Molecular Biology Concentration (B.A. or B.S.)

Molecular biology, along with the laboratory tools it employs, is a sub-discipline within biology that has become an important component of our economy. Students interested in pursuing advanced degrees in this field or careers in laboratory or research environments involving molecular biology are encouraged to pursue this concentration.


Students must complete a minimum of six additional biology courses for the B.S. and eight additional courses for the B.A. to be determined in consultation with advisors. Students are required to complete a minimum of four courses from Category I and one course each from Category II and III. Students who pursue the B.A. should enroll in CHE 232 and CHE 233 as part of their degree. Any BIO courses above 199, ENS courses above 200 or MAR courses above 200 may be used to fulfill the remaining elective requirements excluding BIO 410, BIO 440, BIO 445, BIO 450, BIO 480, BIO 490 and BIO 495.


Total Concentration Credit Hours: 23-32