Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution and any proposal affecting the campus governance structure may be adopted at any meeting of the General Assembly Delegates or College Faculty Assembly, provided that the proposed amendment has been reviewed by the Executive Council, has been presented in writing to the membership of the General Assembly Delegates or College Faculty Assembly, and has been discussed by the appropriate body during a faculty meeting occurring not less than two weeks prior to final action.

Section 2: The assent of two-thirds of the members present and voting shall be required to amend this Constitution or change the campus governance structure.

Section 3: An amendment to this Constitution or change to the campus governance structure becomes effective upon the assent of the President and, if substantive, the Board of Trustees. If the President withholds assent, the General Assembly Delegates or College Faculty Assembly may then reconsider the issue at a subsequent meeting.  If the action is reaffirmed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of the concerned body present and voting, and the President still withholds assent, the matter will be referred to the Board of Trustees for final action.