Catalog 2021-2022

International Students Requirements and Responsibilities

Immigration Check-in and International Orientation

International students (new and transfer) will attend Immigration Check-in and International Orientation upon arrival at The University. These sessions take place during the week prior to the first day of classes each fall and spring semester.


Students arriving during May Term or Summer Session will contact the Office of International Programs for Immigration Check-in and Orientation procedures.

Full-Time Course Load Requirements

During the fall or spring semester International undergraduate students will take at least 12 academic credit hours to maintain F-1 visa status. International graduate students will take at least 8 academic credit hours per semester to maintain F-1 visa status.

International students are required to enroll for a full-course load in the summer (May Term, summer 12-week session, Summer 1, or Summer 2) if it is the first semester at UT (University of Tampa) as follows: International undergraduates will take at least 12 academic credit hours total in the Summer 12-week session, OR any combination of 12 credit hours in the following sessions: Summer 12-week session, May Term, Summer 1, and Summer 2. International graduates will take at least 8 academic credit hours total in the Summer 12-week session, OR any combination of 8 credit hours in the following sessions: Summer 12-week session, May Term, Summer 1, and Summer 2.


International students seeking a reduced course load during the fall or spring semester, or first or final semester at UT, will contact the International Programs Office to check eligibility and request a Reduced Course Load (RCL) authorization in their SEVIS record prior to falling below the full-time course of study requirement.


Online Courses and Limitations

Only one online class may be counted toward the full course of study requirement during the fall and spring semesters.

If graduating in the Summer semester students must be enrolled in a least one credit hour of an in-person face-to-face course attended on-campus.


Degree Program Completion

International students must make normal progress toward the completion of their degree.