Asian Studies

Division V Chair: E. Pearson

Department Chair: J. Wang

Faculty: R. Bates, A. Elston, R. Foster, G. Gray, L. McKee, E. McKiernan Gonzaléz, N. Patton, J. Richey, and J. Wang


Courses: AST Courses

Course Sequencing Table: Asian Studies

Entrance to the Major Information: Progression for AST

Major/Minor Requirements: Asian Studies B.A.; Asian Studies Minor

Asian Studies is a multidisciplinary approach to studying the cultures of Asia. The Asian Studies Department draws upon courses from a number of academic disciplines that focus for a significant part of the academic term on one or more aspects, past and present, of Asia. Majors in Asian Studies are required to complete two terms of Chinese or Japanese language study on campus or one term of Asian language study abroad.  All students are encouraged to spend at least one term studying in Asia (usually in the third year).

Asian Studies graduates develop a broad understanding of Asian cultures and may use this education as a springboard for graduate work, but most will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in a wide variety of non-academic enterprises as Asia continues to be important on the national and international stages. Past graduates have attended graduate or law school, have become attorneys, diplomats, educators, or business entrepreneurs, and have served as English teachers in Asia, among other pursuits.  

The College offers both a major and a minor in Asian Studies.

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Asian Studies Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:

Asian Studies Student Learning Goals & Outcomes

Learning Goal 1: Broaden Understanding

Learning Outcome 1.1: Develops an understanding of the geography of Asia.

Learning Outcome 1.2: Learns the foundational themes of Asian cultures in their historical and contemporary contexts.

Learning Goal 2: Apply Knowledge and Skills

Learning Outcome 2.1:Gains critical thinking skills to develop an informed perspective on Asia’s place in world history and contemporary global relations.

Learning Outcome 2.2:  Develops the skills to gather information, draw thoughtful conclusions from that information, and articulately communicate those conclusions according to the standards of professional academics.