JOU 485 Directed Writing in Journalism

Independent study and advanced training in journalism, which could include reporting, feature writing and/or multimedia, with emphasis on flexibility and practicality of topic and focus. Reading and writing assignments are agreed upon by the individual student and professor. May be repeated if content varies. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements.

Credit Hours: 1-4


JOU 221, JOU 271, JOU 371.

JOU 490 Journalism Studies: Career Internship for Journalism Majors

Internships acquaint students with careers and professions in their major and demonstrate to students how their special skills can be used in these environments. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credit hours, 4 of which may count toward the journalism major. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements.

Credit Hours: 1-8


Junior or senior standing and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Permission of the student's advisor and the department chair are required.

JOU 499 Journalism Colloquium/Portfolio

This course is a requirement for journalism majors, offered in their final semesters, with the goal of preparing them for the post-graduation opportunities and challenges of the journalism craft and an industry in transition. Working professionals give workshops on best practices and the latest issues and developments in the media industries.  Students also compile and submit a portfolio of their best work (in all media) from each year of study.  A preface should include a discussion of the student's growth as a reporter, writer, and multimedia journalist.  Program faculty members evaluate portfolios and select the most distinguished for awards.

Credit Hours: 2


Senior standing in journalism.