
Economics Course Sequencing Table

Please be aware that the table below represents current planning and is subject to change based on faculty availability and student interest. It is not meant to represent any guarantee to the student that the courses will be offered in the term in which they are currently planned. This chart was last updated in October 2021.

Course Fall 20 Spr 21 Fall 21 Spr 22 Fall 22 Spr 23
ECO 101** X X X
ECO 102** X X X X
ECO 248         X
ECO 250** X X X
ECO 301**          X
ECO 302** X        
ECO 310**    X     X
ECO 332**
ECO 341            
ECO 347**
ECO 350        
ECO 357 (BUS)  
ECO 360 (PSC)**   X    X
ECO 366            
ECO 370 (SENS)  X        
ECO 410** X X  X X

**Courses marked with double asterisks are tracked in Planner.