Biology Major


B.S. and B.A. in Biology

The Bachelor of Science and Arts Degrees in Biology from the College of Natural and Health Sciences at the University of Tampa facilitates student attainment of the following programmatic learning goals and objectives.

Goal 1: Core Concepts
To provide students with a broad conceptual background, interconnected framework, and real-world experience in biological science:
A. Students will demonstrate an understanding of genetics, cell structure, cell function, and the molecular processes inside cells.
B. Students will demonstrate an understanding of form, function, and diversity of life.
C. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of evolution and ecology.

Goal 2: Technical, Computational & Ethical Skills
To provide students with technical, computational, and ethical skills used in biological science:
A. Students will demonstrate proper and safe laboratory practices, proper use of equipment, and the ability to use and evaluate scientific techniques.
B. Students will demonstrate the ability to perform appropriate quantitative analysis of experimental data and draw valid conclusions from their analyses.
C. Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively with computational, mathematical, and statistical approaches to acquire, analyze, and/or model experimental datasets.
D. Students will demonstrate ethical conduct while undertaking research projects in biology.

Goal 3: Process of Science
To provide students with the ability to develop hypotheses and design approaches to evaluate them, as well as to access and critically evaluate information in biology:
A. Students will demonstrate the ability to develop testable hypotheses, design appropriate experiments, and present reasoned analyses and interpretations of results.
B. Students will demonstrate the ability to find and effectively use electronic resources to access information regarding biological science.
C. Students will demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the primary literature in biology.

Goal 4: Science Communication
To provide students with the ability to effectively communicate the findings of biological research and connect these findings into the existing body of knowledge:
A. Students will demonstrate the ability to report the results of their experiments in a written paper that conforms to the scientific conventions of that field.
B. Students will demonstrate the ability to orally communicate the findings of their experiments or the work of others.

The Bachelor of Science in biology provides students with a selection of courses needed to prepare for a career in the biological sciences or for further study in graduate or professional programs. This highly specialized curriculum includes more extensive requirements in chemistry and physics in order to maximize the future scientific opportunities available to students. The following concentrations are offered within the Bachelor of Science in biology degree program:

1) General Biology

2) Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
3) Molecular Biology
4) Pre-Health Professions
5) Business

The Bachelor of Arts in biology provides students with a more liberal (less prescribed) educational pathway. As a result, it is most appropriate for students with interests that range outside of biology, or those wishing to specialize in a field of biology that is less reliant on the collateral sciences of physics and chemistry. The following concentrations are offered within the Bachelor of Arts in biology degree program:

1) General Biology

2) Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
3) Molecular Biology
4) Business

The following collateral and prerequisite courses are required for the Bachelor or Science and Bachelor of Arts in biology degree programs.


Collateral and Prerequisite Courses

Collateral and prerequisite courses required for a B.S. in biology:

CHE 232Organic Chemistry I


CHE 233LOrganic Chemistry I Laboratory


CHE 234Organic Chemistry II


CHE 235LOrganic Chemistry II Laboratory


PHY 200General Physics I


PHY 201General Physics II



PHY 205General Physics with Calculus I


PHY 206General Physics with Calculus II


Total Credit Hours:16

Collateral and prerequisite courses required for a B.A. in biology:

CHE 232Organic Chemistry I


CHE 233LOrganic Chemistry I Laboratory



PHY 200General Physics I



PHY 205General Physics with Calculus I


Total Credit Hours:4

The following number of credit hours is required in each of the three course areas for the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts in biology degree programs with a concentration in general biology, organismal and evolutionary biology, or molecular biology.

Credit hour summary for B.S. in Biology: 

 Biology Core Curriculum  25
 Concentration (see above)
 Collateral Courses  16
 Total Credit hours for Major  64-65

Credit hour summary for B.A. in Biology:

 Biology Core Curriculum  25
 Concentration (see above)
 Collateral Courses  4
 Total Credit hours for Major  60-61