Department of Biology

Faculty:  Professor Beach, Chair; Professors Freundt, Mahadevan, Mason, Meers, Waggett, Williams; Associate Professors Dobrinski, Fasick, Grim, L. McRae, M. McRae, Middlebrooks; Assistant Professors Durkin, Hilmo, Logsdon, Makhijani, Osovitz, Ragni, Santamaria; Associate Teaching Professor Taylor, Wilson; Assistant Teaching Professors Brace, Irwin, Landy, Rubelmann; Lecturer Bellanceau; Lab Coordinators/Instructors Gore, LaFond, Veldboom and Marine Science Center Coordinator/Instructor Ambrosio.

It is the Mission of the Department of Biology to inspire and empower sustainable curiosity, inquiry, and discovery in the natural world. We envision a community of collaborative, scientifically literate, forward-thinking individuals who are empowered in the pursuit of inquiry and the dissemination of knowledge, improving our understanding of the natural world. We value:

1) Critical scientific thinking in the pursuit of knowledge through experiential learning at UT and within community partnerships
2) Scholarship within the scientific community and across disciplines through high quality research, dissemination of knowledge, and pedagogical innovation.
3) Professional development to maintain currency in pedagogical and scholarly research advances.
4) Mentoring students on their journey towards academic excellence, career goals, and personal achievements.
5) Communication and collaboration towards the goal of creating an equitable, inclusive, and diverse academic community.
6) Strategic planning that engages the UT community in meaningful interactions.


Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements of the Spartan Studies, all majors offered through the Department of Biology require that students complete the following:

1) Biology Core Curriculum,

2) Upper-Division Biology courses and

3) Collateral and prerequisite courses

Specific details of these requirements for each major and concentration are found by following the links from this page