FMX 410 Special Topics in Digital and New Media

A studio production course that allows faculty and/or professionally oriented students to intensively explore topics in digital & new media.  May be repeated for additional credit, with a maximum of 6 credits total.

Credit Hours: 1-6


Consent of instructor.

FMX 417 Special Topics in Animation

A studio production course that allows faculty and/or professionally oriented students to select and intensively explore topics in animation.  May be repeated for additional credit, with a maximum of 6 credits total.

Credit Hours: 1-6


Consent of instructor.

FMX 430 Spatial Computing

This studio production course offers a hands-on approach to exploring the methods through which humans communicate with computers and interact with physical and virtual spaces. Students will create works that explore self-expression and interaction with analog and virtual interfaces, in tangible, digital, or expanded realities. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 310, or permission of the instructor.

FMX 440 Screenwriting Features

Screenwriting Features will deepen students’ understanding of the craft of screenwriting by deep analysis of structure and form of feature screenplays and other long-form screenwriting, and by planning and executing a narrative feature length screenplay. This is a writing intensive course, and may be used to fulfill the general distribution requirements for the humanities, if not used in the major.
Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)


FMX 340

FMX 460 Senior Seminar in Film and Digital Production

A studio production capstone course for seniors to complete a thesis film production as the requirement for graduation in the film and media arts degree programs.  Pre-production and production of the senior thesis project will be completed by the end of the semester.  Students pursue production projects of sufficient breadth and depth as to crystallize their experiences at the University.  Should be taken two semesters prior to graduation (fall semester, for spring graduation; spring semester for fall graduation). Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


Senior standing in the Film and Media Arts major and any one of the following: FMX 312, FMX 313, or FMX 314, or consent of instructor.

FMX 463 Multimedia Installation

A studio production course that introduces students to contemporary multimedia installation through both the study of the cutting-edge practitioners within the field and through the production of related projects. Modes of production covered include digital video projection, audio installation, mixed, virtual and augmented reality, and hybrid combinations of the above. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA/ST)


FMX 241 or permission of the instructor.

FMX 492 Independent Study in FMX

Independent project developed under the guidance of a Film, Animation and New Media instructor.  Students will apply by submitting a project proposal to a FMX professor for 1-4 credits. May be repeated for variable credits of 1-4 hours per course.

Credit Hours: 1-4


Senior standing and minimum GPA of 3.0, or consent of instructor.

FMX 499 Senior Project in FMX

A studio production mandatory capstone course for Animation or New Media majors. Each student will create a creative thesis project in their major area that demonstrates the depth and breadth of their learning, leading to exhibition of this work.  This course is required to be taken in students' final semester in the program, and that they exhibit and present their thesis work during the scheduled showcase. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 398 and senior standing in Animation or New Media major, after completion of 106 credits, or consent of instructor.