MGT 615 Strategic Management

For graduate students only. This is the capstone course for the MBA. It focuses on business-unit and corporate-level strategy formulation and implementation. Through readings, case analyses and participation in the Strategic Analysis Program (SAP) field study project involving a local organization, students will apply the ideas, tools, concepts and knowledge gained from previous coursework to real-world problems.

Credit Hours: 4


ACC 610, ECO 640, FIN 611, ITM 608, MGT598 and MKT 609.

MGT 650 Nonprofit Management: Thinking Strategically

This course develops context for social enterprise and nonprofit strategic planning. It includes a historic overview of the innovative development of nonprofit organizations, a study of the environmental elements in society that affect nonprofit organizations, orientation and success, discussion of the role of boards in planning, the means for developing effective partnerships and a template for strategic planning. The course will include an application-oriented capstone exercise.

Credit Hours: 3

MGT 659 Nonprofit Management: Leadership and Innovation

This course is the final in the four-week course sequence for the Nonprofit Management and Innovation certificate program. The week has two major segments: leadership and innovation. The leadership portion will help students to identify and assess their leadership potential and evaluate team roles and contributions. The second theme of the week, innovation, is designed to help students formulate an understanding of innovation and social entrepreneurship. The capstone project will tie together the two themes by requiring each group to conduct a feasibility study that identifies an innovative idea and develops an implementation plan that conceptualizes the role of strategic leadership.

Credit Hours: 3

MGT 689 Cross-Cultural Management and Negotiations

This course addresses practical skills for global managers by covering broad management issues as applied to specific skill areas. The latter include establishing credibility, building relationships, obtaining information, evaluating people, giving and receiving feedback, training and development, meeting management, sales and marketing, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Beyond such person-to-person skills, global organization development and consulting skill areas such as multicultural team building, knowledge transfer, innovation, and change management are also covered.
Credit Hours: 4

MGT 690 Internship

International students must consult with the Office of International Programs. May be used to satisfy practicum requirements.

Credit Hours: 1-3


Approval of the graduate office, the college internship coordinator, and the associate dean.

MGT 691 Strategic Management in a Global Environment

In our globalized economy, every company is influenced by trends in international business. Even small localized companies must acknowledge that employees, customers, vendors, competitors, and prices are subject to pressures from international markets. This course focuses on business-unit and corporate level strategy formulation in a global context.  Readings, cases, and lectures are presented from a senior management point of view and students are expected to demonstrate a cross-functional perspective for thinking strategically about managing organizations across borders.

Credit Hours: 4

MGT 692 Learning by Travel: Managing in International Markets

This course is designed to give students an opportunity to develop personal familiarity with the global environment and some of the issues faced by global managers. Beyond the social and cultural dimensions that the residency explores, the course will focus on developing an increased understanding of global markets, competition and business opportunities.
Credit Hours: 4

MGT 695 Special Topics in Management

A course offered at the discretion of the management department. Subject may focus on a topic of current interest in the field, training in a specific area of the field, or a topic that is of interest to a particular group of students.

Credit Hours: 4


To be specified at time of offering.

MGT 699 Independent Study in Management

For graduate students only.

Credit Hours: 1-4


minimum 3.5 GPA and written permission of the department chair.