss College scheduled appointments for psychiatric consultation without giving 24 hours prior notice will be assessed a $15 missed appointment fee that will be charged to the Student Account.

Summer Services

Students who pay the summer health fee will receive the same medical services as provided during the school year.

Health Insurance Requirement

All students attending Berea College are required to carry health insurance. Students who have insurance through a group health plan of a parent(s) or under a parent's individual health insurance plan are not required to carry health insurance through the College if the student is under the age of 26.  The College will continue to offer its student health insurance plan to international students and to students outside of Kentucky whose insurance coverage cannot be used outside of their state.  See College Insurance Plan and Plan Year.

For students eligible for the College policy, the insurance premium is part of the Student Expense budget and reflected there as a fee. Students’ dependents may be added to the College plan at an additional premium.

Under the College policy, benefits and exclusions are explained in a brochure sent to each student along with an insurance card each term. This card must be presented when seeking medical care, other than at Student Health Services, such as at an emergency room or a specialist’s office. Students are responsible for submitting claim forms.


Inpatient services, including some surgeries, are available at St. Joseph Berea Hospital. All costs of hospitalization, including specialists' fees, will be billed to the student's insurance.  Any outstanding balance will be the student's responsibility.

After-Hours Care

When Student Health Services is closed, an on-call physician at St. Joseph Berea Hospital can be accessed by calling the hospital operator (859-986-3151) and asking for the physician on call for Berea Student Health Services or call Berea Primary Care at (859-985-1415) and select the after hours care prompt to be routed to St. Joseph Berea Hospital for a physician call back.

Student Health Services Hours of Operation:

Monday, 8:30-4:30

Tuesday, 8:30-7:00

Wednesday, 8:30-4:30

Thursday, 8:30-4:30

Friday, 8:30-4:30

On Saturdays, students can access White House Clinics Berea location, 8:00-noon, and the Richmond location from 8:00-5:00.


If a situation is deemed a health/illness emergency, care should be sought at the St. Joseph Berea Hospital Emergency Room.  Emergency room expenses not covered by insurance are the student/patient’s responsibility.


If a student has an emergency while in Berea and is unable to get to the clinic or hospital, an ambulance should be called through 911.  As soon as possible, Public Safety (ext. 3333) or a member of Residence Life staff should also be contacted to further assist as needed. The student is responsible for the ambulance charge.

Off-Campus Emergencies

When a health emergency arises during approved off-campus activities, the College designated person-in-charge shall confer with medical providers at the Student Health Services if at all possible.  When the emergency is such that the student can safely be brought back to campus, s/he will be placed in the care of the medical staff at Student Health Services.  When an emergency is such that the student cannot be brought back to campus safely, the student shall be cared for at the nearest appropriate facility.


The relationship between physicians, other health-care providers, counselors and patients is always confidential.  Patient records are confidential and all records are managed according to HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act guidelines.  Patient information is not shared with other college personnel or parents without the informed, written consent of the student/patient except in cases of extreme urgency in which the life or safety of the patient or other persons is at risk.

At times, health providers may be required by law to report infectious diseases to public health officials.  Patients will be informed when reporting of this information is mandatory.

Student Health Services complies with and abides by the provisions of HIPAA.  Patient access to professional records also is subject to the Records Access and Protections provision in this publication.

Medical Absence Excuses

Student Health Services staff will not provide written absence excuses due to illness or office visits.  Students who miss class or work for medical reasons should tell the instructor or supervisor in advance, if possible.  Instructors or supervisors may request supporting information, as appropriate, in writing with the student’s signed authorization for release of medical information or confirmation.