Catalog 2021-2022

Disruptive Classroom Behavior Policy

Disruptive behavior prohibited: Disruptive behavior in the classroom or during an educational experience is prohibited. The classroom and educational experience include in-person educational experience as well as online educational experience. Disruptive behavior includes conduct that interferes with or obstructs teaching or the learning process. Civil expression of disagreement or views opposing those of the course instructor during the times and using the means permitted by the instructor is not itself disruptive behavior and is permitted.

Course instructor – authority and responsibility: The course instructor is authorized to establish rules and other parameters for student behavior and participation during the course or other educational experience supervised by the course instructor.

Temporary removal from class or other educational experience: If a student or students, acting individually or in concert, disrupt or attempt to disrupt the course or other educational experience, the course instructor is authorized to follow several options, depending on the severity and/or frequency of the offending behavior. The course instructor is authorized to instruct the offending student(s) to stop the disruptive behavior or to instruct the offending student(s) to leave the class or educational experience. The course instructor may contact Campus Safety if the student(s) fails to follow the instructor’s instruction. The course instructor must immediately call Campus Safety if presented with an unsafe situation, threatening behavior, violence, knowledge of a crime, or similar circumstances.

Interim measure: In the case of severe and/or frequent disruptive behavior, the applicable academic dean may, upon request from the course instructor, temporarily remove the student(s) from the educational experience pending determination of responsibility under the University’s Student Code of Conduct.

Student Code of Conduct: Violation of this Disruptive Classroom Behavior Policy also constitutes a violation of the University’s Student Code of Conduct.

Referral to the Office of Student Conduct and other sanctions: Depending on the severity and/or frequency of the disruptive behavior, after consultation with their academic dean or their designee the course instructor may refer the offending student(s) to the Office of Student Conduct for further action and possible sanctions, perhaps including involuntary withdrawal (with or without failure of the course) from the relevant course, under the University’s Student Code of Conduct. If a student is involuntarily withdrawn from the course, the appropriate grade of W or WF will be entered for them. If a student is temporarily removed from a class due to disruptive behavior, they will not be able to make up graded work or activities missed during the absence.

Appeals under this policy: Any appeal of the determination under the University’s Student Code of Conduct shall be as stated in the published policy for such appeals.