
Division Chair: K. Brown

Department Chair: J. Dickerson

Faculty: K. Brown, J. Dickerson, V. McDonald, and L. Seroka


Courses: COM Courses

Course Sequencing Table: Communication

Entrance to the Major Information: Progression for COM

Major/Minor Requirements: Communication B.A.Communication MinorBroadcast Journalism Minor

The Communication Department offers courses in human communication including strategic communication, cultural identity, and mass media (production and theory). The Department offers a major and minor in Communication as well as a minor in Broadcast Journalism.

The Department has two principal responsibilities: 1) advancing the students' knowledge, critical thinking, analytical abilities, and skills in communication; and 2) furthering the students' insight into the meaning and value of human experience through the study of human communication in its various forms and through the students' lives and own creative processes.

Upon graduation, majors proceed into graduate or other professional schools, public relations, marketing, broadcasting, advertising, counseling, advocacy, NGO'S or numerous other occupations.

The purpose of the Communication major is to develop in students the ability to be effective, thoughtful, and critical communicators and consumers of communication. Objectives of the major include developing students’:

  1. capacities for critical thinking, reasoning, argumentation, and decision making;
  2. skills in oral communication;
  3. abilities to construct and present effective arguments, mass mediated messages, interpretations and critical analyses orally and in writing;
  4. abilities to understand and effectively engage in interpersonal, organizational, intercultural and public relations communication contexts;
  5. understanding of various theories of communication and rhetoric from the classical to contemporary age;
  6. abilities to utilize naturalistic/qualitative research methods to collect and analyze original data and form conclusions; and abilities to be discriminating consumers and creators of messages

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Communication Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:  

Communication Student Learning Goals & Outcomes

Learning Goal 1: Informed and Engaged Citizens

Students will be informed and engaged citizens of the world by…

Learning Outcome 1.1: Critical Thinking

Demonstrating capacities for critical thinking, reasoning, argumentation, and decision making.

Learning Outcome 1.2: Communicating Competently

Communicating competently across a range of social identities including race, culture, gender, sexuality, and class.

Learning Goal 2: Competent and Ethical Communicators

Students will be competent and ethical communicators in a range of contexts including interpersonal, small group, conflict, public speaking, organizations, and media by…

Learning Outcome 2.1: Constructing Effective Arguments

Constructing and presenting effective arguments, mass mediated messages, interpretations and critical analyses orally and in writing.

Learning Outcome 2.2: Research Competence

Creating speeches, written communication, and media designs that reflect thorough research, commitment to truth, and respect for all sides of an issue and their audiences.

Learning Goal 3: Theories of Communication and Rhetoric

Students will demonstrate understanding of various theories of communication and rhetoric from the classical to contemporary age by…

Learning Outcome 3.1: Explaining Theory

Explaining competently a range of objectivist, interpretive, and critical theories and the thinking behind them.

Learning Outcome 3.2: Analysis Through Theory

Analyzing communication artifacts and current events through a variety of theoretical lenses.

Learning Goal 4: Competent Communication Researchers

Students will become competent communication researchers by...

Learning Outcome 4.1: Use Qualitative and Rhetorical Research Methods

Collecting and analyzing original data by utilizing qualitative and/or rhetorical research methods and forming conclusions by applying theoretical lenses.

Learning Goal 5: Media Literacy

Students will demonstrate media literacy by being discriminating consumers and creators of messages by…

Learning Outcome 5.1: Structure and Function of Mass Media

Demonstrating an understanding of the historical, economic, sociopolitical structure and functions of mass media.

Learning Outcome 5.2: Media Products that Reflect High Standards

Creating media products, including news stories and public relations campaigns, reflecting high standards in production, writing, and ethics.

Learning Outcome 5.3: Written and Oral Analyses of Media Products

Creating written and oral analyses of media products that demonstrate understanding of the historical, commercial, ideological, and production properties of the product as well as its content.