PHY 430 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

This course is an introductory course on Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. These two subjects provide simple and powerful tools to study complex systems: large numbers of particles and many degrees of freedom. Topics covered include: the basics of probability theory, statistical description of mechanical systems, the laws of thermodynamics and entropy, the microcanonical and canonical ensembles, and ideal and real gases. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 4


PHY 307 (with a grade "C" or better), PHY 360

PHY 451 Physics Research

Students with junior or senior standing choose a project in consultation with physics faculty members. Requires laboratory or computational research and a written report and oral presentation presented to and reviewed by the physics faculty. May be repeated for a total of four hours of credit. This is a graded course.

Credit Hours: 1-4


PHY 307 with a grade of "C" or better

PHY 499 Special Topics in Physics

A lecture and/or laboratory course offered at the discretion and availability of the physics faculty. Topics may include modern issues in physics, advanced topics in classical mechanics, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, astrophysics, materials physics and other related subjects.

Credit Hours: 1-4