FMX 310 Creative Coding

A studio production course that is a continued exploration of graphic and time based tools with emphasis on the creative usage of programming languages. The class will be centered around the interactive manipulation of traditional and experimental time based media and graphics. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA/ST)


FMX 210

FMX 311 Online Production

A studio production course that is an advanced Web design and production class addressing the history and culture of the Internet and exploring the Web as a domain for publication and expression for online producers. Special emphasis is placed on defining the differences between client-side and server-side creations, and how these affect the content and presentation of the information on the Web. It also emphasizes the evolution of multimedia into hypermedia through the use of client/server tools, Web services, programming languages and databases. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA/ST)


FMX 210

FMX 312 Narrative Production

A studio production course that offers students a hands-on opportunity to explore narrative filmmaking using digital technologies in a combined theory and practice approach. Each student completes a series of short digital films relating to the history, theory and aesthetics of narrative film. Technical instruction includes digital cinematography, lighting, sound and editing. Class includes screenings and discussions on the history and theory of the narrative film. May be used to fulfill the general distribution requirements for the majors. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) ((HFA/ST)


COM 226 and FMX 241 or FMX 313.

FMX 313 Documentary Production

A studio production course that offers students a hands-on opportunity to explore documentary filmmaking using digital technologies in a combined theory and practice approach. Each student completes one or more short digital films relating to the history, theory and aesthetics of the documentary film. Technical instruction includes digital cinematography, lighting, sound and editing. Class includes screenings and discussions on the history and theory of documentary film and video. May be used to fulfill the general distribution requirements for the humanities if not used for the majors. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA/ST)


FMX 241

FMX 314 Experimental Filmmaking

A studio production course that offers students a hands-on opportunity to explore experimental filmmaking in a combined theory and practice approach. Each student completes one or more short films relating to the history, theory and aesthetics of the experimental film. Technical instruction includes cinematography, camera operation, lighting, editing and sound. Class includes screenings and discussions on the history and theory of experimental cinema. May be used to fulfill the general distribution requirements for the humanities, if not in the majors. Laboratory fee required.
Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA/ST)


FMX 241 or FMX 313

FMX 315 3D Printing and Modeling II

An advanced studio production course that further develops skills in 3D printing, modeling, sculpting and painting through the use of 3D printers and appropriate computer software. Applications in 3D modeling and animation (Maya) and 3D sculpting and painting (Mudbox) will be studied in depth to create more accurate and optimized meshes to become 3D printable/sculptural objects. 3D scanning will be used to generate computer models for further development and combination with other existing meshes for 3D printing. Digital lighting and surfacing for computer display and portfolio/demo reel inclusion will also be a component of the course. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 213

FMX 317 3D Animation II

A studio production course that investigates three-dimensional computer animation, including advanced techniques of modeling and animation. This course also includes necessary aspects of texture mapping, character rigging, motion control, animation principles, digital lighting, virtual camera principles, particle effects, dynamics and rendering. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA/ST)


FMX 217

FMX 320 Animation for Interactivity and Games

An advanced studio production course that investigates and develops skills and knowledge in, 3D computer modeling for game graphics, game asset and animation clip development, coding for interactive content and game engines, and content for virtual and augmented reality. The course will also cover character rigging, surface texturing and digital lighting as it applies to games and interactivity. The integration of content into game engines and the distribution of content along with multiplayer experiences will be covered. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 213 and FMX 217

FMX 321 Motion Performance Capture

An advanced studio production course that investigates and develops skills in, simple script writing, directing, choreography, and animation in the area of performance/motion capture for film, games, computer simulations, and interactive media. Computer character design and computer character rigging will be a component to facilitate original creative outcomes. This course offers the opportunity for students to offer professional services to the community in the form of motion capture data. It also seeks to prepare students to work with dancers, performers, athletes, and actors in their animation, VFX and game development careers. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 217

FMX 322 Visual Effects

An advanced studio production course that investigates and develops skills in, 3D computer modeling for CG characters, 3D printing for animatronic creature puppets, and compositing method for combining visual effects and live action footage for film and interactive media. The course will also cover character rigging and creating electronic and mechanical apparatus for controlling animatronic puppet characters. 3D scanning will be used to generate computer meshes for further development and combination with other existing meshes for 3D printing. Digital lighting and surfacing for seamless compositing into live action will also be a component of the course. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 213 and FMX 217

FMX 324 Cinematography

A studio production course that covers the aesthetics and techniques of motion picture cinematography through hands-on demos and assignments. Instruction includes camera operation with in-class workshops utilizing  Canon DSLR, RED Scarlet and Blackmagic cameras, inter-changeable lenses, filters, lighting, diffusion screens, car-mounts and support systems. Underwater cinematography, macro cinematography, time lapse, and other specialized techniques will be covered. Through this course students will creatively explore the principles of cinematography including, composition, exploring the X and Z axis, use of light, color theory, depth of field, and more. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 241

FMX 328 Sound in Media

A studio production course that will encourage experimentation and innovation in sound design for motion pictures, animation, and new media. Instruction and assignments will include techniques in location and studio recording, audio post-production, including ADR, sound effects editing, and mixing that can be applied to a wide array of media - from films, to mobile applications, to audio installation. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 241

FMX 331 The Creative Triangle

A studio production course that explores the roles in the creative decision-making processes of the director, cinematographer and production designer.  It emphasizes the technical, administrative and communication skills that provide the means for successful realization of drama, television, documentary and new media projects.  The aim is to develop a wide range of skills necessary for effective performance in these roles in the context of complex creative collaboration.  Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA/ST)


Any of the following: FMX 312, FMX 313, FMX 314.

FMX 338 2D Animation II

A studio production course that professionalizes the implementation and production of animation techniques, including the use of computers. Advanced projects deal with specific problems and exercises in drawing, storyboard and script/visual analysis. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 238 and FMX 241, or consent of instructor.

FMX 339 Mobile Application Production

A studio production course in creative mobile application design and production. Each student will pitch a unique mobile app concept, develop storyboards, prototypes, and layouts, explore user interfaces, interactivity and application architecture, and create the app through industry standard programming languages and mobile platforms. Classes will be comprised of hands-on workshops on UX/UI design concepts, software and coding, critiques of students works in-process, and the basic theory and history behind successful applications. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 310 Creative Coding or ITM 251 Application Development or COM 315 Web Design

FMX 342 Producing Motion Pictures and Digital Media

A studio production course that teaches producing of professional Hollywood style and independent episodic, serial, and long form, and/or interactive digital media productions. Students acquire skills in production budgets, package development, assignment of production roles, script breakdown, shooting schedules, call sheets, location permits, guilds and unions contracts, marketing and sales presentations and including distribution plans for potential projects.  Relevant producing software is taught and utilized. Laboratory fee required

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 241, or consent of instructor.

FMX 343 Advanced Post-Production

A studio production course that teaches advanced creative and technical possibilities of motion picture editing using the University's advanced digital editing facilities. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


One of the following: FMX 241, FMX 312, FMX 313 or FMX 314, or consent of the instructor.

FMX 363 Webisode Production and Distribution

A studio production course that introduces students to the necessary software, and methodology used for writing, shooting and editing the web series for distribution.  Students will write a web series, shoot, edit, and distribute the pilot episode of their web series.  May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


One of the following: FMX 312, FMX 313, FMX 314 or consent of instructor.

FMX 374 Internship in FMX

Inquiry based on experience working in the related field.  May be repeated for credit.  Students gain experiential credit for working within the field in a variety of available positions.

Credit Hours: 1-4


Sophomore standing or higher with GPA 3.0

FMX 381 Digital Imaging

A studio production course that simultaneously explores digital based photography and digital manipulation of imagery. Relevant history, theory and aesthetics of related media are presented, along with discussions of the societal impact that digital imaging has introduced. Laboratory fee required.

Credit Hours: 4


FMX 210 or FMX 241

FMX 382 Global Perspective in Film and New Media

The referential and theoretical component of this travel course is open to all students interested in learning and exploring historical movements and current trends in Film, Animation and New Media in a socio-political context. Focusing on experiential learning, students will study international cities, museums, institutions and events that are relevant to the fields of Film, Interactive Media, Animation and New Technologies. Varying subjects of study cover Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Americas.
Credit Hours: 2
(IG) (HFA) (T)

FMX 382A Global Perspectives in Film and New Media Travel Course

This travel course is open to all students interested in learning and exploring historical movements and current trends in Film, Animation and New Media. Focusing on experiential learning, students will visit cities, museums, institutions and events that are relevant to the fields of Film, Interactive Media, Animation and New Technologies. Varying destinations include Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Americas.
Credit Hours: 2
(IG) (HFA) (T)


FMX 382 Global Perspectives in Film and New Media

FMX 385 Special Topics in FMX

A course offered at the discretion of the FMX department.  Subject may focus on a topic of current interest in the field, or topic that is of interest to a particular group of students.  May be repeated for credit, if the topic is different.

Credit Hours: 4

FMX 392 Independent Study in FMX

Independent project developed under the guidance of a Film, Animation, and New Media Instructor.  Students will apply by submitting a project proposal to an FMX professor for 1-4 credits.  May be repeated for variable credits of 1-4 hours per course.

Credit Hours: 1-4


Junior standing and minimum GPA of 3.0, and consent of instructor.

FMX 398 Junior Portfolio Review

The Junior Portfolio Review is for students in one of the following: BFA in Film and Media Arts, BFA in Animation, BFA in Digital Arts, BFA in New Media, or BA in New Media Production programs only. The review of on-line portfolios developed within the Professional Seminar, will be made by made by at least two FMX faculty members, and / or guest evaluators. It is a zero-credit course taken concurrent with Professional Seminar, during the second semester sophomore year (after completing 44 credits, before 60 credit hours in the major). The review provides feedback and identifies areas of improvement.

Credit Hours: 0


Pre or Coreq FMX 298. Earned 44 credits, or more. Or permission of instructor.