Catalog 2021-2022

Department of Biology

Faculty: Professor Beach, Chair; Professors Huber, Masonjones, Meers, Williams; Associate Professors Campbell, Fasick, Freundt, Froeschke, Grim, Kucera, Mahadevan, L. McRae, M. McRae, Waggett; Assistant Professors Durkin, Logsdon, Middlebrooks, Osovitz, Rajanahalli, Santamaria, Slattery; Associate Teaching Professor Cuccinello; Assistant Teaching Professors Bellanceau, Brace, Brown, Dobrinski, George, Madosky, Rozar, Taylor; Lab Coordinators/Instructors Gore, Rubelmann and Marine Science Center Coordinator/Instructor Ambrosio.


The B.S. in Biology, B.A. in BiologyB.S. in Marine Science-Biology and B.S. in Environmental Science programs seek to educate students in the process and methodology of science; to provide the conceptual and applied knowledge necessary to address problems at a wide range of levels of biological organization; and to graduate responsible global citizens who are able to make informed decisions about complex issues. These goals are achieved through learning partnerships in the classroom and laboratory that facilitate growth in knowledge and skills in the basic and applied sciences and through the development of communication and critical thinking skills. Through experiential learning and mentoring, students are introduced to a wide range of historical and contemporary topics and techniques in the biological sciences, thereby facilitating the creative process that leads to scientific innovation. Through these efforts the department seeks to prepare students for careers in science, graduate and professional schools, and to be innovative lifelong learners, while emphasizing the importance of the natural sciences in the University’s liberal arts tradition. The faculty value and continually contribute to the scientific community through high quality research and pedagogical innovation, and to the improvement of society through service to professional organizations, to the university and to broader communities.


Departmental Degree Requirements


In addition to the requirements of the Baccalaureate Experience, all majors offered through the Department of Biology require that students complete the following:


1) Biology Core Curriculum,

2) Upper-Division Biology courses and

3) Collateral and prerequisite courses.

Specific details of these requirements for each major and concentration are found by following the links from this page.