FSC 440 Professional Practice in Forensic Science

This course is designed to help students transition the knowledge and skills gained in their laboratory and coursework into employment in working forensic laboratories. The following topics, in the context of forensic science, are covered: quality assurance, courtroom testimony, ethics, data integrity, and employment practices.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


Forensic Science majors & Spartan Studies Core

FSC 461 Forensic Science Seminar

Provides experience in reviewing the scientific literature, scientific writing, and presentation. The products of the course are a manuscript and presentation reviewing the scientific literature in a topic of forensic science. The course culminates in students presenting their work for the faculty and/or forensic practitioners.

Credit Hours: 3


FSC 130, CHE 234, CHE 235L, and CHE 310 (each with a grade of “C” or better).