Education Abroad

Today’s employers seek graduates who can effectively communicate in the workplace. They are looking for potential employees that have multicultural knowledge, can negotiate with people from diverse cultures, are able to speak in at least one foreign language and have the basic skills to work outside the United States — all skills that can be garnered from an education abroad experience.

Students interested in an education abroad experience should consult with an education abroad advisor early in their college careers to learn about UT’s portfolio of education abroad programs, procedures, and opportunities. UT undergraduate students applying to study abroad must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA or higher and must be in good conduct standing. Graduate students will have a minimum of 3.00 GPA or higher and will be in good conduct standing.

Financial aid and scholarships are available for education abroad programs. While UT scholarships and need based grants are not part of the financial package for Education abroad experiences in most cases, students can use federal grants, loans, and third-party scholarships to assist with funding a credit bearing program.

Interested students are required to prepare and register all international experiences with the Office of International Programs by applying (deadlines listed within program descriptions), completing a pre-departure session, and enrolling in UT international health insurance. More information and forms are available at


UT undergraduate students applying to study abroad must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA or higher and must be in good conduct standing. Graduate students will have a minimum of 3.00 GPA or

higher and will be in good conduct standing. Students should speak with an education abroad advisor regarding any questions related to eligibility.