Philosophy Minor

The Philosophy minor develops and hones skills of critical thinking and logic. It gives students a solid background in both the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophical debates, introducing them to a variety of issues in ethical theory, applied ethics (e.g., environmental ethics, business ethics and biomedical ethics), social and political philosophy, aesthetics and philosophy of art, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of film, philosophy of law, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, existentialism, philosophy of religion and Asian philosophy.


Degree Requirements

Requirements for the minor in Philosophy

PHL 215Ancient Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle


PHL 302Modern Philosophy: Metaphysics and Epistemology from Descartes to Kant


PHL 201Logic


Any-level PHL or REL elective
Any PHL or REL course at any level


Upper-level PHL elective
Any 300-level or 400-level PHL course. [Please note: PHL 401 The Philosopher's Capstone *may* be taken and counted as the upper-level elective for the Philosophy minor, but it is only a requirement for the philosophy major, not the minor.]


Total Credit Hours:20

Did you know that the Philosophy MAJOR requires just three additional courses beyond the minor?  It can be added as a second major.

Total Credit Hours: 20