PHL 302 Modern Philosophy: Metaphysics and Epistemology from Descartes to Kant

This course explores what is called “Modern Philosophy”--that is, the highly influential philosophies of early modern rationalists (such as René Descartes) and empiricists (such as David Hume) as well as the extraordinary synthesis provided by Immanuel Kant.  We focus on early modern philosophers' theories and ideas about metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, religion, science, and related issues.  This course provides a foundation for both understanding and critiquing the modern world.

Credit Hours: 4


One previous PHL course.

PHL 305 Philosophy of the Emotions

An investigation into the nature of emotions and their relationship to rationality and moral responsibility. We first examine some traditional philosophical accounts that analyze emotions in terms of specific sensations. We then examine a Freudian account of emotion, which holds that one can have an unconscious emotion. Existential theories of emotion are then considered, followed by an examination of contemporary cognitive theories.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 306 Existentialism

A study of central themes in existential philosophy and literature.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 308 Film Aesthetics

A study of film as an aesthetic medium. Explores the social, technological, historical and artistic influences on the development of cinema. Also examines how theories of film (i.e., realism, formalism, expressionism and semiology) affect the aesthetic construction and critical reception of films.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 310 Theories of Democracy

What is democracy? How is it tied to justice? Is liberal democracy the only legitimate form of democracy? Can we make democracy better? How should democracy be shaped by culture and context? This course focuses on contemporary philosophical debates about democracy, but readings also include texts in political theory and political philosophy. Specific topics may include democratic representation; minimalism/realism about democracy; liberal democracy; classical pluralism; social choice theory; difference democracy and issues of gender, race, and class; deliberative democracy; green/environmental democracy; globalization and cross-cultural issues as they relate to democracy.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 311 Philosophy of Law

This course will introduce students to the academic field of the philosophy of law. Students will be exposed to, and develop their capacity to think critically about, historically influential philosophical answers to the following questions: “What is the nature of the law, and what makes something a valid or legitimate law? Should the law reflect morality, or does it somehow constitute or create morality?” This course will also examine the philosophy of constitutional law, contract law, criminal law, rights to property, free speech, free practice of religion, privacy, pornography, abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action and punishment. It is recommended that students have had at least one course in philosophy, criminology or government and world affairs, but this course may be taken as a first course in philosophy by ambitious students who are interested in the subject matter.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 312 The Philosophy of Human Rights

An in-depth investigation into the philosophical nature and implications of human rights. Examines whether human rights are objective or human constructions, different cultural and religious conceptions of human rights, how many human rights there are, and what protection of human rights requires.  Prerequisite:  one previously completed PHL course or consent of instructor.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 313 Justice

An in-depth investigation of major philosophical theories of justice, as well as questions of applied justice, such as justice and the family, affirmative action, and mass incarceration.  Prerequisite:  one previously completed PHL course or consent of instructor.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 314 International Justice

An in-depth study of major theories of international justice and applied international issues, such as human rights, world poverty, nationalism, multiculturalism, and climate change.
Credit Hours: 4


one previously completed PHL course or consent of instructor.

PHL 315 The Morality of War

An in-depth examination of when war is morally justified, which tactics in war are morally justified, and what is morally required post-war. Topics include pacifism, preventive war, use of overwhelming force, terrorism, and civilian and military responsibility.
Credit Hours: 4


one previously completed PHL course or consent of instructor.

PHL 316 Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

This advanced course introduces students to fundamental issues regarding ethics and artificial intelligence, including questions about whether A.I. are conscious beings warranting moral consideration, problems in ensuring that A.I. behavior is controllable and aligned with human values, algorithmic police profiling, social media algorithms, and creating A.I. for friendship, romance, or sex.
Credit Hours: 4


At least one PHL course or CSC 310 or CSC 410 or ITM 466.

PHL 317 Knowledge

This course offers a detailed examination of contemporary analytic epistemology, or the study of knowledge. Knowledge and related epistemic concepts such as belief, justification, truth, and probability are integral to the ways in which we understand the world. Before we can make substantive claims about anything, we must consider the conditions under which we can know something. To that end, this course may cover topics such as:  theories of knowledge, justification, and probability, skepticism, and issues at the intersection of ethics and epistemology such as testimonial injustice and moral encroachment.
Credit Hours: 4


One previous PHL, REL, or UTPHL course or permission of the instructor.

PHL 320 Chinese Philosophy

An in-depth survey of classical Chinese philosophy, with an emphasis on the cross-cultural comparison of philosophical traditions, methods and commitments. This course will focus on classical Confucianism and Daoism (Taoism), but will also cover topics such as Mohism, the legalist philosophy of Hanfeizi and Yin/Yang metaphysics. It is recommended that students have had at least one course in philosophy, religion or Asian studies (including Asian languages), but this course may be taken as a first course in philosophy or Asian studies by ambitious students who are interested in the subject matter.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 321 Daoist Philosophy and Religion

This course is an introduction to the philosophy and religion of Daoism (Taoism).  It will emphasize the cross-cultural comparison of philosophical traditions, methods and commitments.  This course has an experiential learning component:  In addition to our study of texts, we will practice Daoist meditation techniques and qigong (i.e., Chinese yoga-like body practices) inside and outside of class. The practices will be modified for those who are physically unable to perform them.
Credit Hours: 4


one previously completed PHL course or consent of instructor.

PHL 330 Asian Philosophy Special Topics

An exploration of special topics in Asian or Indian philosophy, with an emphasis on the cross-cultural comparison of philosophical traditions, methods and commitments. It is recommended that students have had at least one course in philosophy, religion or Asian studies (including Asian languages), but this course may be taken as a first course in philosophy or Asian studies by ambitious students who are interested in the subject matter. May be repeated if content varies.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 350 Special Topics

An exploration of one or more special topics in philosophy. It is recommended that students have had at least one philosophy course, but this course may be taken as a first philosophy course by ambitious students who are interested in the subject matter. May be repeated if content varies. Students will write philosophical research papers that undergo formal review and revision, and they will do other kinds of writing while engaging with philosophical issues.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 351 Special Topics

An exploration of one or more special topics in philosophy. It is recommended that students have had at least one philosophy course, but this course may be taken as a first philosophy course by ambitious students who are interested in the subject matter. May be repeated if content varies. Students will write philosophical research papers that undergo formal review and revision, and they will do other kinds of writing while engaging with philosophical issues.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 399 Philosophy of Sex

An introduction to the philosophy of sex. Topics covered include philosophical issues related to gender, biological sex, sexual orientation, sexual desire, perversion, consent, embodiment, conceptions of sex in non-Western traditions, etc.  The course will include cross-cultural comparisons of conceptions of sex and sexuality.
Credit Hours: 4


Prerequisite: one previously completed PHL course or consent of instructor.