Catalog 2021-2022

THR - Theatre

THR 101 Improvisation for the Theatre

This course provides an introduction to creative dramatics as a means for developing the basic skills required in actor training. Students will become familiar with sound and movement, transformation, exploration of sensory awareness and creativity as it pertains to character development.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 120 Introduction to Theatre

This course provides an introduction to the workings of global, multicultural theatrical production. An examination of the functions of all theatrical production collaborators. A survey of a selection of performance production styles and genres. Students will read significant production texts, view representative media and create low-tech, small-scale production projects in writing, design, directing or performance that activate the concepts and principles of production processes.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (IG) (NW)

THR 175 Ethical Questions and Modern Drama

This course deals with significant modern plays in which the conflict centers on ethical questions across a broad range of University subjects: business, science, politics and relations with and responsibilities to others. Classroom sessions and papers will address the plays first as works of literature, but will go on to discuss and debate the ethical issues involved.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA)

THR 200 Movement for the Actor

Course that provides the fundamentals of stage movement with the usage of the voice in performance, help students master the physicalization of emotion and physical character building.

For THR/MTR majors only

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA)

THR 201 Acting I for Majors

A studio/performance-oriented course that introduces  the craft to acting. Teaches basic technique and develops skills of relaxation, observation and concentration using exercises, improvisation, monologues and scene work. Required for majors/minors.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)


THR 101 and 200.

THR 202 Acting II for Majors

This studio/performance-oriented course provides training and experience in stage performance for students with initial expertise in the craft of acting. Course emphasis is on monologue or scene preparation and performance. Required for majors.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)


THR 201.

THR 204 Acting I for Non-Majors

A studio/performance-oriented course that introduces the beginning student to the craft of acting. Teaches basic stage technique and develops skills of relaxation, observation and concentration using exercises, improvisation, monologues and scene work. Open to all non-THR/MTR students.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 214 Fine Arts and Brain Compatible Learning Environments

For education majors only. Students will explore how the fine and performing arts can be a cornerstone for meaningful teaching and learning, and will discover the various ways in which learning environments are conducive to optimal brain functions. Learners will also expand their personal connection to, and involvement with, the fine and performing arts.

Credit Hours: 4

THR 235 Censorship vs. Free Expression: Mapping the Battle between Moralists and Performing Artists

Today there is greater access to art and ideas-via television, film, CD, DVD, and internet-then at any time in history. This course is designed to help students think critically about some of the issues regarding censorship and suppression of artistic expression in present and past societies. Students will attempt to respond to the conflicting perspectives that exist in any passionate debate about what is good and what is just for society.
Credit Hours: 4

THR 240 Theatre Participation

Requires audition and/or interview. May be used to fulfill the performance credit requirement for the major in musical theatre or theatre. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 0-1
(A) (HFA)

THR 241 Musical Participation

Requires audition and/or interview. May be used to fulfill the performance credit requirement for the major in musical theatre or theatre. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 0-1
(A) (HFA)

THR 242 Cabaret Participation

Requires audition and/or interview. May be used to fulfill the performance credit requirement for the major in musical theatre or theatre. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 0-1
(A) (HFA)

THR 243 Studio Theatre Participation

Requires audition and/or interview. May be used to fulfill the performance credit requirement for the major in musical theatre or theatre. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 0-1
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 244 Logos: Spoken Word Performance Ensemble

Students will audition for, rehearse, and perform a one-to-two-hour theatrical production where the text is comprised of some work or works of literature — verse or prose. May be used to fulfill performance credit requirement for the major in theatre. Requires audition and/or interview. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 0-1
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 245 Technical Theatre

Provides practical onstage and backstage experience. May be repeated for credit. Required for the major in musical theatre and theatre.

Credit Hours: 1
(A) (HFA)

THR 246 Stage Management and Design

Provides experience and the skills/techniques of stage management for the theatre. Students will also learn about the basic principles of design for production. Required for the major in theatre.

Credit Hours: 1
(A) (HFA)


THR 245.

THR 253 Survey of World Theatre

Introduces students to the art of theatre as it evolved from ancient Greece to Elizabethan England. Surveys the aesthetics of theatre, plays written for the stage, and the roles of collaborating artists in creating theatre. Involves some stage work in acting and directing. Requires attendance at University Theatre productions.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

THR 254 Survey of World Theatre II

Introduces the student to the art of theatre as it evolved from the 17th century. Includes study in the traditional non-Western dramatic forms of the orient. Surveys the aesthetics of theatre, plays written for the stage, and the roles of collaborating artists in creating theatre. Involves some stage work in acting and directing. Requires attendance at University Theatre productions.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (IG) (NW) (W)

THR 260 Creative Dramatics

This studio/performance course is designed to expand your experience in and your knowledge of the various approaches, techniques and skills associated with structured but informal drama experiences called Creative Drama. Through readings, in-class activities, discussion, lesson planning, in-class teaching, performances and written reflection, you will have the opportunity to develop a practical understanding of how creative drama group work is used with all levels and ages of participants in a wide variety of contexts.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 270 Theatre of Resistance: Performance for Political Change

Theatre has long been used as a tool to affect political and social change.  Students will examine recent American plays that persuade spectators to mobilize and agitate for change.  The course will culminate in an experiential learning activity in which the students will create and perform theatre pieces in public, on-campus settings.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA)

THR 275 The Dangerous Stage: Performance as Revolution

This course explores the ways in which theatre has historically been used to advance political and social change. A range of plays will be studied for their revolutionary effect, starting with the ancient Greek tragedy and ending with contemporary American drama. We may attend performances of socially significant plays in the Tampa Bay area. Also, theatre companies that seek to challenge authority and who are denied equal voice in their communities will be examined. The course will culminate in an experiential learning activity in which students will create and perform theatre pieces in public, on-campus settings.
Credit Hours: 3

THR 282 Modern Drama

Studies include survey of modern drama (Ibsen to the present), contemporary British drama, contemporary American drama, or modern Continental drama. May be repeated if content varies. Open to all students.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

THR 298 Creativity and the Learning Environment

Investigates and applies strategies for developing both hemispheres of the brain. Develops a creative, centered lifestyle that includes daily disciplined activity to enhance overall mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Classroom activities include discussion, review of assignments, exploration of models for lifelong vitality, and creative activities related to art, theatre, dance, music, storytelling and writing. Activities include attendance at theatrical and arts-related events.

Credit Hours: 3

THR 301 Acting III for Majors

An advanced studio/performance-oriented course that continues the skills gained in THR 201 and 202. Emphasis is on scene work utilizing techniques for finding and playing intentions, connecting action with others, and developing strong and realistic characters and relationships.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 302 Career Development for the Actor

A practicum course for theatre majors with a focus on audition preparation and performance, and the business techniques required to market oneself for a career in the Theatre.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 303 Seminar in Public Performance

Seminar course that provides guided study and rehearsal in such areas as oral interpretation, readers' theater, public speaking and acting. Project-oriented course involves public performances and critiques.

Credit Hours: 0-4
(A) (HFA)


8 or more hours of theatre and/or speech courses, or consent of instructor.

THR 304 Acting II for Non-Majors

This studio/performance-oriented course provides continued training for students with basic understanding of the craft of acting. Courses emphasis is on monologue and/or scene preparation and performance. Open to all non-THR/MTR students.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)


THR 204 or consent of the instructor.

THR 308 Development of Musical Theatre

Students study significant developments in the history of musical theatre as a distinct art form, including the artists who contributed to musical theatre and significant works from the repertory. May not be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA)

THR 309 Advanced Drama

Studies include Elizabethan, Restoration or contemporary drama. May be repeated if content varies.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)


AWR 101 and 201.

THR 315 Advanced Acting Workshop

A studio/performance-oriented course designed to enhance previously acquired acting skills via intensive study, demonstration and observation of the physicalization of emotion and text, in-class exercises, and instruction. The study of advanced methods of acting techniques are examined through scene study, dramatic interpretation and analysis, as well as monologue preparation and performance.

Credit Hours: 3


THR 301 or consent of instructor.

THR 320 Play Analysis

Course emphasis is on play analysis that addresses structure, plot and theme, interpretation, application of director concept, theatrical convention and production technique.  Students are required to create a directorial study/analysis of a specific play.  Required for the major in musical theatre and theatre.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

THR 330 Special Topics in Theatre

Offers instruction and experiences in specialized theatrical-related courses such as Theatre Styles, Stage Makeup, Stage Costuming, Non-Western Theatre, Beginnings of Realism and Performance Arts.

Credit Hours: 2-4

THR 401 Acting Shakespeare

A studio/performance-oriented acting course that provides for training, analysis and experience with the performance of the works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Emphases are on acting techniques, monologue presentation, and scene study performance.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 402 Advanced Acting Styles

An advanced studio performance-oriented course that provides exercises and performance techniques with a focus on historical periods and performance. Emphases include research of the period, manners and conventions, language and physicality.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA/ST)

THR 420 Survey of Dramatic Literature

This intensive survey course requires students to engage in deep critical engagement with recognized masterworks of the contemporary stage, to examine the history of their significant productions, to analyze the socio-political and cultural contexts that contributed to their literary creation and their staged interpretations.  The course employs a dramaturgical approach to uncovering evolving theories of and ways of thinking about theatre.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA)


THR 320 or consent of instructor.

THR 425 Directing

Studies the basic tasks of the director: play selection, analysis, casting, rehearsing and mounting the production. Each student is responsible for directing the performance of a one-act play or equivalent dramatic scene.

Credit Hours: 3
(A) (HFA) (W)


THR 320 or consent of the instructor.

THR 448 Theatre Senior Capstone Project

A studio/performance course designed for graduating students with a major in theatre, and intended to demonstrate their development as performers and theatre artists. In this course students will devise and present a group capstone project as a showcase of their skills and performance abilities for industry professionals. This capstone project serves as a means for career development. All theatre majors will be required to enroll in this course for the completion of their program of study.

Credit Hours: 1