From the President

At Berea College, we bring ideas, ideals, and vision into action. Our community is deeply rooted in our founder John G. Fee’s emphasis on “impartial love” and Christian values like “the triumph of love over hate, human dignity and equality, and peace with justice.” Our motto, “God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth” (Acts 17:26), reflects these guiding principles. We ensure that we remain true these values by articulating eight “Great Commitments” that serve as our moral framework (

Guided by these founding principles, Berea College became the first interracial and coeducational college in the pre-Civil War South, embodying the highest ideals of equality by educating students of all races and genders together. Serving students from the Appalachian region and beyond, we continue to uphold these values by providing educational opportunity, meaning, aspiration, and transformation today.

Our mission is to serve students of exceptional promise and potential from families with limited financial means by offering them high-quality liberal arts and professional educations. Every student receives a substantial cost-of-education scholarship, ensuring that tuition is not a burden. Our unique proposition of a “no tuition and no/low loan” college degree provides the promise of financial freedom.

In addition, Berea’s educational community believes that both mental and physical work enhance education and personal growth. Thus, all students participate in our campus-based Labor Program, aligning with our goal of preparing service-oriented leaders for their communities and beyond. Learning, work, and service are the foundational pillars of Berea’s educational structure.

Our academic programs are rigorous and diverse, with a student-to-faculty ratio of 8:1, ensuring personalized attention and support. Students can explore a wide range of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees, including interdisciplinary programs that prepare them for a complex world. Opportunities for studying abroad, internships, and hands-on learning are integral to the Berea experience.

Berea also has a unique General Studies program that includes common learning goals for all students: developing the ability to tackle complex problems from various perspectives, fostering moral growth and a commitment to service, understanding the relationship between humans and the natural world, exploring individual and shared cultural roots, respecting global cultures, and nurturing creativity, independence, and collaboration. We rely on our dedicated faculty for this essential classroom instruction, while our staff members create valuable learning opportunities in the Labor Program and guide spiritual development. Together, we foster a community that embodies Berea's founding values.

I urge you to see your classroom as an essential part of Berea’s caring community. Strive for new ways of expressing a dedication to discussion, debate, curiosity, creativity, research, and critical thinking. Support your colleagues, faculty, and staff as we partner in providing a transformative educational experience for all students. Find joy in everything you learn and gain from our community.

Whether on campus or as graduates, our students are always members of our learning community. You are a leader of this community. I am thrilled and honored to be part of such an inspirational “one blood, all peoples” community, creating the special place that is Berea College with you and all devoted Bereans.

With appreciation,

Cheryl L. Nixon
