Catalog 2024-2025

ENS - Environmental Studies

ENS 112 Environmental Science

An interdisciplinary study concerned with the historical, ecological, social, political and economic impacts of global environmental issues. Addresses issues such as demographics, energy, pollution, natural resources, and environmental policy. Applicable to the minor in Sustainability but not applicable toward an Environmental Studies major or minor. Lecture only.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4

ENS 113 Environmental Science Study Abroad

An interdisciplinary study concerned with the historical, ecological, social, political and economic impacts of global environmental issues. Addresses issues such as demographics, energy, pollution, natural resources and environmental policy. Applicable to the minor in Sustainability but not applicable toward an Environmental Studies major or minor. ENS 113 is a study abroad course requiring international travel.

Spartan Studies:

NSD with ENS 113A or if offered for 4 credits

Credit Hours: 2-4


Permission of instructor.

ENS 113A Environmental Science Study Abroad Travel

An interdisciplinary study concerned with the historical, ecological, social, political and economic impacts of global environmental issues. Addresses issues such as demographics, energy, pollution, natural resources and environmental policy. Applicable to the minor in Sustainability but not applicable toward an Environmental Studies major or minor. ENS 113A is a study abroad course requiring international travel.
Credit Hours: 2-4


Permission of instructor.

ENS 135 Biodiversity Conservation

Explores topics such as the value of biological diversity, threats to biodiversity, strategies employed to protect endangered species and habitats, and sustainable development. How the process of science is applied to the conservation of endangered species and habitats is the central theme of the course. Case studies focus on regions of the planet that have been designated as biodiversity hotspots. Applicable to the minors in Environmental Studies and Sustainability but is not applicable toward an Environmental Studies major. Lecture only.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4

ENS 137 Urban Sustainability

An experiential learning course focused on sustainability issues and solutions in urban areas around the world. Main topics include water, waste, energy, transportation and food. Includes cross-cultural comparison of lifestyles and resource usage, and site visits to relevant local facilities are included. Applicable to the minors in Environmental Studies and Sustainability but is not applicable toward an Environmental Studies major. Lecture only

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4

ENS 150 Physical Geology

A broad survey of the geological processes at work on and within the earth. Topics include the origin and composition of rocks, as well as the origin, location and characteristics of volcanoes, earthquakes and mountain belts, within the framework of plate tectonics. Also covers the modification of the earth's surface by wind, rivers, glaciers, groundwater, waves and currents, and the evolution of continents and ocean basins. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3

ENS 198 Introduction to Environmental Studies I

Introduction to Environmental Studies I is the first part of a two-course introductory sequence that explores the field of environmental studies from the disciplinary perspectives of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. This course will explore ecosystem structure, function, and services by examining diverse ecosystems and their biodiversity, water resources, mineral resources, agricultural resources, and the intersections among these systems, the human population, and our associated ethical, economic, and political institutions. Introduction to Environmental Studies I will also explore the use of the scientific method, data analysis and interpretation techniques, and the scientific literacy of our society.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4

ENS 199 Introduction to Environmental Studies II

Introduction to Environmental Studies II is the second part of a two-course introductory sequence that explores the field of environmental studies from the disciplinary perspectives of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. This course will explore global environmental change by examining anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem structure, function, and services with a particular focus on energy and industrial systems. The impacts of these systems on environmental health, public health, and the climate system will be explored along with the intersections among these systems, the human population, and our associated ethical, economic, and political institutions. Introduction to Environmental Studies II will also explore diverse solutions to the major environmental problems facing society.
Credit Hours: 4


ENS 198

ENS 210 Global Sustainability

This course examines how humans impact land, water, food, energy, and biodiversity resources and how those resources are, or could be, consumed in a sustainable manner. These subjects are discussed from environmental, social, political, and economic perspectives with an emphasis on comparative sustainability between different locations on the planet. This course is a study abroad course requiring international travel and is applicable towards the majors in Environmental Studies (BA, BS) and minors in Environmental Studies and Sustainability.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; instructor approval. Offered: spring semester.

ENS 235 Geographic Information Systems

Teaches students the applications of geographic information systems technology to a variety of biological issues including delimiting species and habitat distribution, identifying landscape-level relationships between abiotic and biotic factors and their spatial effects on populations; identifying potential effects of human activity on natural areas and populations; and developing management and regulatory policies including defining potential protected areas.

Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better, or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA.

ENS 242 Environmental Science and Policy

Environmental Science and Policy is an upper-level Environmental Studies course that investigates the scientific basis of environmental issues, policies enacted to address those issues at the federal, state, and local levels, and how our understanding of both have changed over time due to fluctuating societal norms. The course will examine both science and policy issues from the Triple Bottom Line perspective, wherein environmental, economic, and social impacts will be considered simultaneously. Major topics to be investigated include air, water, food systems, land use, energy, biodiversity, and consideration of how lessons learned from the past can help us shape a more sustainable future.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA.


ENS 242L

ENS 242L Environmental Science and Policy Discussion

Environmental Science and Policy is an upper-level Environmental Studies course that investigates the scientific basis of environmental issues, policies enacted to address those issues at the federal, state, and local levels, and how our understanding of both have changed over time due to fluctuating societal norms. The course will examine both science and policy issues from the Triple Bottom Line perspective, wherein environmental, economic, and social impacts will be considered simultaneously. Major topics to be investigated include air, water, food systems, land use, energy, biodiversity, and consideration of how lessons learned from the past can help us shape a more sustainable future.
Credit Hours: 0


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA.


ENS 242

ENS 250 Environmental Justice

This course is designed to conduct an in-depth exploration of local, national, and global environmental justice issues. Major concepts in this course include defining and the history of environmental justice, major issues of environmental justice (local, national, and global scale), key 'stakeholders' of environmental justice and injustice, and future implications of environmental justice and injustice. Environmental justice issues will be explored from the perspectives of the natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities to identify intersections among these disciplines. The course will require independent research and discussion of relevant issues.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better.

ENS 307 Environmental Microbiology

This course will provide an advanced understanding of environmental microbiology. The course focuses on understanding the role environmental microbiology has on our daily lives, microbial community structure and communication, growth, reproduction, metabolism, gene expression, and diversity of microorganisms, mechanical and chemical environmental mechanisms to control microbial growth, industrial applications of microbiology.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA.


ENS 307L

ENS 307L Environmental Microbiology Laboratory

This course will provide an advanced understanding of environmental microbiology. The course focuses on understanding the role environmental microbiology has on our daily lives, microbial community structure and communication, growth, reproduction, metabolism, gene expression, and diversity of microorganisms, mechanical and chemical environmental mechanisms to control microbial growth, industrial applications of microbiology
Credit Hours: 0


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA.


ENS 307

ENS 310 Atmospheric Science

A survey of meteorology and atmospheric science. Topic coverage will include energy and radiation, global and local wind circulation, humidity and precipitation, cyclone development, weather systems, atmosphere-ocean interactions, climate classification, and global climate change. By the end of the course, students will have a concrete understanding of the complexity of our atmosphere and how atmospheric science fits within the broader field of environmental studies.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or instructor permission.


ENS 310L

ENS 310L Atmospheric Science Laboratory

A laboratory survey of meteorology and atmospheric science. Topic coverage will include energy and radiation, global and local wind circulation, humidity and precipitation, cyclone development, weather systems, atmosphere-ocean interactions, climate classification, and global climate change. By the end of the course, students will have a concrete understanding of the complexity of our atmosphere and how atmospheric science fits within the broader field of environmental studies.
Credit Hours: 0


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or instructor permission.


ENS 310

ENS 323 Natural Resource Management

This course equips students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges, preparing them for impactful roles in natural resource management. Students will explore the complex interplay of ecological, social, and economic factors influencing our approach to managing natural resources. Case studies will focus on terrestrial resources (e.g., rangelands, forest land, urban development, agricultural areas) and aquatic resources (e.g., fisheries, marine protected areas). Through class discussions and research projects, students will hone data analysis and interpretation skills, utilize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for spatial data analysis, navigate conflicting stakeholder needs, and craft natural resource management grant proposals.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; completion of ENS 235 or GEO 235; or instructor permission.

ENS 335 Fisheries Science and Management

Fisheries is an upper division environmental studies course designed to introduce students to field and analytical methods used in fisheries science. We will explore mathematical models such as population models, model parameter estimation, computer-intensive models, randomization test, statistical bootstrap methods, and characterization of uncertainty. We will collect class data on fisheries in Hillsborough River and Plant Creek Stream using minnow traps, pinfish traps, and seines. Students will construct age and growth models, and stock recruitment relationships needed for writing a stock assessment.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better.

ENS 346 Conservation Biology

A study of the biological and human factors relating to the current global extinction crisis and how conservation practices are used to evaluate and preserve threatened species and habitats. Emphases are placed on how issues in ecology, population, biology and taxonomy affect the status of species, and how these issues relate to policy and management decisions. Materials covered are connected to current literature in in weekly discussion periods.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA


ENS 346L

ENS 346L Conservation Biology Discussion

A study of the biological and human factors relating to the current global extinction crisis and how conservation practices are used to evaluate and preserve threatened species and habitats. Emphases are placed on how issues in ecology, population, biology and taxonomy affect the status of species, and how these issues relate to policy and management decisions. Materials covered are connected to current literature in in weekly discussion periods.
Credit Hours: 0


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA.


ENS 346

ENS 349 Water, Wetlands and Wildlife

This lecture course covers the struggle between rapid human population growth, the availability of clean water, and the health of aquatic and wetland systems and the wildlife within. Covers a broad range of topics from three major themes: 1) water resource use and water pollution impacts and policy; 2) wetlands biology, impacts, legislation, jurisdictional determination and policy; and 3) the biology, impacts, assessment and conservation of aquatic and semi-aquatic wildlife. International case studies will augment a focus on water issues in the U.S.

Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better; or completion of the Biology Lower Core with a 2.0 GPA.

ENS 380 Environmental Methods and Technology

A diverse set of methods and technology are used by agency and industry personnel to measure and monitor the environment. Students will get direct experience with a wide range of skills, standard methods, field and laboratory equipment, and technology used by environmental professionals. Topics include the regulatory framework, project management, and a tour of methods and technology used in hazardous waste, stormwater, wastewater, groundwater, air and water quality, biodiversity surveys, and ecological restoration. Lectures will be augmented with weekly exercises in the field or laboratory that focus on a particular method and the equipment and technology used.
Credit Hours: 4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better.


ENS 380L

ENS 380L Environmental Methods and Technology Laboratory

A diverse set of methods and technology are used by agency and industry personnel to measure and monitor the environment. Students will get direct experience with a wide range of skills, standard methods, field and laboratory equipment, and technology used by environmental professionals. Topics include the regulatory framework, project management, and a tour of methods and technology used in hazardous waste, stormwater, wastewater, groundwater, air and water quality, biodiversity surveys, and ecological restoration. Lectures will be augmented with weekly exercises in the field or laboratory that focus on a particular method and the equipment and technology used.
Credit Hours: 0


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better.


ENS 380

ENS 399 Environmental Studies Career Seminar

This course is designed for juniors within the environmental studies department to conduct an in-depth exploration of job opportunities within environmental studies as well as preparation to pursue the job opportunities. The course will require independent research, class discussion, a portfolio submission, and a presentation. This course will bring students together from the four concentrations of environmental studies including communication, humanity and geography, natural science and public policy which will allow for the intersections of the concentrations to be discussed and applied to the global job market.
Credit Hours: 1


Junior/Senior standing and completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better.

ENS 401 Environmental Studies Seminar

Environmental Studies Seminar is a discussion-based course that synthesizes knowledge about the environment and sustainability across the natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, and business disciplines. Students will explore contemporary issues and conduct team-based projects that identify an environmental or sustainability issue in the local community, develop environmental, social, and economic impact assessments, explore solutions, and present their findings. This course may be used to satisfy the capstone requirement of the Minor in Environmental Studies and Minor in Sustainability. Students must have completed or be concurrently completing all requirements for the Minor in Environmental Studies or Minor in Sustainability.
Credit Hours: 1


Completed or concurrently completing all necessary coursework for the Minor in Environmental Studies or Minor in Sustainability.

ENS 410 Environmental Studies Capstone

Environmental Studies Capstone is a Culminating Experience course that is required for students majoring in Environmental Studies and optional for students minoring in Environmental Studies or Sustainability. Students work in interdisciplinary teams to develop a solutions proposal for a real-world environmental issue faced by a community partner (e.g., local governments, NGO’s, businesses). This solutions proposal will use the skills, theories, and methodologies of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to examine the issue and make strategic recommendations. Students will develop Stakeholder engagement plans and communications strategies for both technical and non-technical audiences and compete to present their proposal to the community partner. Senior standing is required for Environmental Studies majors. Completion or concurrent enrollment in remaining requirements and instructor permission are required for students minoring in Environmental Studies or Sustainability.
Credit Hours: 4


Senior standing and enrollment in BS in Environmental Studies, BA in Environmental Studies, Minor in Environmental Studies, or Minor in Sustainability.

ENS 440 Selected Topics in Environmental Studies

Students select a topic of interest within environmental studies in consultation with an environmental studies professor and explore that topic thoroughly through directed, literature-based research. Requires at least two hours each week for each credit hour attempted and a formal paper with extensive literature review. Oral presentation of results can be used in place of ENS 401 with permission of department chair. Counts as general elective credit only and may not be used as an upper-level Environmental Studies elective.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better, and approval of department Chair.

ENS 445 Environmental Studies Research

Students select a topic of interest within environmental studies in consultation with an environmental studies professor and explore that topic thoroughly through directed, primary research. Requires at least two hours each week for each credit hour attempted. Oral presentation of results can be used in place of ENS 401 with permission of department chair. Counts as general elective credit only and may not be used as an upper level Environmental Studies elective.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better, and approval of department Chair.

ENS 450 Environmental Studies Research Capstone

Students prepare culminating products from Independent Study projects in environmental studies in consultation with and environmental studies professor and following preparation via ENS 440 and/or ENS 445. These culminating products must include a research presentation and research paper. Requires at least two hours each week for each credit hour attempted. Oral presentation of results can be used in place of ENS 401 with permission of department chair. Counts as general elective credit only and may not be used as an upper level Environmental Studies elective.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better, and approval of department Chair.

ENS 490 Environmental Studies Internship

Provides practical experience in programs related to environmental studies within an agency, firm, or organization under the supervision of faculty and agency/firm/organization representatives. Can be accomplished on a part-time or full-time basis. Graded on a pass/fail basis. Counts towards Category 2 upper level elective for Environmental Studies BS degree and natural Sciences Requirement for Environmental Studies BA degree. Students may repeat ENS 490 for additional credit and may count up to 4 credits of ENS 490 towards their Environmental Studies degree.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better, and approval of department Chair.

ENS 495 Special Topics in Environmental Studies

A lecture or laboratory course offered at the discretion of the Department of Environmental Studies. Subject may focus on a current issue in environmental studies, training in a specific research technique or an area of environmental studies that is of interest to a particular group of students. Counts towards Category 2 upper level elective for Environmental Studies BS degree, Natural Sciences Requirement for Environmental Studies BA degree, and Environmental Studies minor.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Completion of ENS 198, ENS 199, and either MAT 170 or MAT 260 all with a C or better, and approval of department Chair.