Political Science Major

Through a set of core courses and additional elective courses, students will develop political awareness and an understanding of the critical thinking and research skills that allow them to participate effectively as citizens in a rapidly globalizing world.

Each student will take the required five core courses and then select an additional 24 hours (6 courses) of elective political science courses; one course must be at the 400 level (all PSC 400-level courses, except PSC 450, qualify as does IST 470).

Degree Requirements for a Major in Political Science

Core requirements

PSC 100Introduction to Government and World Affairs


PSC 101Introduction to American Government


PSC 102Introduction to International Relations


PSC 269Research Methods for Political Science


PSC 270Political Analysis


Total Credit Hours:20


Total Credit Hours:24

Research-intensive requirement

One 400 level course (part of the 24 elective hours)

Total Credit Hours: 44