Catalog 2024-2025

Narrative Courses

All DNP students take:

Credit Hours:

Any ENT course not already taken except independent studies

Credit Hours: 4

Any MGT course not already taken except internships and independent studies

Credit Hours: 4

Any two of the above listed courses not already being used to satisfy a category

Credit Hours:


Credit Hours:

(Financial Analysis Track)

Credit Hours:

(Quantitative Finance Track)

Credit Hours:


Credit Hours:

4 credits of the following:

Credit Hours:

6 credits of the following:

Credit Hours:

8 credits of the following:

Credit Hours:

10 credits of the following:

Credit Hours:

12 credits of the following:

Credit Hours:

16 credits of the following:

Credit Hours:

9 credits of the following (6 credits must be taken at 200-level or higher):

Credit Hours:

ART 2xx 200-level studio ART course

Credit Hours: 4

ART Additional courses in concentration area

Credit Hours: 11

ART Additional electives

Credit Hours: 11

CHE Additional chemistry course*

Credit Hours:

Additional electives

Credit Hours: 24

ART Additional courses in concentration area

Credit Hours: 12

ADPR Elective

Credit Hours: 4

Any foreign language

Credit Hours:

JOU Any Journalism course

Credit Hours: 4

Any Philosophy (PHL) or Religion (REL) course(s)

Credit Hours:

WRI Any Writing course

Credit Hours: 4

LIT Any Literature course

Credit Hours: 4

Additional Requirements

Credit Hours: 19-20

ADPR Elective or General elective

Credit Hours: 4

ADPR Elective or General elective or Internship

Credit Hours: 4

ADPR Elective or internship

Credit Hours: 4

American History

Credit Hours: 8


Credit Hours:

And one of the following courses:

Credit Hours:

And two of the following courses:

Credit Hours:

And three of the following courses:

Credit Hours:


Credit Hours:

Any foreign language

Credit Hours: 4

Any PSC travel course

Credit Hours:

SPE *** Any Speech Courses

Credit Hours: 4

Any combination of other professional (ESC) activity courses

Credit Hours: 4

ARA ARA 202-level or above Arabic

Credit Hours: 4

ART *Three Upper-level Courses

Credit Hours: 12

ART 300 plus Elective

Credit Hours: 4


Credit Hours: 11

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 2

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 3

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 4

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 5

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 6

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 7

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 8

ART Elective

Credit Hours: 9

ART Electives

Credit Hours: 10

Art Electives (300 level or above)

Credit Hours: 4

Electives (8 credit hours)

Credit Hours:

Graphic Design Electives Fourteen-credits from the following:

Credit Hours:

ART 269-276 Art history

Credit Hours: 4

ART XXX Art History Elective: one of the following

Credit Hours:


Credit Hours: 3

BAC 101 BAC 101 / Pathways to Honors 1

Credit Hours: 1

BAC 102 BAC 102 / Pathways to Honors 2

Credit Hours: 1

Baccalaureate Experience course

Credit Hours: 3

Baccalaureate Experience course

Credit Hours: 3-4

Baccalaureate Experience course

Credit Hours: 4


Credit Hours: 2


Credit Hours: 4


Credit Hours: 5

Barrier Island Ecology

Credit Hours: 3

Any upper division biology courses above BIO 199 and MAR courses above 200.

Credit Hours:

BIO Course

Credit Hours: 3

BIO Biological Science

Credit Hours: 3

BIO Biology elective

Credit Hours: 4

BIO Category I course

Credit Hours: 3-4

BIO Category II Course

Credit Hours: 3-4

BIO Category II course

Credit Hours: 4

BIO Category III course

Credit Hours: 3-4

BIO Category III course

Credit Hours: 4

BIO BIO Category requirement (I, II or III)

Credit Hours: 3-4

BIO/MAR Natural Science (Bacc. Exp)

Credit Hours: 3

BIO Pre-Professional elective

Credit Hours: 4

BIO Category III course

Credit Hours: 3

BIO Category requirement (I, II or III)

Credit Hours: 4

BIO Category requirement (I, II or III)

Credit Hours: 4

BIO Category requirement (I, II or III)

Credit Hours: 3

Biological Science (Bacc. Exp.)

Credit Hours: 3

Biology Core Curriculum

Credit Hours: 25

Biology core curriculum (without Genetics)

Credit Hours: 21

Cellular biology/physiological course (Category I)

Credit Hours: 3-4

Cetacean Behavior

Credit Hours: 3

CHE Course

Credit Hours: 3

CHE/PHY Natural Science (Bacc. Exp)

Credit Hours: 3

Chemical/Physical Science

Credit Hours: 4

CHI CHI 202-level or above Chinese

Credit Hours: 4

Choose two of the following:

Credit Hours:

COB core, speech, and math requirements

Credit Hours: 56

COM 300 level Critical Studies

Credit Hours: 4

COM 400 level Critical Studies

Credit Hours: 4

COM Concentration Course

Credit Hours: 4

COM Core Elective in Media, Culture and Society

Credit Hours: 4

COM Core Elective in Production

Credit Hours: 4

COM Core Elective in Writing

Credit Hours: 4

COM Elective

Credit Hours: 4

COM Elective in Writing, Culture & Society, Visual Aesthetics or Sound Image and Motion

Credit Hours: 4

COM Elective in Writing, Culture & Society, Visual Aesthetics or Sound Image and Motion

Credit Hours: 4

COM Elective in Writing, Culture & Society, Visual Aesthetics or Sound Image and Motion

Credit Hours: 4

COM Elective or internship

Credit Hours: 4

COM FMA Elective

Credit Hours: 4

COM FMA Elective or internship

Credit Hours: 4

COM or General elective

Credit Hours: 4

COM Portfolio Review

Credit Hours: 4

COM/WRI Elective for Journalism Major

Credit Hours: 4

Coastal Environments in Peril

Credit Hours: 3

Coastal Restoration

Credit Hours: 3


Credit Hours: 23-32

CRM Elective

Credit Hours: 4

CRM Select one course from Category 1, 2 or 3

Credit Hours: 4

CRM Select one course from Behavioral category

Credit Hours: 4

DAN Dance Elective (optional)

Credit Hours: 2

Decisions Analysis Elective

Credit Hours: 4

ECO Economics elective

Credit Hours: 4

ECO Electives

Credit Hours: 16

Internships are earned 1 credit per semester (fall, spring, summer) for a total of 3 credits

Credit Hours:

Elasmobranch Biology

Credit Hours: 6


Credit Hours: 1-2


Credit Hours: 2


Credit Hours: 2-3


Credit Hours: 3


Credit Hours: 4


Credit Hours: 5


Credit Hours: 5-6


Credit Hours: 6-7

ADPR Elective

Credit Hours: 4

CRM Elective from Behavioral Organizational or Law category

Credit Hours: 4

JOU, WRI, or COM Elective

Must be outside of student's major and with consent of minor adviser.
Credit Hours: 4

CRM Elective from Organizational or Behavioral Category

Credit Hours: 4

Electives above BIO 199, MAR 200

Credit Hours:

ENG 200 level British Literature II, or American Literature I, or American Literature II

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 200 level English Elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 200 level English 200 level English Language, Rhetoric, or Advanced Composition course

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 200 level English 200 level Introduction to Literatures and Interpertations course

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 200 level literature course

ENG 200, ENG 201, ENG 202, ENG 206, ENG 207, ENG 208, ENG 209, ENG 211, ENG 214, ENG 215, ENG 216, ENG 220, ENG 229, ENG 238, ENG 240, ENG 249, ENG 250, ENG 251, ENG 253, ENG 257, ENG 270-278, ENG 282-289
Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 level English Major Authors or elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 level English Period or Genre Course or English elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 level literature course

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 400 level Literature Course

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 400 level 400 level Seminar in Poetry Writing, or Seminar in Fiction Writing, Professional Writing Internship or Writing Elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG Choose from Poetry Writing I, Fiction Writing I, Creative Writing I, Technical Writing, or other Writing Elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 level Elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 100 or 200 level English Elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 or 400 level English elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 or 400 level Major author or period course

Credit Hours: 4

ENG/WRI English or writing elective

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 level English Major Authors or Major Poets Course

Credit Hours: 4

ENG 300 level Major Genre/Historical Period Course

Credit Hours: 4

Engineering Calculus

Credit Hours: 4

ENG or LIT English or literature courses

Credit Hours: 8

ENT Any ENT course not already taken, except internships and independent studies

Credit Hours:

ENT Entrepreneurship elective

Credit Hours: 4

Environmental Studies Core Curriculum

Credit Hours: 24

ESC Elective

Credit Hours: 2

ESC Professional Activity Course

Credit Hours: 2

Fine Arts - art music dance drama

Credit Hours: 3

Foreign Language

Credit Hours: 4

Four additional PHY or AST courses above the 300-level

Credit Hours: 16

FRE FRE 202-level or above French

Credit Hours: 4

General Electives

Credit Hours: 6

General elective (200 level or above)

Credit Hours: 4

General elective (300 level or above)

Credit Hours: 4

GER GER 202-level or above German

Credit Hours: 4

HIS 100 level History course

Credit Hours: 4

HIS 200 level History course

Credit Hours: 4

HIS HIS 202-level or above

Credit Hours: 4

HIS 300 level History course

Credit Hours: 4

HIS 400 level History course

Credit Hours: 4

HIS History elective

Credit Hours: 4

HSC Elective

Credit Hours:

Humanities (Bacc. Exp.)

Credit Hours: 4

Humanities/Fine Arts

Credit Hours: 4

International Studies

Credit Hours: 8

ITA ITA 202-level or above Italian

Credit Hours: 4

ITM Electives - not lower than ITM 251

Credit Hours: 8

JPN JPN 202-level or above Japanese

Credit Hours: 4

Literature elective at 300 or 400 level

Credit Hours: 4

Marine Ecology

Credit Hours: 5

Marine Fisheries Management

Credit Hours: 5

Marine Ichthyology

Credit Hours: 6

Marine Invertebrate Zoology

Credit Hours: 6


Credit Hours: 5

Marine Mammals

Credit Hours: 5

Marine Science II: Marine Biology

Credit Hours: 5

MGT Any course not already taken, except internships and independent studies

Credit Hours:

MUS 251-269 Voice/Recital-Concert Attendance (two credit hours each semester enrolled)

Credit Hours: 16

MUS MUS Ensembles (minimum of one each semester enrolled)

Credit Hours: 8

MUS Music Electives

Credit Hours: 2

MUS Music electives: any courses

Credit Hours: 9

students with instrumental primary applied area take one of the following:

Credit Hours:

students with instrumental primary applied area take:

Credit Hours:

students with instrumental or vocal primary applied areas take:

Credit Hours:

students with vocal primary applied area take:

Credit Hours:

students with vocal primary applied area take one of the following:

Credit Hours:

Natural Sciences

Credit Hours: 3

Any-level PHL or REL elective Any PHL or REL course at any level

Any PHL or REL course at any level
Credit Hours: 4

Upper-level PHL elective Any 300-level or 400-level PHL course. [Please note: PHL 401 The Philosopher's Capstone *may* be taken and counted as the upper-level elective for the Philosophy minor, but it is only a requirement for the philosophy major, not the minor.]

Any 300-level or 400-level PHL course (other than PHL 301 Modern Philosophy).  [Please note:  PHL 401 The Philosopher's Capstone may be taken and counted as the upper-level elective for the Philosophy minor, but it is only a requirement for the philosophy major, not the minor.]

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 3XX and/or 4XX Upper-level PHL electives (12 credits)

Upper-level PHL electives:  12 credit-hours of any combination of 300-level or 400-level PHL courses other than PHL 301 Modern Philosophy or PHL 401 The Philosopher's Capstone.
Credit Hours: 12

Upper-level PHL electives 12 credits (typically three 4-credit courses) of PHL 3XX and/or PHL 4XX

12 credit-hours of any combination of any 300-level or 400-level PHL courses (other than PHL 301 Modern Philosophy or PHL 401 The Philosopher's Capstone).
Credit Hours: 12

Marine Toxicology

Credit Hours: 5

PHL One previous PHL course One previous PHL course

Credit Hours:

Major Electives

Credit Hours: 6

Marine Animal Behavior

Credit Hours: 5

Marine Conservation

Credit Hours: 5

Marine Biology

Credit Hours: 5

(not for English education majors)

Credit Hours:

At least one PHL course or CSC 310 or CSC 410 or ITM 466

Credit Hours: 24

MAT 160 or higher

Credit Hours: 4

MAT 4 credit hours in mathematics courses numbered 261 or higher

Credit Hours: 4

(not for PE or music education majors)

Credit Hours:

NUR Elective

Credit Hours: 3

or any of the following courses:

Credit Hours:

One of the following:

Credit Hours:

One of the following two courses:

Credit Hours:


Credit Hours:

Or both of the following courses:

Credit Hours:

One of the following required:

Credit Hours:

PHL 200 level Philosophy elective

Credit Hours: 4

One of the following based on selected concentration:

Credit Hours:

Organismal biology course (Category II)

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 300 level Philosophy elective

Credit Hours: 4

Research Study Program

Credit Hours: 1-6

POR POR 202-level or above Portuguese

Credit Hours: 4

Required Concentration

Credit Hours: 28-38

Philosophy electives

Credit Hours: 16

Research Study Program — Lecture

Credit Hours: 1

Select one of the following:

Credit Hours:

Shark Biology

Credit Hours: 5

SOC Electives

Credit Hours: 8

SOC Electives

Credit Hours: 16

Social Sciences

Credit Hours: 4

SPA SPA 202-level or above Spanish

Credit Hours: 4

Three additional PHY or AST courses above the 300-level

Credit Hours: 12

Three Electives

Credit Hours: 12

Two additional PHY or AST courses above the 300-level

Credit Hours: 8

Upper-Level Electives

Credit Hours: 27

Upper-Level Electives

Credit Hours: 11-12

LIT 300+ Two Literature courses LIT/ENG 300 level or higher

Credit Hours: 8

Two credits in one of the following two courses:

Credit Hours:

Two of the following:

Credit Hours:

Upper-Level Electives

Credit Hours: 11-16


Credit Hours:

WRI Writing course

Credit Hours: 4

7 credits from the following courses:

Credit Hours: