Spartan Studies Distribution Requirements

Spartan Studies Distribution Requirements

The Spartan Studies curriculum prepares students to examine and respond to issues from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. All UT students pursuing a bachelor's degree, other than Bachelor of Liberal Studies, those enrolled in the Honors Program, and those who have earned an Associate of Arts degree from a Florida System College, are required to complete distribution courses in four disciplinary categories: (1) natural science; (2) social science; (3) text-based humanities; and (4) visual and performing arts. Each course provides an immersion in one or more discipline's methods, subject matter, and the knowledge that the discipline produces. The focus is academic rather than pre-professional. Together, these courses prepare the students for the Spartan Studies Culminating Experience course, in which students apply and evaluate multiple disciplinary approaches to the course topic. Distribution courses are at the 100 or 200 level only.


One of these distribution categories may be counted toward a student's major, where appropriate. Select this link for a list of distribution categories and related major.

Natural Science Distribution (4 credits)

Select this link for a list of courses fulfilling this requirement.


Natural sciences use empirical data and theory to understand the natural world. All students will be required to complete this requirement using a course or course combination in the natural sciences that reinforces scientific approaches to understanding the world. Courses included in the natural science distribution requirement provide students with a detailed exploration of how a specific natural science discipline approaches questions and the tools they employ to attempt to answer those questions.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

1. describe the approach of one or more disciplines based in the natural sciences and will be able to analyze the knowledge that results

2. develop and test scientific hypotheses

3. examine and analyze the viewpoints of experts in the natural sciences

Social Science Distribution (4 credits)

Select this link for a list of courses fulfilling this requirement.


Social or behavioral sciences use empirical data and theory to understand the human world. All students will be required to take a course in a social or behavioral science discipline that reinforces evidence-based approaches to understanding the social world of humans. Courses included in this distribution requirement provide students with a more detailed exploration of how a specific social or behavioral science discipline approaches questions and the tools they employ to attempt to answer those questions.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

1. describe the approach of one or more disciplines based in social or behavioral sciences and will be able to analyze the knowledge that results

2. examine and analyze the viewpoints of experts in the social or behavioral sciences

Text-Based Humanities Distribution (4 credits)

Select this link for a list of courses fulfilling this requirement.


Text-Based Humanities courses use written texts as evidence or inspiration and as a means to make meaning out of the complexity of the human experience. Courses in this distribution area provide an immersion in one or more discipline's methods, subject matter, and the knowledge that results. The focus is academic rather than preprofessional.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

1. describe the approach of one or more disciplines in text-based humanities and be able to analyze the knowledge that results

2. examine and analyze the viewpoints of experts in text-based humanities

Visual and Performing Arts Distribution (3 credits)

Select this link for a list of courses fulfilling this requirement.

Note that students must complete a minimum of three credits to fulfill this distribution requirement. This can be done with a single course or with multiple one- or two-credit courses.


Visual and Performing Arts courses can be found in a variety of disciplines. These courses help students develop skills in aesthetic expression and produce or analyze creative works within traditions of visual and performing arts. Students will learn how this work compares and relates to other forms, genres, or traditions.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

1. describe the approach of one or more disciplines based in visual or performing arts

2. analyze the knowledge of one or more disciplines based in visual or performing arts