b. Responsibilities

The process relies on coordination among four groups. The provost will appoint the chair of the Program Review Committee. Other committee members will represent faculty from the schools and staff from institutional research and effectiveness, enrollment services, finance and administration, and other relevant offices.



Office of the Provost

  • Schedule meetings for committee and reviewers
  • Arrange travel (if needed) and honoraria for external reviewers

Academic Program

  • Complete honest and thorough self-study
  • Meet in-person or virtually with reviewers
  • Reflect on recommendations

Program Review Committee

  • Select and invite external reviewers
  • Highlight priorities for external reviewers to focus on
  • Read and interpret final report
  • Submit summary of process to provost

External reviewers

  • Read program self-study
  • Conduct probing on-campus visit or online visit
  • Write final report