Music B.A.

A major in Music is achieved by completion of the following courses, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Core Music B.A. Curriculum

Theory Skills

Students must pass a Music Theory proficiency exam or MUS 118 in order to begin the Music Theory sequence. 
MUS 220Materials of Music I

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 222Materials of Music II

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 221Aural Harmony I

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 223Aural Harmony II

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 320Materials of Music III

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 322Materials of Music IV

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 321Aural & Keyboard Harmony III

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 323Aural & Keyboard Harmony IV

1/2 Course Credit

History and Literature

MUS 115Intro to Music Literature

1 Course Credit

MUS 330Music History I

1 Course Credit

MUS 331Music History II

1 Course Credit

Applied Skills

MUA Applied lessons Total of 2.0 credits

Class Piano and Class Voice are prerequisites for Applied Piano and Applied Voice respectively. Requests to waive Class Piano/Voice must be made through the department chair. Space for applied lessons is limited, with priority given to music majors and minors. Each semester of applied study is designated a different course number for 30-minute (0.25 cr.) and 60-minute (0.5 cr.) weekly lessons. All applied students begin at the MUA 105/106 designation regardless of proficiency level. Music majors must acquire a minimum of 2 credits total of applied study on their primary instrument.

MUS 100Class Piano

1/4 Course Credit


MUS 103Class Voice

1/4 Course Credit

Term of Applied Lesson


 Lesson Length

Course Number




 30 mins/week

MUA 105




 60 mins/week

MUA 106


Second Private Lesson


 30 mins/week

MUA 107

MUA 105 or MUA 106



 60 mins/week

MUA 108

MUA 105 or MUA 106

Third Private Lesson


 30 mins/week

MUA 325

MUA 107 or MUA 108



 60 mins/week

MUA 326

MUA 107 or MUA 108

Fourth Private Lesson


 30 mins/week

MUA 327

MUA 325 or MUA 326



 60 mins/week 

MUA 328

MUA 325 or MUA 326

Fifth Private Lesson


 30 mins/week

MUA 335

MUA 327 or MUA 328



 60 mins/week

MUA 336

MUA 327 or MUA 328

Sixth Private Lesson


 30 mins/week

MUA 337

MUA 335 or MUA 336



 60 mins/week 

MUA 338

MUA 335 or MUA 336

Seventh Private Lesson


 30 mins/week

MUS 345

MUA 337 or MUA 338



 60 mins/week

MUA 346

MUA 337 or MUA 338

Eighth Private Lesson


 30 mins/week

MUA 347

MUA 345 or MUA 346



 60 mins/week

MUA 348

MUS 345 or MUA 346

Junior Recital


 60 mins/week

MUA 340

MUA 327 or MUA 328

Senior Recital


 60 mins/week

MUA 400

MUA 337 or MUA 338

 MUS Ensemble (Primary instrument or career related) - total of 1.5 (six terms) participation

Capstone Course

MUS 400Senior Seminar

1/2 to 1 Course Credit

MUS 400/MUA 400: The Senior Seminar is designed to be the capstone experience of the Music Department's core curriculum. As such, the seminar will focus on the research, study, practice, and implementation of the senior Music major’s final project, which consists of a final paper, performance, or other public presentation. Specific content and format will be determined by the student’s concentration, if applicable.

To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.