Catalog 2021-2022

ATT - Athletic Training

ATT 175 Athletic Training Practicum I

This course involves instruction and supervised practice of selected athletic training skills emphasizing taping and wrapping techniques. Completion of this course includes peer assessments, practical examinations and scheduled clinical observation requirements.
Credit Hours: 2


Pemission of Athletic Training Program Director.

ATT 250 Emergency Care in Athletic Training

The content and lab activities in this course prepare athletic training students to work collaboratively and use critical thinking to make appropriate decisions regarding the planning and care necessary in an emergency. Skills taught focus on advanced acute care procedures for people experiencing a medical emergency based on current evidence including: CPR and AED training, administering supplemental oxygen, prevention of infectious disease transmission, initial and secondary injury assessment including a relevant review of systems, wound closure, and patient transportation. Lab fees required.
Credit Hours: 3


HSC 230 with a grade of BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 274 Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis I

Fundamental skills of athletic training examination and assessment, including examination approaches and techniques, assessment of status and documentation for individuals with sport-related injuries. Emphasis placed on musculoskeletal disorders. Case studies are used to facilitate learning.

Credit Hours: 4


ESC 371 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 275 Athletic Training Practicum II

Involves supervised clinical practice with instruction of selected athletic training skills appropriate to the student’s level in the program for example: documentation, emergency procedures and assessments, and technical application of selected therapeutic interventions and protective taping and wrapping. Completion of this course includes practical examinations and clinical education experience requirements. Students must be admitted into the professional athletic training program to be eligible to enroll in this course.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 276 Athletic Training Practicum III

Involves supervised clinical education with instruction of selected athletic training skills appropriate to the student’s level in the program for example: subjective and objective patient examination, diagnostic testing, and clinical documentation. Completion of this course includes practical examinations and clinical education experience requirements. Students must be admitted into the professional athletic training program to be eligible to enroll in this course.
Credit Hours: 3


ATT 275 with a BC or better and ESC 371 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 370 Medical and Surgical Issues in Athletic Training

Seminar-style class with physicians and other health care specialists emphasizing the recognition and evaluation of injuries and illnesses, and the medical intervention and rehabilitation methods used for these problems.

Credit Hours: 3


ESC 371, HSC 100, HSC 230, HSC 250 with a C or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 373 Therapeutic Interventions I

Studies the scientific foundations and practice-based implementation of various therapeutic interventions in athletic training. Provides knowledge necessary to make clinical decisions as to which therapeutic interventions will be most effective in a rehabilitative intervention program. Clinical case studies are used to facilitate learning.

Credit Hours: 4


ESC 371, HSC 231. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 374 Therapeutic Interventions II

A continuation of Therapeutic Interventions I. Studies the scientific foundations and practice-based implementation of various therapeutic interventions in athletic training. Provides knowledge necessary to make clinical decisions as to which therapeutic interventions will be most effective in a rehabilitative intervention program. Clinical case studies are used to facilitate learning.

Credit Hours: 4


ESC 340, ATT 373. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 375 Athletic Training Practicum IV

Involves supervised clinical education with instruction of selected athletic training skills appropriate to the student’s level in the program for example: subjective and objective patient examination, diagnostic testing, and clinical documentation. Completion of this course includes practical examinations and clinical education experience requirements. Students must be admitted into the professional athletic training program to be eligible to enroll in this course.
Credit Hours: 4


ATT 274 with a BC or better and ATT 276 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 376 Athletic Training Practicum V

Involves supervised clinical education with instruction of selected athletic training skills appropriate to the student’s level in the program for example: subjective and objective general medical examination, laboratory and diagnostic testing, and clinical documentation. Completion of this course includes practical examinations and clinical education experience requirements. Students must be admitted into the professional athletic training program to be eligible to enroll in this course.

Credit Hours: 4


ATT 373 with a BC or better, ATT 375 with a BC or better and ATT 377 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 377 Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis II

A continuation of Assessment of Musculoskeletal Injuries I. Fundamental skills of athletic training examination and assessment, including examination approaches and techniques, assessment of status and documentation for individuals with sport-related injuries. Emphasis placed on musculoskeletal disorders. Case studies are used to facilitate learning.

Credit Hours: 4


ESC 371 with a BC or better and ATT 274 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 475 Supervised Clinical Education Athletic Training I

Involves supervised clinical education experiences involving directed and self-directed clinical education experiences at the University and off-campus clinical sites. Provides an opportunity for development of critical thinking skills to integrate previously acquired knowledge and skills in clinical practice and the care of patients. Successful course completion includes board examination preparation, clinical synthesis seminar, clinical in-services, practical examinations, clinical performance assessments, and clinical education experiences.
Credit Hours: 4


ATT 374 with a BC or better and ATT 376 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 476 Supervised Clinical Education Athletic Training II

Involves supervised clinical education experiences involving directed and self-directed clinical education experiences at the University and off-campus clinical sites. Provides an opportunity for development of critical thinking skills to integrate previously acquired knowledge and skills in clinical practice and the care of patients. Successful course completion includes board examination preparation, clinical synthesis seminar, clinical in-services, practical examinations, clinical performance assessments, and clinical education experiences.
Credit Hours: 2


ATT 475 with a BC or better and ATT 495 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 485 Undergraduate Research in Athletic Training

This course is an experiential education course that focuses on conducting undergraduate research in athletic training and working along with a faculty member.  The students will be engaged in project conception, background literature study, methodology, data collection, analyzing results and possible presentation of research to the larger community. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credit hours.

Credit Hours: 1-8


Permission of instructor

ATT 495 Health Care Administration and Quality Improvement in Athletic Training

This course focuses on fundamental principles of administration and evaluation of the delivery of athletic training services in the context of the larger health care system. Strategies to achieve the best patient outcomes by collecting, analyzing, and effecting change using qualitative and quantitative information will be emphasized. Case studies are used to facilitate learning. Students must be admitted into the professional athletic training program to be eligible to enroll in this course.
Credit Hours: 4


ATT 374 with a BC or better and ATT 376 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.