PHL 401 The Philosopher's Capstone: Living in the World Today

This course explores various philosophies and applies them along with knowledge from the social and/or natural sciences to issues in today’s world. We study and/or develop skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies from philosophy sub-disciplines such as ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics and connect them with skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies of the social and/or natural sciences. Students present original philosophical research via an in-class academic conference. Intended for students who have completed or are currently taking at least one other 300/400-level PHL course and who have completed all components of the Spartan Studies Core other than the Culminating Experience.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


At least one previous or concurrent 300- or 400-level PHL course and Spartan Studies First-Year Seminar, Mathematics, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201, core humanities and core social science.

PHL 450 Independent Study

A project designed in consultation with a full-time professor in philosophy in which the student researches a philosophical topic or problem. May be repeated if content varies. Students will write at least one philosophical research paper that undergoes review and revision, and they will do other kinds of writing while engaging with philosophical issues.

Credit Hours: 4

PHL 499 Senior Thesis

Capstone course in which a student, in consultation with a full-time philosophy professor, writes a major research thesis on a philosophical topic.

Credit Hours: 4