
Division IV Chair: K. Brown 

Department Chair: TBD


Faculty:  A. Barton, G. Gray, D. Martin, A. Shupe, and G. Thornsberry




Courses: THR Courses


Course Sequencing Table: Theatre

Entrance to the Major Information: Progression for THR B.A.


Major/Minor Requirements: Theatre B.A.Theatre MinorFilm Production Minor


The Theatre major provides an introduction to all aspects of theatre: the literature of the drama, theatre history, acting, directing, design, technology, and management. The major blends the curricular program with the co-curricular Theatre labor and production programs, the Practicum classes, and instruction from Theatre faculty and guest artists. Berea College Theatre is the production organization that supports a season of full-length plays. Productions directed and/or written by students, in addition to special visiting artist presentations and seminars/workshops, are often part of the Theatre's offerings.

The Theatre Department offers courses in theatre and film towards the bachelor of arts degree in Theatre. The Department has two principal responsibilities: advancing the student’s skills in theatre production and analysis, and furthering the student’s insight into the meaning and value of human experience through the study of theatre and film - all while focusing on the student’s creativity.

Upon graduation, majors proceed into graduate or other professional schools, professional theatre and film work, or numerous other creative occupations.

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Theatre Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:

Theatre Student Learning Goals & Outcomes

Learning Goal 1: Knowledge of Theatre History

Gain a broad knowledge of theater history in its physical and literary forms.

Learning Outcome 1.1: Informed Judgements About Theatre

Demonstrate the ability to develop, discuss, and defend informed judgments about theatre from a cultural context.

Learning Outcome 1.2: World Theatre History

Demonstrate knowledge about global world theatre history and dramatic literature, including exemplary works and genres.

Learning Goal 2: Appreciation of Eras, Movements, and Playwrights

Develop an appreciation of the principal theatrical eras, movements, and playwrights and the defining characteristics of theatrical genres and styles.

Learning Outcome 2.1: Interpretation of Dramatic Texts & Theatrical Performance

Interpret dramatic texts and critique theatrical performance using appropriate critical language and analytical frameworks appropriate to specific theatrical genres and styles.

Learning Outcome 2.2: Understand the Role of Theatre

Articulate an understanding of the role of theater in culture, society, and national identity, and how each shapes the other over time.

Learning Goal 3: Collaborative Process

Develop an understanding of, and appreciation for, the collaborative theatre process and experience through the co-curricular production and labor programs.

Learning Outcome 3.1: Comprehension & Application of Production Techniques

Comprehension and application of the vocal, physical, intellectual, and artistic skills utilized by a performing artist.

Learning Outcome 3.2: Comprehension & Application of Design and Technology Skills

Comprehension and application of the tools, skills, terminology, and artistry utilized by a theatre designer, technician, administrator, and manager.

Learning Goal 4: Film Production & Applications

Develop a fundamental understanding of the production of, and application to, film production.

Learning Outcome 4.1: Informed Judgements About Film & Film Production

Demonstrate the ability to develop, discuss, and defend informed judgments about film and film production.

Learning Outcome 4.2: Film Production & Techniques

Demonstration of successful application and working knowledge of tools, skills, terminology, and artistry in film production.