Asian Studies Comparative Asia B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Asian Studies Comparative Asia is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Language Requirement

Two Terms of CHI or JPN, or one term of language study in Asia, or departmental approval

Capstone Course

AST 401Senior Sem-Asian Studies

1 Course Credit

(has a 300-level AST prerequisite)

Introductory Course

AST 100Introduction to Asian Studies

1 Course Credit

Minimum of three Comparative Asia-related courses

Required Distribution Courses:

Six additional AST course credits selected by the student in consultation with the Academic Advisor and ensuring that the following distributive criteria are met: minimum of three courses at the 200 level or above, one of which must be at the 300 level; AST 401 may not be used to fulfill this requirement; may include up to two study abroad/transfer courses with department chair approval at the 100- or 200-level. 

ARH 130Studies in World Art

1 Course Credit

(when offered with Asian content)

AST 206Intro to Asian Cinema

1 Course Credit

AST 229/HIS 229Modern Imperialism (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 240/WGS 240Kinshp/Gen SE Asia (WGS)

1 Course Credit

AST 243The Silk Road (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 249/ARH 249Topics in Asian Art (ARH)

1 Course Credit

AST 260/REL 260Buddhism (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 271/PHI 271/REL 271South Asian Phil (PHI, REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 324ASeminar in Asian History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 325ATopics in Asian Studies

1 Course Credit

HHP 248 and THR 213 may be taken as non-Comparative Asia-related distribution courses when offered with appropriate content.

Minimum of two non-Comparative Asia-related courses

AST 122/HIS 122History of China (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 123/HIS 123History of Japan (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 132Religions of China

1 Course Credit

AST 135Religions of Japan

1 Course Credit

AST 324CSeminar in Asian History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 324JSeminar in Asian History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 325CTopics in Asian Studies

1 Course Credit

AST 325JTopics in Asian Studies

1 Course Credit

CHI 101Introduction to Chinese I

1 Course Credit

CHI 102Introduction to Chinese II

1 Course Credit

CHI 103Introduction to Chinese III

1 Course Credit

CHI 210Intermediate Chinese

1 Course Credit

JPN 101Introduction to Japanese I

1 Course Credit

JPN 102Introduction to Japanese II

1 Course Credit

JPN 103Introduction to Japanese III

1 Course Credit

JPN 210Intermediate Japanese

1 Course Credit




Minimum of one Methods Course

Choose at least one course, from the following:
AST 229/HIS 229Modern Imperialism (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 240/WGS 240Kinshp/Gen SE Asia (WGS)

1 Course Credit

AST 243The Silk Road (HIS)

1 Course Credit