Compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

It is important that:          
  1. Prospective candidates be given as complete an understanding as possible concerning the kind of college Berea is. Thus, all candidates invited to campus receive the position announcement, a copy of the Great Commitments, and selected brochures in their welcome packet.
  2. We make clear in all public announcements that Berea recognizes a special responsibility to seek and give full consideration to candidates who are women or members of ethnic and racial minority groups. The statement most commonly used to make this point is “Berea College, in light of its mission in the tradition of impartial love and social equality, welcomes all people of the earth to learn and work here."     
  3. All individuals who express an interest in a vacancy should be given equal consideration. Thus, the same information (e.g., curriculum vitae, application letter, names of references) should be requested from all interested individuals.
  4. All files of individuals who express an interest in a vacancy need to be maintained for five years. Such files will be maintained in the NEOED system for the retention period.