Catalog 2024-2025


SPE 300 Storytelling: Voice, Script and Movement

This course includes practical application of ideas toward writing and performance of personal stories.

Credit Hours: 4

SPE 308 Group Communication

This course will help students become more effective and confident communicators within a group structure. It emphasizes the development of skills that will enable students to contribute to a collective message. Theories of group decision-making and leadership will be explored to analyze group interaction. Preparation for organizational communication contexts will be highlighted through critical thinking and problem-solving projects.  

Credit Hours: 4


SPE 200, SPE 208 (or equivalent), or consent of instructor.

SPE 310 Interpersonal Communication

This course focuses on communication in relationships. The emphasis of the course is on the application of interpersonal communication theory, research, and practical skills to everyday life. We pay particular attention to the impact interpersonal communication has on individual identity, and personal, social, and professional relationships. In addition, this course examines trends that affect interpersonal communication in the 21st century: social diversity, the increasing number of long-distance relationships, and the influence of technology on interpersonal interaction.

Credit Hours: 4

SPE 315 Freedom of Speech and First Amendment Studies

This advanced public speaking skills course examines the constitutional, statutory and cases affecting communication professions and individuals.  Through research and performance students will analyze the historical context of free speech in the United States and international speech issues.  A broad range of issues will be considered, including blasphemy, commercial speech, free press, hate speech and privacy, other contexts such as the personal dissemination of speech (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).  Activities include professional presentations, class discussion and academic writing.  Critical thinking and deductive reasoning will be highly utilized in this course.
Credit Hours: 4


AWR 201 or instructor permission

SPE 330 Special Topics in Speech

Special Topics in Speech will offer instruction and experiences in specialized speech-related courses such as forensics, more advanced speech courses, and analysis of public political rhetoric speech.

Credit Hours: 2-4

SPE 392 Independent Study

An independent study that provides third-year students with an opportunity to pursue a topic or project under the guidance of a communication and speech studies faculty member. By permission of instructor and department director.

Credit Hours: 1-4