Chemistry B.A. with a Biochemistry Concentration

Degree Requirements

A major in Chemistry with a Biochemistry Concentration is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

CHM 131Accelerated General Chemistry

1 Course Credit


CHM 134Accelerated Environmental Chem

1 Course Credit

CHM 221Organic Chemistry I

1 Course Credit

CHM 222Organic Chemistry II

1 Course Credit

CHM 311Analytical Chemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 340Biochemistry I

1 Course Credit

CHM 345Introduction to Biochemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 361Thermochemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 440Biochemistry II

1 Course Credit

BIO 441Cell and Molecular Biology

1 Course Credit

All four (4) advanced-laboratory courses

CHM 370Adv Lab - Chromatography

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 371Advanced Lab - Spectroscopy

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 470Adv Lab - Nuclear Magnetic Res

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 471Adv Lab - Synthesis Lab

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 370, CHM 371, CHM 470 and CHM 471—½-credit each

Required Capstone Course/Experience

An approved research experience is required. To satisfy this requirement, and in consultation with the Academic Advisor, courses can be for credit or not for credit. Some possibilities are CHM 398/CHM 498, a research course, or an approved summer research project. Each student must submit a formal report summarizing the work accomplished on the project. See http:/ for guidelines. All student capstone experiences, regardless of concentration, will be approved case-by-case.

Required Collateral Courses

The Biochemistry concentration requires 4 collateral courses:

BIO 110Modern Biology

1 Course Credit

MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit

PHY 127General Physics I with Algebra

1 Course Credit

PHY 128Gen. Physics II with Algebra

1 Course Credit


PHY 221/PHY 315Intro Physics I with Calculus

1 Course Credit

PHY 222/PHY 316Intro Physics II with Calculus

1 Course Credit

To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.