SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

An introduction to the institutions, functions, development, and social construction of human societies. Emphasizes the nature and meaning of culture, socialization, social institutions, social inequality and social change. Explores sociology as a discipline, including learning to see with the sociological imagination, understanding and comparing sociological theories, and learning about sociological research methods. Special attention paid to socialization, interaction, and inequality from cross-cultural and global perspectives, social class and social structure, and the institutions of education, religion, government, and economy.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4

SOC 102 Contemporary Issues and Social Solutions

This course introduces students to the field of sociology, a discipline that broadens our awareness of the social world. Sociology is introduced as a way of knowing and a body of knowledge. Students will learn to identify and investigate solutions to local and global social issues, conflicts, and problems by applying sociological theories and methods in theoretical and concrete ways. This course includes inquiry into a range of issues and institutional contexts, such as education, religion, politics, health, popular culture, deviance, families, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


AWR 101