Catalog 2021-2022

AST - Astronomy

AST 126 Introduction to Astronomy

Designed for non-science majors. Topics include naked-eye observations, planetary motion, the solar system and the origin, structure and evolution of stars, galaxies and the universe. Satisfies general distribution requirements. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3


MAT 150 or equivalent.

AST 150 Solar Eclipses Around the World

Solar eclipses occur roughly twice a year, but total solar eclipses occur much less frequently; and the totality of the eclipse is only visible from a narrow strip of the Earth's surface. This course will provide an introduction to astronomy in the context of these dramatic events, including travel to observe a total solar eclipse that is visible in that calendar year.
Credit Hours: 3

AST 300 Astrophysics

This course is an introduction to the physics of astronomical phenomena, including celestial dynamics, the interaction of electromagnetic radiation and matter, planets, stellar structure, stellar evolution, stellar remnants, galaxies, dark matter, cosmology and the history of the universe. Must be completed with a grade of “C” or better to count toward the physics major and minor. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 4


PHY 307

AST 330 Astrobiology

Astrobiology is a cross-disciplinary study, bringing together biology, astronomy, oceanography, atmospheric science, chemistry, planetary science, and geology to study the origins of life in the universe. In this course we will examine the origins of life on Earth, the synthesis of organic molecules in space, the origin of solar systems and the possibility of life on other worlds. Must be completed with a grade of “C” or better to count toward the physics major and minor. Lecture only.
Credit Hours: 4
(W) (NS)


MAT 260, PHY 201 or PHY 206