Catalog 2021-2022

ITM - Information and Technology Management

ITM 220 Management Information Systems

Students study the use of information systems in the operation of an organization. Topics include data and information, data visualization, business processes, the relationship of business processes with data, information and information systems, and ensuring the safety and the ethical use of data, information, and information systems. Students apply the knowledge acquired in this course to contemporary applications and in simulated business scenarios that incorporate information systems.

Credit Hours: 4


BUS 101 and BAC 100

ITM 251 Application Development

Studies the fundamentals of designing and writing computer programs to solve problems. Emphasizes the principles of software design, development, and testing. Using a pragmatic and hands-on approach, students will apply structured programming and object-oriented methods using contemporary programming languages.
Credit Hours: 4

ITM 280 Network and Cloud Infrastructure

This course provides an introduction to network and cloud computing infrastructures. Topics covered include network architectures, topology, routing, protocols, IP addressing, wireless networking, securing networks, virtualization and cloud computing. An introduction to the fundamentals of hardware, software and networks is provided. Course coverage includes infrastructure, platform and software as a service aspects of cloud computing. Labs offer students practical experience with a protocol analyzer, network diagramming tool and access to a large cloud service provider. Students work directly with cloud-based resources to include installing and configuring instances of different operating systems in a virtualized environment.

Credit Hours: 4


BAC 100.

ITM 318 Systems Analysis and Design

This course introduces students to analysis and design of business information systems. The course addresses the key concepts of user requirements, modeling and information systems project management. The course covers object-oriented requirements modeling approaches. A semester-long project provides students with the opportunity to integrate concepts in analyzing and designing an information system using a prototyping approach with a rapid application development tool. The project management component of the course exposes students to project feasibility analysis, project tracking, developing service requests and reporting minutes of meetings.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 220.

ITM 319 Business Process Integration Using Enterprise Systems

This course focuses on integration of business processes across different functional areas in an organization. Students will learn about enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and their role in integrating business processes within and across organizations. Through hands-on exercises, students will learn how to configure business processes within an organization using a contemporary ERP system, SAP. The course provides students an opportunity to study and compare integration of business processes using ERP systems in two organizations which culminates in a research paper and presentation to the class. Case studies, business simulation, and business process modeling are used to enhance student understanding.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 220, ACC 203.

ITM 350 Information Security Principles

This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of information and cybersecurity.  It covers how to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information systems that modern organizations depend upon.  The information security domains examined include network security, risk management, governance, physical security, cryptography, application development, business continuity and legal issues.  Special consideration is given to studying major security incidents and cybersecurity trends.  Students will learn about the threats and vulnerabilities facing computer systems and the tools and techniques used to secure them.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 220.

ITM 360 Advanced Application Development

Building on ITM251, this course emphasizes advanced programming techniques using a contemporary programming language to develop business applications. Students complete hands-on exercises and an experiential project. 

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 251.

ITM 361 Operations Management

This course examines the short-and long-term decisions that are made in manufacturing and service systems relating to the operations function. Emphasis is placed upon maximizing productivity, improving quality and discussing key issues within operations which are of relevance in a firm’s ability to remain competitive in a global economy. The course also covers global supply chain management aspects such as outsourcing/offshoring and strategic use of information systems. Students are given realistic exercises and gain hands-on experience using a contemporary enterprise information system.

Credit Hours: 4


COB core requirements and MGT 330.

ITM 375 Information Security Standards, Risk Management and Compliance

This course prepares students to design, implement and maintain a robust information security program.  Students will be introduced to various standards that define best practices for creating and maintaining security policies, performing an enterprise risk assessment, business continuity/disaster recovery planning, and security incident response handling.  Students will also be exposed to the legal and regulatory requirements of a successful information security program.  A practical approach to learning these topics will be taken, requiring students to apply their knowledge to real-world situations in project work and report writing assignments.
Credit Hours: 4


ITM 220

ITM 380 Network Security

An introduction to network security and cryptography.  Students learn about computer network configurations, devices, services, vulnerabilities and threats.  Topics include firewalls, intrusion prevention/detection systems, honeypots, wireless systems, remote connectivity, malware threats and common attack types.  Students design a network security architecture for an organization.  The course also covers cryptography topics including encryption methods, symmetric/asymmetric systems, hashing, public-key infrastructures and attack types.  Emphasis is placed on reinforcing concepts with hands-on, lab-based exercises.
Credit Hours: 4


ITM 280

ITM 408 Data and Information Management

Studies fundamental concepts of data and information management with primary focus on database systems, including identifying organizational requirements, conceptual data modeling, logical and physical database design, SQL and database administration tasks. Other topics include business intelligence technologies, data quality management and emerging trends. This course requires completion of an application prototype on a currently popular DBMS.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 220.

ITM 415 Digital Forensic & Software Security

This course explores secure software development and digital forensic analysis. For software security, we cover the most critical application security vulnerabilities and how to mitigate them. The methodologies of developing secure applications are addressed. Secure coding practices are introduced. Additionally, students learn how to conduct vulnerability scans against software as well as take precautionary steps to prevent exploitation. For digital forensics, we explore computer crime types, investigations, and evidence analysis from different devices and operating systems. Students gain experience using digital forensic tools. Understanding cyber risks facing critical national and global infrastructures is also treated.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 251 and ITM 350.

ITM 419 Enterprise Architecture and Governance

The course continues with systems development in an enterprise environment with an emphasis on governance and strategy.  The course focuses on topics such as developing system and network architectures, capturing data, process and security requirements, designing user interfaces and documentation, implementing systems and planning for transition and training.  Moreover, the course covers international governance standards using case examples from global companies.  Governance topics include global strategy development, business alignment, strategic planning and other IS frameworks.  The course provides students with the opportunity to earn the Information Systems Analyst (ISA) designation, an internationally recognized professional certification.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 251 and ITM 318. Pre or Co-Requisite ITM 408.

ITM 450 Cybersecurity Capstone

A comprehensive and intense preparation for the Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) exam.  The course reviews the domains of the CISSP common body of knowledge.  Students sharpen test taking skills with practice questions.  A comprehensive exam is given that mimics an actual certification exam.
Credit Hours: 4


ITM 350, ITM 375, ITM 380.

ITM 466 Business Intelligence and Analytics

The course focuses on the use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, and explanatory and predictive models to generate data-driven insight for decision-making and competitive strategy. Students gain knowledge and skills to manipulate and analyze large data sets. Topics include the strategic value of business intelligence and analytics, relevant concepts related to databases and data warehouses, data and text mining techniques, and business applications of data mining and analytics. Students use software tools to analyze large data sets.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 220 and QMB 210.

ITM 480 Ethical Hacking

Provides additional hands-on lab exercises that build upon the concepts learned in ITM 380. The course covers the hacking methodologies used to assess and attack a target computer system. Emphasis is placed on understanding attack exploits and using security tools and techniques to find and fix vulnerabilities. Students engage in offensive and defensive exercises stressing ethical hacking and penetration testing. Exercises are conducted using different operating systems and virtual environments.

Credit Hours: 4


ITM 350, ITM 380

ITM 490 Internship in Information and Technology Management

This internship exposes the student to a real life learning experience. Students are hired by an organization for the specific objective of gaining work experience in that organization. The paid or unpaid internship position should be relevant to the student's major, and is worked out between the organization and the student. Completion of this internship helps students partially attain the following goals of the College of Business. May not be used to satisfy major requirements. Approval of the department chair required.

Credit Hours: 1-8


Junior or senior standing with overall minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 or a 3.0 in COB courses.

ITM 495 Special Topics in Information and Technology Management

A course offered at the discretion of the ITM department. Subject may focus on a topic of current interest in the field, training in a specific area of the field, or a topic that is of interest to a particular group of students.

Credit Hours: 4


To be specified at time of offering.

ITM 499 Independent Study in Information and Technology Management

A readings or independent study course taken under faculty guidance for variable credit.

Credit Hours: 1-4


Minimum 3.0 GPA, consent of department chair and associate dean.

ITM 608 Information Systems and Operations Management

For graduate students only. This course provides an integrated view of managing information systems and operations. Case studies and the SAP enterprise system are used to address key concepts. The course covers the strategic use and development of information systems as well as providing hands-on experience with enterprise systems. Emphasis is placed on managing the supply chain and its impact on strategic planning. The course addresses each element in the operation of a successful supply chain including having the right quantity, quality, location, time, price and information at each stage of the supply chain process. Both classroom and alternative instructional methods may be employed.

Credit Hours: 4


QMB 500.

ITM 614 Effective Project Management

For graduate students only. This course is a study of project management using the systems approach to problem solving. This course covers the nine project management knowledge areas. Contemporary project management software is used to illustrate all concepts. The course covers management of multiple projects, new product development, and large technology programs. Information-processing methods such as the Design Structure Matrix are used to analyze task dependencies. Methods for managing uncertainty in project management are covered. Students use case studies, readings and software applications to learn the sophisticated techniques and management designs used to effectively manage risk and uncertainty, financial exposure and human constraints.

Credit Hours: 4


QMB 500

ITM 615 Data Mining for Business

Leading companies compete on analytics. This course focuses on using data, statistical and quantitative analysis, data-mining models, and data-driven insight to support decision-making and actions. Students gain knowledge and skills to manipulate and analyze data sets. Topics include the strategic value of analytics and building analytical capabilities, relevant concepts related to data manipulation, data and text mining techniques, and business applications of data mining and analytics.

Credit Hours: 4


QMB 500.

ITM 617 Machine Learning for Business Analytics

This course introduces how to use apply a modern programming language in the process of data mining and business analytics. This course provides hands-on development experience where students utilize programming languages, such as Python and SQL, to process, analyze, model a variety of real-world datasets.
Credit Hours: 4


Pre-requisite or co-requisite QMB 500.

ITM 618 Application Development for Managers

This course focuses on a managerial view of the software development and programming process with a focus on secure programming, code management, data processing, and analytics. Students will undertake a detailed study of the Python programming language and associated development tools. Topics include the software development life-cycle, requirements analysis and documentation, the role of programming languages in software development, version control systems, structured programming, data structures, predictive modeling, static code analysis, and exception handling.

Credit Hours: 4

ITM 619 Enterprise Systems

For graduate students only. This course examines enterprise system concepts with a focus on understanding how enterprise systems integrate information across business functional areas. Students will learn the fundamentals of a current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application (SAP). The use of enterprise systems at both the transaction processing level and the managerial level is covered. Case studies, business simulation, and hands-on exercises with an enterprise system are used to enhance student understanding. Configuration of an enterprise system for business processes is covered. Students will prepare a comparative analysis of two enterprise systems.

Credit Hours: 4

ITM 630 Managing the IT Organization

For graduate students only. The course presents an integrated approach to managing IT organization by guiding the participant though a process of effectively aligning, investing, measuring, deploying and sustaining the strategic and tactical direction of IT organizations in 21st-century businesses. The course leverages and integrates current and emerging industry best practices, standards guidelines and leading company case studies. Students will learn how to develop and evaluate an IT management plan by studying an IT organization in a contemporary business as part of the semester-long project.

Credit Hours: 4

ITM 635 Managing Innovation

For graduate students only. This course focuses on innovation's role in 21st-century organizations. It addresses the need for a systemic approach to building innovation capabilities and the challenges of integrating the many facets of innovation management. Leading innovators and building innovative organizations are covered from both a theoretical and applied approach. Topics addressed include fundamental theories of innovation; developing an innovation strategy; innovation as a business process; the role of the innovation context including leadership and organization, culture and values, people and skills, and processes and tools; and assessing and improving innovation performance.

Credit Hours: 4

ITM 650 Information Security Management

Introduces students to fundamental concepts of information security from the aspect of managing security programs for business enterprises.  The topics examined include risk management, security governance, compliance, business continuity, access control, cybercrime, physical security, critical infrastructures, network security and cryptography.  Special consideration is given to applying international standards and best practices to the development and management of organizational security programs.  Students learn about the vulnerabilities and threats facing information systems and the technology and techniques used to secure them.  Case studies of cybersecurity incidents and industry trends are addressed.  Hands-on experience with security and hacker tools is provided in a lab environment.
Credit Hours: 4

ITM 680 Big Data for Analytics

This course will provide an introduction to managing, mining, and analyzing big datasets. This course will incorporate distributed and parallel algorithms and supported systems to mine large datasets. The course will also use database technology including NoSQL databases. The final project in the course would involve mining a big dataset from a real company using the techniques learnt in the course to gain insights into real business issues.

Credit Hours: 4


QMB 500 and ITM 615.


ITM 617

ITM 689 Global Supply Chain Management

The course provides an introduction to supply chain management language, concepts, tools, and strategies and is targeted to executives and general managers. The course focuses on supply-chain strategy; therefore, the course begins with an overview of business, corporate, and global strategy. The case method is used and supplemented with lectures.
Credit Hours: 4

ITM 690 Internship in Information and Technology Management

International students must consult with the Office of International Programs. May be used to satisfy up to two hours of practicum requirements.

Credit Hours: 1-3


Approval of the graduate office, the college internship coordinator and the associate dean.

ITM 695 Special Topics in Information and Technology Management

A course offered at the discretion of the ITM department. Subject may focus on a topic of current interest in the field, training in a specific area of the field, or a topic that is of interest to a particular group of students.

Credit Hours: 4


To be specified at time of offering.

ITM 699 Independent Study in Information and Technology Management

For graduate students only. Contemporary topics in information systems and technology management.

Credit Hours: 1-8


Minimum 3.5 GPA and written permission of the department chair.