AWR 100 Fundamentals of Academic Writing

This course is designed to provide writing and reading support for students while they complete their AWR 101 requirement at UT. Course assignments parallel the AWR 101 assignment sequence, and reinforce the fundamental skills that are necessary for success in AWR 101. This course may not be taken by students who have already received credit for AWR 101, but may be repeated for credit with permission from instructor.

Credit Hours: 2

AWR 101 Writing and Inquiry

Writing and Inquiry invites students to explore questions and think of themselves as writers, constructing answers rhetorically in academic and community contexts. During the writing process, students will consider their own and others' perspectives on a variety of vital personal, historical, philosophical, and social issues. Taking their own experiences and their peers' perspectives as credible sources of knowledge, students will expand their inquiries beyond the personal into complex discussions in academic, literary and public textual forms. Students will also practice appropriate use and critique of technology, using digital sources as support for their arguments and grounds for further inquiry. Students must complete AWR 101 with a grade of "C" or better to register for AWR 201.

Credit Hours: 4

AWR 110 Academic Writing for Multilingual Students I

This course is designed to develop and improve writing skills for students for whom English is a second language. Students may be required to take AWR 110 before enrolling in AWR 101 (see statement on placement testing in English in the Academic Programs section of the catalog). The professor also may recommend that a student take AWR 111 before enrolling in AWR 101. Must be completed with a grade of "C" or better to register for AWR 101. This course may not be used to fulfill the general distribution requirement.

Credit Hours: 4

AWR 111 Academic Writing for Multilingual Students II

A course designed to provide writing and language support for multilingual students while they complete their AWR 101 requirement at UT. It takes an intercultural rhetoric approach that parallels the AWR 101 assignment sequence, and encourages students to draw on their own linguistic and cultural backgrounds to help make sense of English academic writing conventions. This course may not be taken by students who have already received credit for AWR 101, but may be repeated for credit with permission of the instructor.

Credit Hours: 2