Catalog 2024-2025


MUS 315 Choral Conducting

A study of advanced conducting techniques with practical application to choral ensembles. Prerequisite: MUS 215.

Credit Hours: 3


MUS 215

MUS 316 Instrumental Conducting

A study of advanced conducting techniques with practical application to instrumental ensembles. Prerequisite: MUS 215

Credit Hours: 3


MUS 215

MUS 317 Studio Lessons: Conducting

Taught as a private studio lesson, this course provides continuing and repeatable study in the art of Conducting (Orchestral, Wind Band, and Choral) to further develop the skills necessary of any student interested in pursuing a degree as a public educator, or those interested in furthering their studies or career in conducting.

Credit Hours: 2


MUS 215, and MUS 315 or MUS 316

MUS 323 Arranging and Orchestration

A study of how to effectively write music for acoustic instruments and voices. Includes discussion of arranging techniques such as composing introductions and transitions, chord voicing, reharmonization, and textural transcription.

Credit Hours: 2


MUS 123

MUS 326 Recording Studio Practicum

An in-depth study of essential procedures and concepts, as well as hands-on training in technical skills, for safely, intelligently, and efficiently operating hardware and software in a professional music recording studio. This course prepares students for the FCA Recording Studio Access Examination, and provides ongoing training in recording studio technology and techniques. May be taken repeatedly for continuing access to recording studio facilities while concurrently enrolled in an upper-level music technology course.
Credit Hours: 2


Music majors only, or permission of instructor. C or better in MUS 108 and MUS 109.


Concurrent enrollment in one of the following: MUS 245, MUS 270, MUS 272, MUS 273, MUS 274, MUS 275, MUS 276, MUS 279, MUS 280, MUS 281, MUS 331, MUS 446, or MUS 499.

MUS 331 Music Technology Seminar

Advanced studies in music technology, music industry, audio engineering, and electroacoustic music, including a wide range of topics. Course content will change each semester, with course iterations centered around different themes. Repeatable for credit.
Credit Hours: 2


MUS 109 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

MUS 346 Junior Recital

A studio/performance-oriented course with required preview. All repertoire must be approved and coached by the studio instructor. See the UT Music Student Handbook for details. Students may enroll for zero credit if they are enrolled in 18 or more credit hours.

Credit Hours: 0-1


Applied music study in the primary instrument/voice used for the recital.

MUS 350 Upper Division Studio Lessons

MUS 350 Upper Division Studio Lesson (2-credit, 50-minute weekly lessons) is required for Music Majors who have passed their Upper Division Performance Evaluation. This course is intended for students studying in their primary performance area only. Students must be concurrently enrolled in a co requisite ensemble that is related to their Studio Lessons course. Studio lessons may be repeated for credit.

Spartan Studies:

Culminating Experience

Credit Hours: 2


Spartan Studies Core. Must pass the Upper Division Performance Evaluation before registering for this course.


Students must be concurrently enrolled in a co-requisite ensemble that is related to their Studio Lessons course.

MUS 380 Music History Survey I: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque

A historical survey of Western musical tradition from the earliest known sources through the mid Baroque (up to 1700). The overall objective is for the student to gain an understanding of basic developments in Western music from the beginnings in Ancient Greece through the mid Baroque period. The course will include the study of both sacred and secular music in various genres and will place great emphasis on listening. The course is also designed to increase the students’ critical thinking skills and ability to write effectively about the aesthetics of Western music.
Credit Hours: 3


MUS 123. Music majors only or permission of instructor.

MUS 381 Music History Survey II: 18th and 19th Centuries

A historical survey of Western musical tradition from the beginning of the 18th century through the end of the 19th century. This course traces the development of Western music, both sacred and secular music in various genres, in the late Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods. The course will place great emphasis on listening and study of music scores. The course is also designed to increase the students’ critical thinking skills and ability to write effectively about the aesthetics of Western music.
Credit Hours: 3


MUS 123 and MUS 380. Music majors only or permission of the instructor.

MUS 390 Reading and Teaching Music - Elementary

A specialized music course that focuses on strategies, materials, and best-practice activities for teaching reading and fundamentals of elementary music.  Features demonstrations with class participation in singing and use of rhythmic and pre-orchestral instruments.  Requires observation and teaching in elementary schools.

Credit Hours: 3


Music Education majors only.

MUS 391 ESOL Survey and Music Class Management

This course provides music pre-interns a knowledge of the 5 Florida ESOL Domains and 12 ESOL Performance Standards in the five content areas: methods of teaching ESOL, ESOL curriculum and materials development, cross-cultural communication and understanding, applied linguistics, testing and evaluation of ESOL.  Guided by the principles of comprehensibility and cultural sensitivity, students will design/adapt/teach level-appropriate materials (Music K-12) utilizing ESOL techniques and research-based best practices in music classroom management, behavior modification, informal/formal assessments, communication with parents, content delivery, and the use of technology.

Credit Hours: 3


Music Education majors only.