Catalog 2021-2022

Pre-Health Professions Concentration (including Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dentistry and Pre-Veterinary Science)

Students interested in these professional health careers usually major in biology, selecting courses from the pre-health professional concentration after successfully completing the biology lower-core curriculum. Students also may choose to major in chemistry or biochemistry. Other majors are possible, provided the entrance requirements for professional schools are completed. Students should design their academic programs in consultation with their advisors. Students requesting letters of recommendation to professional schools must do so through the Pre-Health Professions Committee by submitting their requests to the departmental office (Cass Sciences Office Suite).

The pre-health professions concentration is designed to prepare students for application to professional schools such as medical, dental or veterinary. The Army ROTC Department can assist pre-professional students with their graduate program finances through the Health Professions Scholarship Program. For more information, contact the Army ROTC Department on campus.

Students must complete a minimum of six additional biology courses for the B.S. to be determined in consultation with advisors. All six courses must be selected from the Pre-Health Professions Concentration Electives list. Of the six courses, select at least one course each from Category I, II and III. The remaining three upper division BIO electives above BIO 200 can be from any category but must be on the Pre-Health Professions Concentrations Elective list (below).  The remaining elective requirements cannot include BIO 410, BIO 440, BIO 445, BIO 450, BIO 480, BIO 490 and BIO 495. This concentration is not applicable to the B.A. degree because of the collateral courses required for admission to professional school programs.




Pre-Health Professions Concentrations Electives

Choose six of the following with at least 1 each from Category I, II, and III.  The remaining three can be from any Category but must be on the list below:

Requirements for the biology pre-professional concentration:

BIO 227Ecological Physiology


BIO 230Experimental Design and Biostatistics


BIO 250Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy


BIO 301Stem Cell Biology


BIO 302Clinical Anatomy


BIO 307Microbiology


BIO 310Developmental Biology


BIO 315Virology


BIO 317Parasitology


BIO 330General Physiology


BIO 350Cell Biology


BIO 360Immunology


BIO 370Molecular Biology


BIO 380Behavioral Biology


BIO 390Essentials of Electron Microscopy


BIO 395Disease Ecology


BIO 400Evolution


BIO 405Human Evolution


BIO 408Bioinformatics and Genomics


CHE 320Biochemistry


Total Concentration Credit Hours: 23-24

The following number of credit hours is required in each of the three course areas for the Bachelor or Science in biology degree with a concentration in pre-health professions.

Credit hour summary for B.S. in Biology Degree with a Pre- Health Professions Concentration:
 Biology Core Curriculum  25
 Concentration  23-24
 Collateral Courses  16

 Total Credit hours for Major

