Catalog 2021-2022

Incomplete Work

A grade of Incomplete ("I") may be awarded at the discretion of the instructor only when the student has been doing satisfactory work in a course and is earning a passing grade and only when a small portion of the student's work in the course is not completed. When a student’s situation warrants that an “I” grade be given, the instructor must document details surrounding the extension when entering the “I” grade on the Grade Roster in Workday.

Incompletes must be finished by the first day of the eighth week in fall for preceding summer terms and spring, or by the first day of the eighth week in spring for the previous fall semester or winter intersession.

Failure of the student to complete work within the time limit results in an “F” being recorded as the final grade. For justifiable reasons, the student may petition to extend the "I" grade beyond the published deadline. If a student would like to request an extension, the student should fill out an Academic Petition and include supporting documentation and confirmation of instructor support for consideration.