Labor Supervisor

The Labor Supervisor is the practicaleducatorwithin Berea’s labor program, a comprehensive work-learning-service program federally recognized under the work college legislation*. The labor supervisor utilizes the learning outcomes from the department work assignments to educate the studentregardingsoft skills (teamwork, initiative, attendanceetc.) andposition-specific skills. The supervisor is also responsible for the certification of the time the student has worked and a mid-point and final evaluation of the student’s performance during theassignment.When evaluating thestudent’s work performance, thesupervisorconsidersthe labor learning goals, workplace expectations, and the seven performance expectations (attendance, accountability, teamwork, initiative, respect, learning, and position-specific requirements). The final evaluation score is uploaded to the Labor Transcript.


Supervisors are responsible for helping meet the requirements of the Labor Program, which is driven by Federal Work Study and Work Colleges regulations. Failure to meet the administrative functions of supervision (timely and accurate approval of student-employee time, status forms, evaluations, etc.) may result in the loss of student-employee positions in your department. 


* Federal legislation defines a Work College as a special type of degree-granting institution where a “comprehensive work-learning-service program” is “an integral and stated part of the institution’s educational philosophy and program,” a “valuable educational approach” and an “integral part of the institution’s educational program and part of a financial aid plan that decreases reliance on grants and loans and encourages students to participate in community service activities.” Berea is one of ten federallyrecognized work colleges.


Supervisor Agreement

Supervisors are required to sign an annual agreement outlining their responsibilities as student employment supervisors. All supervisors must have a signed agreement on file no later than the end of August. The process will be conducted via DocuSign, and these agreements will be kept on file with HR. Supervisors who fail to sign will be ineligible to serve in their supervisory roles.

Supervisor Communications

Strong communication between the supervisor and the student is vital for the success of the Work-Learning-Service relationship. Supervisors are expected to communicate continually and consistently about workplace expectations, deadlines, benchmarks, evaluations, and anything else that supports the development of workplace skills. 


The Labor Program prioritizes two preferred methods of communication: Microsoft Teams and Outlook.