ENT 420 Managing the Start Up Venture

This course addresses the principles of organizational architecture, group behavior and performance, interpersonal influence, leadership and motivation in entrepreneurial settings. This course is a writing intensive course, requiring students to develop written organizational model articulating the startups organizational design, human resources management, leadership and organizational behavior in the context of a new, small firm. For many entrepreneurs, the most pressing questions (aside from those about financing) are about how to locate and recruit talented people, and how to manage and keep them, and how to build a high-growth, long-term, sustainable firm.

Credit Hours: 4


Prerequisite - ENT 320, MGT 330, and all prerequisites for ENT 320 and MGT 330.

ENT 487 Business Plan Development

This course draws on a broad range of business disciplines including management, marketing, finance and accounting to develop the business plan. Critical elements of the plan include industry/market analysis, clear opportunity and concept definition, target market analysis, a comprehensive human resource plan, financial pro forma analysis, as well as statements of sources and uses of funds, and an assessment of critical risks. Semester-long work on the business plan culminates with a business plan competition.

Credit Hours: 4


ENT 320 and all prerequisites for ENT 320.


ENT 360

ENT 490 Entrepreneurship Internship

This internship exposes the student to a real-life learning experience. Students are hired by an organization for the specific objective of gaining work experience in that organization. The paid or unpaid internship position should be relevant to the student's major, and is worked out between the organization and the student. May be used to satisfy up to 4 credit hours of entrepreneurship electives. Approval of the department chair required.

Credit Hours: 4


ENT 320, junior or senior standing and at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA or a 3.0 in COB courses.

ENT 495 Seminar in Entrepreneurship

Topics vary and focus on emerging ideas and the latest research in areas of entrepreneurship that are not covered by the current curriculum. Sample topics include creativity and problem-solving, innovation and technology entrepreneurship, legal issues for entrepreneurs, corporate entrepreneurship, real estate venturing and social entrepreneurship.

Credit Hours: 4


ENT 320 and all prerequisites for ENT 320 or permission of instructor.