ENG 204 Research and Writing in the Discipline

This composition course introduces students to scholarly writing in the humanities. Students will study journal articles as models of professional communication in the field. Students will also practice using discipline-specific resources, such as archives, bibliographies, and databases. Writing assignments will include a variety of exploratory research projects, including a literature review.
Credit Hours: 4


LIT 120, AWR 101, and AWR 201

ENG 205 Advanced English Grammar

Explores attitudes toward language and examines the way English works: its history, its regional and social varieties and its grammar. Includes a thorough review of the conventions of usage governing standard American written English. Satisfies a requirement for the secondary English education major.

Credit Hours: 4


AWR 101

ENG 260 Topics in English

An investigation of topics in English. May include issues in rhetoric, composition, English language, digital humanities, disability studies or other topics not covered by the core curriculum. May be repeated for credit if content varies.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4