Article I: Powers of the General Assembly Delegates and College Faculty Assembly

Section 1: The General Assembly Delegates considers and makes recommendations regarding issues concerning the whole institution with the exception of matters related to the academic program. Issues considered by the General Assembly include, but are not limited to, matters affecting the health, safety and comfort of the members of the college community, matters affecting the welfare and direction of Berea College, and such other matters as may be referred to it by the President or other governance bodies.

Section 2: The College Faculty Assembly considers issues affecting the academic program (such as curriculum, majors, etc.) and makes recommendations dealing with College Faculty personnel policies.

Section 3: The General Assembly Delegates and College Faculty Assembly function as independent bodies ordering their own internal affairs. Each Assembly has the power to establish such policies and practices as are needed to fulfill its functions except where its recommendations require approval by the President, Administrative Committee, or Board of Trustees. These policies and practices include, but are not limited to, curricular modifications (e.g., the addition or deletion of a general studies curriculum or an academic major) and modifications in the personnel policies for College Faculty.

All actions of the General Assembly Delegates and College Faculty Assembly must be consistent with the Articles of Incorporation of Berea College and with the Bylaws and policies established by the Board of Trustees. The General Assembly Delegates and College Faculty Assembly may, however, recommend changes in policies to the President and Trustees. Neither the General Assembly Delegates nor the College Faculty Assembly may authorize the expenditure of funds.

Section 4: Amendments to student judicial codes and all major changes in policies governing student life and conduct must be reviewed and approved by a majority vote of the General Assembly Delegates before becoming effective. Such matters also will be submitted for review and action to the Student Government Association, and their recommendations will be considered in General Assembly Delegates action.

Section 5: All major changes in policies governing the labor program must be reviewed and approved by a majority vote of the General Assembly Delegates before becoming effective.

Section 6: An action of the General Assembly Delegates or the College Faculty Assembly becomes effective upon assent of the President unless approval by the Administrative Committee and/or Board of Trustees is required. If the President withholds assent, the General Assembly Delegates or College Faculty Assembly may then reconsider the issue at a subsequent meeting. If the action is reaffirmed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of the concerned body present and voting, and the President still withholds assent, the matter will be referred to the Board of Trustees for final action.