Appendix H: Code of Professional Behavior for Students in the MGH Institute School of Nursing

The MGH Institute of Health Professions (IHP) School of Nursing abides by the American Nurses Association code of ethics and expects students also to abide by the Student Nurses Association code of ethics. The School of Nursing (SON) community is a microcosm of the professional arena. In addition to the requirements for conduct articulated in the HIPAA privacy rules, and the IHP Catalog: Safety and Security section, this SON Code of Professional Behavior is aimed at assuring an environment that is conducive to optimal student learning and professional development, thereby protecting patient, student, faculty, and staff safety. In addition, the Code assures that graduates of the IHP uphold the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. Toward that goal, the SON must evaluate students’ professional conduct in the same way it does scholarship and clinical proficiency. Evaluation is focused on the student’s obligations toward the IHP community of faculty, students and staff across learning and professional environments. Professional environments include, but are not limited to, the classroom (in person or online), the laboratories, and inpatient, outpatient, and community clinical sites. The clinical environment also includes any volunteer efforts where students are representing the IHP.

It is the goal of Partners HealthCare System Inc. (PHS) and its affiliate, the IHP, to provide a safe, comfortable, productive, professional and educational environment that is free from disrespectful, harassing, and offensive behavior, both in person, or via information communication technologies such as social networking sites and other electronic and digital media. This means that all students must treat one another and all other members of the IHP and PHS communities with dignity and respect, and, as a health care professional, adhere strictly to all requirements directed at protecting patient health information, safety, and confidentiality. Furthermore, students are expected to adhere to professional boundaries. As per the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) standards in their document on professional boundaries:

“As a health care professional, a nurse strives to inspire the confidence of clients,
treat all clients and other health care providers professionally, and promote the
clients’ independence. Clients can expect a nurse to act in their best interests
and to respect their dignity. This means that a nurse abstains from obtaining
personal gain at the client’s expense and refrains from inappropriate involvement
in the client’s personal relationships.” (2007).

No form of harassment will be tolerated, including, but not limited to, disrespectful and/or abusive conduct and associated retaliatory behavior or harassment based on an individual’s status (race or ethnicity, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital/relational status, genetic background, health condition or physical attributes). All allegations of such behavior are taken seriously, investigated, and where it is determined that such behavior has occurred, the SON will take all steps it deems necessary, including but not limited to acting promptly to ensure the conduct ceases and continuing effects are eliminated.


Harassment or physical conduct that:
  1. Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational or professional environment; 
  2. Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance; or 
  3. Otherwise adversely affects an individual's educational opportunities. 
Examples of harassing conduct include but are not limited to:
  1. Epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping or threatening, intimidating or hostile acts that relate to race or ethnicity, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital/relational status, genetic background, health condition or physical attributes. 
  2. Written, electronic or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group because of race or ethnicity, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital/relational status, genetic background, health condition or physical attributes. Electronic media includes, but is not limited to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. 
  3. Threatening or intimidating behavior or words (electronic, written or oral) directed at another person. 
  4. Taunting, jeering, mocking or humiliating another person through words/texts or actions. 
  5. Insulting someone, in any form, especially in the presence of others. 
  6. Screaming or yelling at or around others. 
  7. Endangering the safety of an individual or individuals. 
  8. Delivering feedback to fellow students, faculty and professional colleagues that is demeaning or offensive, and not designed to ameliorate or address a problematic incident or behavior. 
  9. Behaviors described in the Institute's Catalog on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault policies.
REASONABLE VICTIM STANDARD - In order to determine if the alleged conduct constitutes harassment, the IHP will follow the Reasonable Victim Standard. This standard asks whether a reasonable person, in the same or similar circumstances, would find the alleged conduct intimidating, hostile or abusive, e.g. would other health care professionals of the claimant's race or ethnicity, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital/relational status, genetic background, health condition or physical attributes feel harassed or offended if the alleged conduct were directed toward them.

Students at the IHP will also refrain from all acts of:

VIOLENCE AND/OR THREATS OF VIOLENCE, defined as behavior that:

Creates an educational or professional environment that a reasonable person would find physically intimidating or threatening, violent or abusive; regardless of whether the behavior may affect a person's psychological or physical well being.


Creates an educational or professional environment that a reasonable person would find psychologically intimidating or threatening, or abusive; regardless of whether the behavior may affect a person's psychological or physical well being.

Examples include but are not limited to:
  1. An act of physical aggression, such as an assault or attempted assault on another student, faculty member, staff, patient or visitor.
  2. Threats – Words/texts or actions that either create a perception there may be intent to harm a person or property or that result in harm or similar consequences. 
Other prohibited activity:
  1. Use or possession of explosives, firearms or other weapons on IHP property or property connected to IHP educational or professional experiences. 
  2. Deliberate destruction or theft of SON or IHP property, or the property of others. 
  3. Stalking - Willfully, maliciously and repeatedly following or harassing another student, faculty member, staff, patient or visitor, whether on or off IHP premises. 
Students are to conduct themselves at all times with:

INTEGRITY, which refers to representing oneself with honesty and sound ethical principles, and includes, but is not limited to
  1. Disclosing your status as a student both verbally and in documentation in clinical settings. 
  2. Documenting any and all information accurately on patient records. 
  3. Following the IHP policies on integrity found under the Conditions of Enrollment in the IHP Catalog. 

Students are expected to:
  1. Come to class on time, or enter the room with minimal disruption. 
  2. Treat speakers with dignity and respect. 
  3. Silence cell phones and other electronic devices during class. 
  4. Determine from each faculty member what are the acceptable boundaries of behavior or the class, Examples to inquire about include, but are not limited to: 
    1. Eating in class; 
    2. Bringing visitors to class; and 
    3. Rules for group process in discussion. 
  5. When in clinical sites students are always to remember they are guests of the site and are to behave with politeness and respect for the site’s employees and staff, and show respect for the site environment as well as possessions belonging to the site’s employees and staff. 
  6. Demonstrate the ability to give and receive constructive feedback. 

The Board of Registration in Nursing (BORN) has alerted Schools of Nursing to caution students about their use of social networking sites. Such sites (including, but not limited to Facebook, My Space, Twitter) are not considered private. The BORN reminds us that employers, as well as admissions committees in graduate programs, can and do use the sites to screen candidates, make employment or admissions decisions, or as the basis to rescind offers of employment or admission to candidates whose social networking images reflect poorly on them as professionals or potential professionals.

*This Code of Professional behavior is drawn directly from the corporate policies of the Partners HealthCare System Inc. (PHS) and its affiliates, in concert with the stated policies for professional conduct from the American Nurses Association, and NCSBN on Professional Boundaries.

[Policy reviewed June 2014]